Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 266 The 9th Form of the Movie King and Gold Master

Chapter 266 The Ninth Form of the Movie Emperor and Golden Lord (9)

Don't look at Huo Si who is so stable on the surface, but he is screaming crazily from the bottom of his heart.

oh!You're blocking my view of my little pink baby.

Huo Si only felt that if this figure didn't appear by his side for a second, he would feel empty.

"Go a little over there, you're blocking my air."

Huo Si solemnly asked his assistant to stand aside.

He had to make sure he could see his little pink baby for the first time.

And greet her immediately.

The assistant quickly stood aside: "Oh, oh."

Li Qingbao smiled and walked quickly to Huo Si's side: "Hello, Huo Yingdi."

"Hello there!"

Huo Si was so nervous that he almost had the same hands and feet.

My little pink baby really came to find me.

real! ! !

Looking at the reserved and elegant Huo Si, Li Qingbao couldn't help admiring, he really is his benefactor, so elegant, so charming, and so handsome.

oh oh oh.

want to hug.

Li Qingbao's face gradually turned red, with the excitement of meeting fans for the first time.

"Film Emperor Huo, hello, I'm your fan, my name is Li Qingbao, can you sign me?"

Li Qingbao said with hope in his eyes.

"of course can."

"Where to sign? Do you have a pen?"

Huo Si couldn't help sighing in his heart, his little pink baby looked cute, and his name was even cuter, and his name was actually called Little Baby.

If it weren't for the fact that there are too many people now, Huo Si would really look like an idiot.

Huo Si looked at the little guy who was only interested in getting excited, and looked like he had nothing on him, so he couldn't help reminding.

Li Qingbao got stuck and had no pen or notebook.

He couldn't help but habitually cast his eyes on Huo Si for help, Huo Si felt extremely comfortable.

That's right, that's right, baby, rely on me, help me, like me.

"Ah Sa, go find a pen."

Huo Si deliberately didn't ask for the notebook.

"Can I sign your clothes?"

Huo Si asked the little guy.


"Can you sign two for me? I want one more."

Li Qingbao gave full play to her shameless fan spirit, she must embrace her idol. ,


Huo Si looked at the face of his little pink baby, and couldn't help but want to howl, how could he be so cute, it was a foul.

"Or do you still want a hug?"

In fact, Huo Si wanted to say, do you need a hot kiss, but he was afraid of scaring his little baby.

Fortunately, the assistant stopped picking up the pen, otherwise Huo Si wouldn't even be able to say a hug.

Li Qingbao's eyes lit up instantly.

"is it okay?"

Huo Si couldn't help but want to cover his face.

Little guy, don't look at me like this, I can't help but eat you up.


Too foul.


Li Qingbao couldn't help jumping up happily, the benefactor this time is really kind.

Treat yourself so well all of a sudden.

"Thank you, Da. I really like you. I have collected everything about you. I have many souvenirs of you at home."

"You don't know, in fact, my house is in the same compound as yours. You may not know that I am the little girl of the Li family."

Li Qingbao hurriedly reported his family name.

I'm afraid that in the future, the gold master will be interested in me, and I don't know where to find someone.

Huo Si was taken aback.

Li family?

He knew it was not far from home.

No, God really favored him so much today, he couldn't believe it.

Finally, I sent myself a person I fell in love with at first sight, and let myself know the position of my wife.

Huo Si grew up in a foreign country before, so he really didn't know how to restrain his feelings for him.

(End of this chapter)

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