Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 262 The 9th Form of the Movie King and Gold Master

Chapter 262 The Ninth Form of the Movie Emperor and Golden Lord (5)

Li Qingbao hesitated for a second, stepped forward and quickly grabbed Dad's arm: "Dad, I miss you so much."

"I'm a dead duck with a hard mouth."

"It's all me. You don't know that I miss you every day. Your hair has turned white and you've lost a few pounds. Look."

Li Qingbao's cunning plan is sloppy.

The mouth is still sweet, and Li's father is instantly coaxed into not knowing where things are going.

But Li's father's stubbornness is not just talking: "Hmph! I don't think you don't want to, if you want to, you'll get out of here long ago. You haven't come back for so long, and you still think about it."

"Let me tell you, don't think you can go to the entertainment industry to please me. I'm telling you, this matter..."

"Ouch!! Damn old woman, what are you doing?"

Before Li's father finished speaking, Li Mama pinched the flesh on his waist and turned it around several times.

"The food is going to be cold, so hurry up and bring the food."

"Every day, I will talk, I will talk. My daughter is leaving, where can you find me?"

"You have to make people never come back, don't you?"

In fact, Li's father regretted it a little, the child has come back and made out with him.

Why didn't I keep my mouth shut, why did I say some unpleasant things.

But apologizing, one will never apologize in this life, Papa Li went to the kitchen with a cold face.

Li Mama was afraid that Li Qingbao would be angry: "Bao'er, be good, your father has that temper, you've known it since you were a child."

"Don't worry, Mom agrees to the fact that you are in the entertainment industry."

"Mom will escort you, I don't believe it, whoever dares to touch my daughter, you just need to come back often to see your parents, ha."

"Where is your father..."

Li Qingbao felt quite uncomfortable in his heart. In fact, the original owner's parents were really good, including the original owner's brother. Although they didn't talk much, they were thinking about everything for the original owner.

They were also afraid that the original owner would be angry, so the whole family was cautious.

Li Qingbao smiled and tilted her head on Li Mama's shoulder: "Mom, don't worry, I know." "

"I will never quarrel with my father in the future. I have grown up and become sensible. I used to be self-willed. I will change it in the future."

"But entering the entertainment industry is really my favorite. I like this career very much. I hope my parents will agree."

"I promise, I won't let myself get hurt, and you can also arrange for me a trustworthy agent."

"If I don't make a name for myself, I'll come back myself, okay, Mom?"

Li Qingbao didn't make a fuss, just told his family so well, showing the importance of this matter to him, it was actually very useful.

In the communication between family members, sometimes everyone always yells and loses their hearts. In fact, sometimes, if someone can calmly say what they want.

Parents will also think carefully.

"Have a meal!"

Li's father came out, although his face was still ugly.

But he didn't say anything more.

Li Qingbao grinned, and Li Yu next to her gave her sister a few thumbs up.

Li Qingbao intentionally eased the atmosphere, no matter how bad Li's father said, she didn't care, she could see deep concern in it.

And it was rare for Li's father, who was so well-behaved by his own daughter, to be ashamed and utter evil words.

So the atmosphere of a meal is getting more and more harmonious.

In the evening, I was still at home, accompanied my mother to have a beauty treatment, and played a game of Go with my father.

It's not that I don't want to play another round, but it's just this one round, and the moon is already in the sky.

Not everyone can match Li Qingbao's Go level.

(End of this chapter)

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