Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 260 The 9th Form of the Movie King and Gold Master

Chapter 260 The Ninth Form of the Movie Emperor and Golden Lord (3)

Li Qingbao slid in and got into the co-pilot.

"Brother, when did you change your car, such an ugly car?"

"They are not worthy of your status as president."

Although it is also a big run, it is only 30 to [-].

My brother never had a car like this.

Li Yumin's lips said, "I borrowed it from the staff."

Li Qingbao opened his mouth wide.

Suddenly remembered that the original owner had said before that he should keep a low profile and not rely on family power, so when Li Yu came to pick up the original owner in a luxury car, his classmates saw it and the rumor was ugly.

Then the original owner became very angry.

Later, the elder brother who spoiled his sister came every time in a broken car.

Li Qingbao was ashamed...

"Brother, you don't have to do this in the future. I really like your Lincoln. It's comfortable. This car is not uncomfortable at all."

"And I also want to understand, I am the eldest lady of the Li family, no matter what, I am the eldest lady of the Li family, why do I have to live a miserable life."

Li Qingbao felt that the original owner was really stupid!
There was a hint of a smile in front of Li Yu: "Just figure it out. My parents are old and not in good health. Let them save themselves."

"Actually, Dad just wants to save face. If you have to go to the entertainment industry, can he not let you go?"

Li Qingbao nodded like a chisel: "Yes, Dad just has a hard mouth."

"Brother, don't worry, I will definitely take care of Dad when I go home this time."

Li Yu's always serious expression eased a little, and he felt uncomfortable because the family was stiff.

But the younger sister is headstrong, and the one in the family is stubborn, so what can I say.No one listens.

Now my sister seems to be a little more sensible and can slow down a little bit. In fact, my father can handle it very well.

"Didn't you always want to sign with Star King Entertainment?"

"I took a look. The person in charge seems to belong to the compound too. I'll see if I can get online..."

Li Qingbao shook his head: "Brother, no need, I can sign wherever I want, I can handle it myself."

"I don't need to go through the back door for everything. Besides, how much do you owe, no need."

"As long as you and Dad don't get in the way behind you quietly, so that I can't even get a trick."

After Li Qingbao said this, he stared at Li Yu closely, and Li Yu rubbed his nose in embarrassment.

"It's what Dad meant..."

Li Qingbao snorted arrogantly: "Huh╭(╯^╰)╮! I'll settle the score for him when I go back today."

Compassion flashed in Li Yu's eyes, Dad, there is nothing I can do to help.

He just said, this matter will be discovered sooner or later.

"Dad! Mom!!"

"I'm back."

Li Qingbao yelled loudly when he got out of the car.

The whole community who shouted heard it.

When Li Mama heard the voice in the room, she was pleasantly surprised.

"Hey, Bao'er is back.
"Come back when you come back, with such a loud voice, who can't hear it?"

Papa Li hurriedly put down the flower scissors excitedly, walked two steps towards the door, thought for a while and then walked back, picked up the flower scissors again, pretending to be nonchalant.

Seeing her husband's actions, Li Mama couldn't laugh or cry.

"Okay, don't put on your airs, who in our family doesn't know."

"Don't think I don't know, you don't know how happy your daughter is when she comes back."

"The child is getting older, and sometimes he has his own ideas. We can't always stop the child."

Before the child came in, Li Mama hurriedly sounded the alarm to his wife.

"Isn't it just to go to the entertainment industry? Hurry up and promise her that she will come back every day in the future, otherwise she will miss me every day."

"If you fight again this time and make me angry, just wait."

(End of this chapter)

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