Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 263 The 9th Form of the Movie King and Gold Master

Chapter 263 The Ninth Form of the Movie Emperor and Golden Lord (6)

The next day Li Mama stood at the door, happily watching Xiao Wang drive his daughter away.

Turning around and sighing to his wife: "At home, I have never been so happy. How good it is, you will also accept your stubborn temper in the future. My daughter is not as delicate as my son. No matter how much you beat and scold, you can't break it."

"Whenever I have a grandson to hug again, I will be happier."

Li Yu on the side lowered her head and hurried out with the car keys: "Mom, I have an important meeting today, so I'm leaving first."

His status in this family is the lowest.

"Brat, you are such a grown-up, you don't even have a girlfriend, and you don't feel ashamed. If you don't bring me a daughter-in-law back next time, don't come in." Li's father looked angry at his own brat.

Not as caring as a little girl.

Li Yu: ...

I am really wronged.

He was also shot while lying down.

When Li Qingbao arrived at the school, it was relatively early, and there were no advanced classrooms. The first class was at ten o'clock in the morning.

Li Qingbao returned to the dormitory with his things.

Only Xiaomei was there.

"Hey, Qingbao, you're back~"

'"You're back, you don't know how lonely I am here by myself."

"How about it, did you bring me something delicious to go home?"

Li Qingbao handed over the dessert in his hand: "It's too late in the morning, the chef made it yesterday, I specially left some for you, eat it quickly."

This dessert is made of cocoa powder and has a bit bitter taste. Li Qingbao doesn't like it very much, but it is still a rare and delicious dessert.

It's just that Li Qingbao likes super sweet ones.

So these are really left on purpose.

No lie.

Xiaomei's focus is a little different.


"Qing Bao? Are you some invisible rich man?"

Xiaomei's eyes were a little surprised for a moment.

At this time, two people suddenly came in from outside the door. The two girls were obviously different from the cheap ones on Xiaomei's body. The clothes of these two girls were quite fashionable.

Big curly hair, some revealing attire, and some thicker attire, with a tired look, it looks like he just came back from clubbing.

Li Qingbao couldn't get along with these two people, so the dormitory was divided into two groups.

"That's right, that's right, Qing Bao, you won't be some kind of invisible rich man." The roommate and friend asked sourly.

"Just now we saw a middle-aged man driving you here in a Rolls-Royce." Lili's tone became more serious for the middle-aged man.

"You wouldn't say you were the driver of your family, that would be ridiculous." Pengpeng covered his mouth and smiled coquettishly.

Li Qingbao was almost too lazy to talk to this kind of person, and handed the dessert to Xiaomei: "You eat first, I will rest for a while."

Last night, I was a little sleepy, and I didn't sleep well.

Lili watched Li Qingbao go up, and immediately yelled in disbelief: "Oh, it's been several hours, why is Qingbao still sleeping, isn't it, tired last night?"

After Lili finished speaking, she quickly covered her mouth in embarrassment, as if she had said something wrong.

Li Qingbao's eyes turned cold, and he walked straight in front of Lili and Pengpeng.

"What the hell are you two trying to say?"

Lili took a step back.

But Pengpeng took a step forward: "What did you say?"

"It's okay to say that you are shameless, that your family is poor, and you want to go to sugar daddies, old men, and the air in the entire dormitory is polluted by you."

"Shameless thing."

Pengpeng's voice was disdainful and sharp, it sounded extremely harsh.

(End of this chapter)

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