Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 270 The 9th Form of the Movie King and Gold Master

Chapter 270 The Ninth Form of the Movie Emperor and Golden Lord (13)

Could it be that the Huo family has two young masters?
Xiao Wang couldn't figure it out.

But no matter what, the young master admitted that it was his responsibility, and Xiao Wang's job was saved.

If these luxury cars are broken, he can't afford to repair them with a year's salary.

Li Qingbao looked at the expectation in Huo Si's eyes, and couldn't help rubbing his forehead.

It seems that this was really premeditated, look at the truth of this plan.

Li Qingbao suddenly had a bad idea, she just refused to let Huo Si get what she wanted, she wanted to see how shameless the rich man in this world can be.

"Mr. Huo, it's okay. You are so busy. I can go back alone."

"It's not far from home, I can just walk back. Xiao Wang will fix the handlebars."

After speaking, Li Qingbao got out of the car, with a look of panic, as if he was afraid of delaying the time of his idol.

Her idol is the god in the sky, she is not willing to profane at all.

Huo Si just felt that his heart had been cut again, hey, how could his little baby be so cute.

Those moist eyes.

When looking at you with wet eyes, you almost have to use all your strength to restrain yourself from wanting to hug her.

As if hiding her.

Only let yourself see it.

"It's okay, it's okay, Miss Li, this is what I should do. I should be responsible for my mistakes. You must not refuse, or I will feel uneasy."

Huo Si quickly explained.

Baby, trouble me, come on, trouble me desperately.

I don't dislike it at all, and I'm happy with it.

"Really? Will it trouble Mr. Huo? "

Li Qingbao confirmed it again.

That innocent appearance is like an elf who is ignorant of the world.

Kind and nice.

"No, no, really no, I will feel sad if you don't bother me?"

Huo Si held his heart in his hands, frowning slightly, with a distressed look on his face.

Li Qingbao touched his forehead, it was a foul.

The benefactor is really a beast, he even used a beauty trick.

"Okay, but it's definitely not good to go out to eat. I told my parents that I would eat at home today, and Ma Ma even made my favorite dishes."

"Mr. Huo can't be the only one to blame for this matter. Mr. Huo sent me home, which is considered an apology."

Li Qingbao spoke cheerfully.

"Xiao Wang, then you go to fix the handlebars, and I'll take Mr. Huo's car back first, and I'm almost home."

This area is full of villas, if you really want to go, it will take quite a long time, so if you have a car, Li Qingbao still has to take it.

But go out to eat, forget it.

Hehe, please don't let the patron be satisfied so easily.

Huo Si sighed: "Miss Li, has anyone told you that you are really kind and understanding, like a beautiful elf."

Li Qingbao shrugged and got into Huo Si's car.

"No, you are the first."

"After all, few people can say such nasty words."

Li Qingbao looked embarrassed.

Huo Si was the first to fasten Li Qingbao's seat belt.

The fragrance from the girl's body wafted into her nose, and Huo Si almost became more uncontrollable! ! !
Take a deep breath.

The smell on the little baby is very recognizable, it is the kind of natural fragrance that smells good.

You smell like you are in a quiet wilderness, with flowers, grass, birds and insects.

Moreover, the taste is so familiar that it seems to have been with him for thousands of years, making him feel that it has penetrated into his soul.

(End of this chapter)

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