Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 271 The 9th Form of the Movie King and Gold Master

Chapter 271 The Ninth Form of the Movie Emperor and Golden Lord (14)

Li Qingbao thanked in a low voice: "Thank you."

"This is what a gentleman should do. I was abroad before, so I learned some habits of foreigners. I will be bold and enthusiastically praise the food that I think is wonderful."

"And don't feel embarrassed."

"In my eyes, Miss Li is as beautiful as a fairy in the sky, and as kind as an elf in the forest."

Li Qingbao's complexion was flushed by Huo Si's rainbow fart.

Xiao Jiu howled in the space.



"I can't take it anymore, I'm going to throw up"

"This benefactor really..."

I dare not say the last three words.

Li Qingbao almost wanted to laugh.

"Thank you, Mr. Huo, for your compliment. I might be blushing."

"Miss Li, we've met twice, in the same compound, and played together when we were kids, so let's stop being so unfamiliar."

"Can I call you baby?"

Li Qingbao: ...

Can I refuse?
"You can call me Brother Huo, or Ah Si."

Li Qingbao shook the goose bumps on her body.

It's really uncomfortable, the benefactor is so enthusiastic that it's a bit unbearable.

"By the way, baby, when I fastened your seat belt just now, I smelled a little fragrance on your body. It smells very good. What kind of perfume do you use?"

Huo Si didn't care whether Li Qingbao agreed or not, he had already called. He just said that it was a notice, not a solicitation.

Anyway, this daughter-in-law is his, and no one can touch her.

Now Huo Si felt abnormally that he was blind when he was a child, and he couldn't be bothered to talk to her when he saw that she was a sloppy little girl.

If it had been earlier, wouldn't it be that she was already her daughter-in-law now, so she wouldn't have found out so late, and had to take her time, for fear of scaring the other party.

Huo Si almost despised himself at that time.

"There is no perfume, it is on the body."

Li Qingbao lowered his head, and suddenly saw...


Ghosts can't see it.

Even the blind can see.

Li Qingbao couldn't help but blushed all of a sudden, and the corners of his eyes were also red.

Can't help but give Huo Si a sideways look, beast!

I didn't even touch the other person, so I reacted.

Huo Si didn't feel embarrassed at all, and even sat up a little bit to make it more visible.

Huo Si heard from friends before that girls are very interested in this aspect of ability, otherwise they will not be happy in the future, Huo Si is very nervous, hoping that his little pink baby will be satisfied with what he sees.

Li Qingbao: ...

Why even move.

This benefactor is really good at SAO! ! !
Ahhh! !


Are you really not afraid to report him as a pervert?

Li Qingbao just lay on the car, looking shy and unable to lift his head.

But I never thought that Huo Si's heart would be more itchy, the little baby is so cute, and now he's shy, really cute.

I really want to touch it.I really want to hug.

Huo Si was almost praying, time would slow down a little bit, a little bit slower.

But after all, he reached the gate of Li's house.

Along the way, Li Qingbao accepted Huo Si's non-stop chatter, all kinds of chatter.

Li Qingbao only responded with two voices from time to time.

Finally arrived home, Li Qingbao breathed a sigh of relief, if she was in the car again, she really couldn't bear it anymore.

I really can't help but throw down this enthusiastic benefactor.

Li Qingbao jumped out of the car, but Huo Si didn't want to watch the little baby go, so he also followed.

Li Qingbao had no choice but to stop and remind: "Mr. Huo, I'm already home, thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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