Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 257 The Eighth Form of the Regency Funder

Chapter 257 Eighth Form of Regency Funder (End)
"I feel that the Prince Regent is very kind, courageous and resourceful, and I am very pleased. I have decided that I will marry the Prince Regent soon. Qin Tianjian will come out on a date."

The hands of the ministers trembled, and the whiteboards in the hands of many fell to the ground.

It's not that they can't hold it steady, it's what the emperor said, it's really scary.


All the ministers looked at Qin Tianjian who was trembling forward, and couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic.

Fortunately, I am not Qin Tianjian.

"Do all the ministers have any opinions?"

Li Qingbao glanced at everyone coldly, seemingly asking for their opinions with a smile on the surface, but everyone understood the deep meaning in those eyes.

Who dares to disagree?
Come out and get your consent.

What's more, there is a regent next to him, watching him covetously.

All the ministers felt that it was really too difficult for them.

The Minister of Rites came out tremblingly: "Your Majesty, my minister..."


Li Qingbao's eyes were like knives, and he weighed his words, what should be said and what should not be said, you should understand that you are a veteran.

"Is Shangshu 48 this year?"

Minister of the Ministry of Rites wiped the sweat from his brow, and quickly finished what he hadn't said: "It's 48, minister, I want to ask, what standard of etiquette will be used to win, minister, get ready."

Li Qingbao smiled and said the next sentence: "Although Shangshu is not young, I can use it easily. Shangshu still needs to serve the country for a few more years."

"The regent is the queen, what etiquette do you say?"

"That's naturally the highest standard of etiquette^..."

Shangshu answered very six.


Until the end of the early dynasty, what Li Qingbao thought was going through twists and turns, turned out to be all smooth sailing.

Zi Jue who was beside him: "Uncle Huang, are you so impatient to get married?"

Zi Jue looked at the little emperor beside him with a half smile, raising his eyebrows: "Of course, I can't wait to be the emperor's bride."

Li Qingbao's face turned red, bride? ?
under? ?
Hey, the gold master is a big dirty woman.


In the spacious and bright classroom, the sounds of reading and lectures come and go.

The history teacher wrote and drew on it, and told the children the history of a huge dynasty.

According to historical records: Emperor Qingbao reigned for 58 years, worked hard to govern, and reformed 6 times in total. He was the first and most successful female emperor in history.

Her contribution to history is unmatched by any ancestor. She directly transitioned the feudal dynastic system to the constitutional monarchy.

Six reforms reformed the industry, agriculture, studies, and commerce at that time.

In the end, he ruled the whole world without abolishing a single soldier.

According to historical records, during the last period of the entire Qingbao period, the people of all countries spontaneously rebelled against the country and joined the Zitian Kingdom, giving up their own country.

Because the difference in development is too great.

Everyone in Zitian can eat and drink enough, can learn, and while the technology is advanced, it is also a weapon that makes them daunting.

In the end, the countries with several major powers could only give up resistance.

Let several countries become one.

It is said that Emperor Qingbao had developed gunpowder at that time.

All kinds of rifles, assault guns, even dynamite, bombs.

During her reign, the world was peaceful, there was no war, no smoke, and even if there were natural and man-made disasters, the common people were never afraid.

This is a prosperous dynasty with no one before or after.

It even established diplomatic relations with overseas countries and traveled in many countries, internationalizing the entire continent.

Suddenly a student asked, "Why was such a great emperor assassinated?"

This is puzzling.

The history teacher smiled mysteriously: "History is written by people. Since it is written by people, it may be true or false. Someone once said that Emperor Qingbao did not die, but lived in seclusion with the regent."

"Because, they had an agreement when they were young."

"When the world is at peace, only you and I will be safe."

 In the next world, grandson of actor x vase ancestor
(End of this chapter)

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