Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 261 The 9th Form of the Movie King and Gold Master

Chapter 261 The Ninth Form of the Movie Emperor and Golden Lord (4)

"Isn't it just to go to the entertainment industry? Hurry up and promise her that she will come back every day in the future, otherwise she will miss me every day."

"If you fight again this time and make me angry, just wait for me." Li Mama was also really annoyed.

She scratched her heart and lungs thinking about her child every day.

What do you mean?

Papa Li didn't speak, Li Mama slapped Papa Li on the back of the head,

"Did you hear that??"

"Got it, got it, are you annoying? You won't tell your daughter, don't make me angry?"

Li's father was also very upset, feeling that his status at home was really too low.

"You bad old man, how can you be more important than my daughter."

After finishing speaking, Li Mama hurried out, and said as she walked, "Bao'er, be careful, I miss my mother, but I'm back."

Li Qingbao rubbed the goosebumps on his arms, and greeted his mother's huge bear hug.


"I'm going to have your yogurt ice cream for lunch today, it's too hot."

Li Mama saw that her Zaizai was not unfamiliar with her at all, and was immediately very happy.

"it is good."

"Do it, do it all."

"I'll cook you your favorite dishes again, and I'll come back more often in the future. The university courses are not very tight, and I have a lot of free time. I'll ask your brother to buy you a car again?"

"What car do you like? Then you can come back every day."

Li Mama was very happy to see her daughter whom she had not seen for a long time.

Chattering, chattering endlessly.

"Mom, can you give me a driver? My little Wang is pretty good. You just ask him to pick me up every day. You can just drive yourself. I don't want to drive."

Driving is tiring.

Li Qingbao didn't want to move at all.

There is a driver Xiao Wang at home, but my parents don’t go out often and pay wages, so I might as well let myself use it.

"It's fine, it's fine, then I'll tell Xiao Wang to pick you up at noon and evening."

When Li Mama heard that her daughter meant to live at home, she was immediately happy.

"You just have to come back often. You see, you're out there alone. How can you take care of yourself? You've lost weight and darkened again."

"It's better to be at home, call mom if you want to eat, I will prepare it for you every day, and you can eat it when you come back."
"Not at home, you are those young people who eat takeout and garbage every day, which is not good for your health at all."

Li Qingbao felt so refreshed.

Why don't I have parents.

Look at people who have parents here, the original owner is really stupid.

Look, how nice it is, someone loves you, someone loves you.

"Why are you standing at the door? If you don't come in, the food will be cold."

Li's father held the flower scissors and posed like a fool for a long time, his face was stiff and he didn't see anyone coming in.

Listening to the laughter outside, Li's father finally couldn't bear it and walked out.

scold everyone.

Li Ma gave her husband a blank look.

If you want to see your daughter, you can just say it, and you always talk in a weird way.

"Bao Er, let me tell you, when you are not at home, your father misses you every day. He is actually very worried about you, but his mouth is too stinky, and what he always says is not pleasant. Don't be as knowledgeable as him."

Li Qingbao looked at his father with a smile.

"I know, Dad is just stubborn."

"Smelly girl, who are you calling stubborn!!"

Li's father blushed and yelled at his daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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