Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 259 The 9th Form of the Movie King and Gold Master

Chapter 259 The Ninth Form of the Movie Emperor and Golden Lord (2)

Seeing this, Li Qingbao was very moved and shed tears of bitterness. Finally, he no longer had to be an orphan, and he didn't have to face the best family members.

Because she is an old woman, the original owner's parents dote on the original owner very much. In addition, the family wants money and power.

So the original owner grew up soaked in a honeypot from a young age.

Even at that time when they were rebellious, clubbing, and imitating bad habits, the old couple tried their best to persuade them to change.

Get the original owner back on track.

The original owner is now truly reformed.

And also Buddhism.

She is really a little girl who has flown kites on the prairie and ran horses in the desert. She has played wild and obedient. Now she often feels that life is boring, as if nothing attracts her attention.


Until the original owner met a person, the true destiny!
The original owner rekindled his passion for life.

It's the actor, Huo Si.

In fact, this guy is also a child in the compound, but he doesn't go back often, and the original owner doesn't know much about their family affairs.

Just to fall in love with such a person at a glance, it is shocking and fall in love at first sight.

Then he became Huo Si's biggest fan.

She wanted to collect everything about Huo Si, even when she went to college, she also applied to the Academy of Performing Arts, just to enter the showbiz and get closer to Huo Si.

The original owner's parents were pissed off, they wanted to act in a play, they thought it was embarrassing, the entertainment industry was dark, and they were afraid that their children would be hurt.

But no matter what, the original owner decided to step into the entertainment circle, and moved out of the house angrily, deciding not to rely on the family at all, but also to become a movie queen.

The ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny.

Seeing that they have all graduated, they haven't even received a trick.

Living expenses also earn less than a cent.

Still relying on his elder brother to help.

Li Qingbao covered his head.

The original owner was out of his mind, his parents had power, his brother had money, and if he wanted to break into the entertainment circle, he had to do it himself.

Don't let your parents escort you.


Do relatives have an overnight feud?
Do parents and children really get angry?
Isn't it stupid!

Li Qingbao is no fool.

And if the original owner's parents really decide not to let the original owner enter the entertainment industry, then they are the key to the original owner's failure to even get a trick.

The original owner has someone who wants to have a lot of face, and doesn't ask for salary, how can he not even get a trick, the original owner didn't even think about the reason in the middle.

Seeing that the get out of class bell has already rung.

Xiaomei at the same table patted Li Qingbao on the shoulder: "It's so hot, let's get some food and go back to the dormitory to eat."

Li Qingbao shook his head: "I'm going home for dinner today, my brother will pick me up later."

Xiaomei was discouraged: "Okay, I really don't want to go out, I feel like I will peel off a layer of skin when I go out."

Li Qingbao shrugged, saying that there was no way.

Xiaomei and her are in the same dormitory, four people in one dormitory, two small groups, those two are in the same group, she and Xiaomei are in the same group.

"Hey, brother, come and pick me up later. Let's go home for dinner together at noon. I don't have classes in the afternoon, so I'll go home to stay at night."

Li Qingbao said whatever he wanted, and he was straightforward, but he couldn't surprise the person opposite him.

My sister hasn't been home for a long time.

"Okay! Just wait, brother will pick you up right away."

Li Qingbao walked slowly to the school gate with a small floral umbrella.

The sun is really hot.

Sunburned skin is hot.

The sentimental brother didn't keep him waiting for too long, almost as soon as he stood still, a low-key big Benz arrived in front of Li Qingbao.

The window of the car fell down, revealing a cold and hard face, but the eyes were full of tenderness: "It's hot, get in the car quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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