Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 265 The 9th Form of the Movie King and Gold Master

Chapter 265 The Ninth Form of the Movie Emperor and Golden Lord (8)

I have to say that the vision of the original owner is really good.

Look at this ambush on the grass, still can't hide the male hormones, and the golden ratio figure, those long legs.

That broad shoulders, narrow waist.

Li Qingbao withdrew his wandering gaze.

Sin, sin, really sin.

I should think of the gold master as big.

Li Qingbao looked up and settled on Huo Si's face. He still had some oil paint and makeup on his face, because the star's makeup would be eaten up a lot under the strong exposure of the camera.

Therefore, most celebrities wear heavy makeup when they are filming.

The shadow on Huo Si's face became heavier, making his facial features more three-dimensional.

When Huo Si was filming, he suddenly felt a gaze wandering over his body. The warm gaze almost made him feel hot all over.

Huo Si barely concentrated on it until the filming was over, and then turned his head, wanting to see who it was, who was so bold, who dared to keep looking at him with such blatant eyes.

As soon as he turned his head, a pink figure came into view.

Layers of pink skirts have a good fall feeling, and the pink and tender color makes the skin of the young girl look like jade, like a delicate and delicate doll.

The other party's foggy eyes just looked at him so firmly, the whole eyes were filled with his own shadow.

At that moment, Huo Si seemed to feel that he was the other party's world.

The heart beat unconsciously, and missed a beat.

Huo Si felt his hands a little itchy, the little pink guy had two tufts of hair on his forehead, which looked like two tufts of dull hair.

What is it like to fall in love at first sight?
It seems like this.

Huo Si seemed to go up to strike up a conversation and ask the little guy's contact information, or WeChat.


There are many, many people around, he can't strike up a conversation casually, otherwise...

It will bring this little guy a lot of trouble.

Li Qingbao's heart started beating crazily the moment Huo Si looked over.

Great gold master! ! ! !
At the same time, the system sound also sounded: "Host, found the mission target."

It's really a big gold master!
Huo Si looked at the little guy looking at him with brighter and brighter eyes, and even the inside was gradually filled with joy.

Can't help but also feel very happy.

Does she like herself?
Or your own fans?
Then will she come over and ask for an autograph?Or want a hug?

Come here, little guy, I will surely fulfill all your wishes.

Huo Si never knew that heartbeat was such a feeling. The fiery emotion seemed to overwhelm him all of a sudden, making his nose itchy, and he wished he could stuff this little guy into his arms immediately.

As if God heard his prayer, that cute little pink guy gradually walked towards him.

Huo Si felt that this was a day when the goddess of luck favored him, and his heart began to beat wildly. Huo Si took a sip of the ice drink to suppress the hotness in his heart.

And the heat on the face.

"Mr. Huo, do you feel a little hot?"

Huo Si's assistant saw that Huo Si was already sweating, and was a little surprised. You must know that Huo Si really rarely sweats.

"Well, a little bit."

Elegant cello voice, deep yet sexy, it is a sound that makes people feel stable and at ease when listening to it, and can be addicted to it.

(End of this chapter)

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