Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 253 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder

Chapter 253 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder (37)

Li Qingbao saw the transparent little bug, and suddenly revealed a mouthful of fangs.

With small red eyes, she looked at Li Qingbao warily.

It seems to say that if you go any further, your fingers will be bitten off.

Li Qingbao withdrew his finger: "It's quite fierce."


Zijue saw the tail of the transparent bug again, and suddenly released a puff of gas.

Maybe it's the bugs farting.

But this gas is exactly the same as miasma...

"These miasmas are made by them?"

Li Qingbao's mind began to spin rapidly. Is this miasma the blue blood grass?

Insects suck the grass pulp of blue blood grass, and then expel miasma. Those miasmas have the effect of curing diseases?
"Uncle Huang, let's take back some of these little bugs, and some of these blue blood grasses, maybe it will help the disease!"

They are not professional doctors, so they don't know if this thing has curative effect, and there are no patients to test it for them. The most direct way is to take these things back and give them to professionals to study.

"I think so too."

Zi Jue touched Li Qingbao's little head.

"You wait here, I'll go."

Li Qingbao rang the worm's teeth just now, and grabbed Zijue: "Uncle Emperor, let me come."

Zijue looked at the next guy with a swearing expression on his face: "Okay."

But Zijue picked up the sword beside him. If the little bug had really amazing attack power, he would strike immediately.

Li Qingbao didn't get close, the insect was very small, and the roots of every blue blood plant were densely packed with this insect.

If too many bugs are disturbed and they all attack, they will not know what kind of trouble they will cause. Moreover, the miasma is useful to the villagers. If the bugs are destroyed, the miasma will disappear, which is another big sin.

If you don't alarm the other bugs, just catch a few, and Li Qingbao has to do it.

Zi Jue saw Li Qingbao's fingertips, and suddenly a strand of green thread appeared, and then the threads intertwined invisible in the air, gradually forming a net bag shape.

Then the green gradually disappeared in the air and became transparent. The net bag was so fast that before Zijue could react at all, he covered the whole blue blood grass with his head.

Including all the little bugs above.

Then Li Qingbao walked over and uprooted the whole grass.

The transparent bottle was automatically intertwined and sealed, and there was a grass in it intact, and there were insects sucking the plasma of the blue blood grass, without being disturbed at all.

Passing the bottle to Zi Jue, Li Qingbao said triumphantly, "How about it, Uncle Huang, I'm good."

Zijue looked at the bottle, his pupils constricted slightly.

The methods used by Li Qingbao are obviously not like the methods available to human beings.

But she showed it in front of Zijue without reservation.

Looking at the little baby who was smiling so much that his big teeth were showing, Zijue threw him down in the yellow flowers beside him.




"Huh? Uncle Emperor."

"Whatever you are, you are mine."

"it is good!"

"I belong to the emperor's uncle alone."

"Marshmallow" is as sweet as ever, Li Qingbao was almost lost in this sweetness,
Everything is beautiful, and I love it.

However, Zijue feels that all the beauty in the world is not as good as what I love.

Whether it's colorful, or red, orange, yellow and green, it's not as delicate as this flower in my arms.

(End of this chapter)

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