Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 258 The 9th Form of the Movie King and Gold Master

Chapter 258 The Ninth Form of the Movie Emperor and Golden Lord (1)

Listening to the teacher's lecture on stage, Li Qingbao couldn't help feeling a little hallucinating.

This time, he actually went to the previous plane thousands of years later.

His great achievements are printed in textbooks.

For people to admire, there is even a statue of himself in the palace.

And the love story between himself and Zijue has been replayed countless times.

Eternal and peerless love.

The love of life and death, I don't know how much box office and tears it earned, so everyone will never tire of watching it.

Li Qingbao didn't know what was wrong with the system, and he didn't let himself know the system plane, so he sent himself here directly.

There was no greeting either.


"Spare tire number one?"

No matter how Li Qingbao yelled, the system space was completely silent.

Xiao Jiu gently climbed from Li Qingbao's fingers to his wrist, then turned into a bracelet, and lay down quietly.

"Master, it's okay if the system isn't here, we can travel between planes by ourselves."

"My injuries are more than half healed."

"Master, or let's untie the system."

Xiao Jiu urged her master to cross the river and demolish the bridge.

Li Qingbao casually marked the key points in the textbook according to what the teacher said.

"Wait a little longer. After all, we have traveled so many worlds. This system has not done anything to apologize to us. Although it is mutual benefit. We should also get together well. If something really happens to it, we can help Just give me a hand."

"It can be regarded as a good understanding of the cause and effect."

Xiao Jiu nodded and sent a wave of rainbow farts: "Master, you are really kind, how can I have such a good master."

Li Qingbao tapped Xiao Jiu lightly on the head.

"Little sycophants."

Xiao Jiu laughed straight.

"Master, I'm not a sycophant, look at these book writers, they are sycophants."

The textbook wrote about Emperor Qingbao's life, saying that Emperor Qingbao was capable of literature at the age of three, capable of martial arts at the age of five, and mastered both medicine and poison.

Make weapons, compile books, save the plague, and pacify the world.

Almost an all-round kid.

It is simply a miraculous skill passed down by Emperor Qingbao.

Li Qingbao blushed a little while watching, and couldn't help holding his face intoxicated the more he watched: "I don't even know that I am so powerful."

But the harvest from the previous world was really huge. Li Qingbao really worked hard all his life to make the world peaceful. The power of faith in the whole world directly benefited Li Qingbao a lot.

Li Qingbao looked at the seedlings in his dantian, which were already flourishing. Although they were still very small, their vitality had recovered.

She can return to her own plane now, but she is still a little far from the peak strength.

and so……

Still need to wait.

After all, those two sluts have also benefited a lot from themselves, so they must have grown in strength over the years.

She needs to wait to go back.

"Master, when I go back, I must swallow those two people in one gulp, so as to relieve the hatred in my heart."

Li Qingbao touched Xiao Jiu's head, thinking of Xiao Jiu's suffering from skin cramps, his eyes gradually became cold: "Don't worry, hurry up."

"Yeah, master~" Xiao Jiu rubbed Li Qingbao's wrist coquettishly.

Under the sunshine, one person and one beast cuddle up to each other, looking harmonious and loving.

The original owner, Li Qingbao, grew up in the compound, and his parents are from the older generation.

People of the older generation who have made great contributions.

Although he has retired now, his energy is still not to be underestimated.

The original owner was an old woman with an older brother on top.

(End of this chapter)

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