Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 286 The 9th Form of the Movie King and Gold Master

Chapter 286 The Ninth Form of the Movie Emperor and Golden Lord (29)

Huo Si sighed slightly: "Actually, I really like the love between Emperor Qing Bao and the Prince Regent. One of them doesn't care about the country and the other doesn't care about the country. They are the most important to each other in their hearts, and they can retire without any scruples in the end."

"The two seem to be made for each other."

The corner of Li Qingbao's mouth curled slightly: "Then let me tell you some gossip, okay?"


"At the beginning, the regent wanted to teach Emperor Qing Bao to approve memorials, but Emperor Qing Bao drew the map of the regent's Palace C, which was confiscated by the regent. After the two recovered, Emperor Qing Bao finally found it in the bedroom of the regent's mansion. This picture."

Huo Si's face turned red suddenly, and the man in the purple robe seemed to flash in his mind again, looking at the barefoot little emperor with a trace of depression.

"That painting was collected by me."

Huo Si's voice was a little low.

Li Qingbao: ...I knew I would have taken it away, but it was collected twice.

"Just now, a picture seemed to flash in my mind..."

"Baby, maybe you're right. Maybe we were the Regent and Emperor Qingbao in our previous life. Otherwise, why would you even have the same name."

Li Qingbao didn't know whether to be happy or worried, it seemed that the patron of the funder seemed to be waking up, and she didn't know that this was a good sign.Still a bad phenomenon.

She didn't know the identity of the benefactor from the beginning to the end.

"Mr. Huo, the assessment has begun."

The assistant knocked lightly on the door, and walked through the door with two respectful words.

Li Qingbao snapped back to her senses, forget it, she shouldn't be entangled with these things, no matter what the patron's status is, she is her own patron, and she is also his treasure.

If one day he doesn't want his baby, then...

A fierce light flashed in Li Qingbao's eyes.

Then don't blame yourself for being rude, living things can already be placed in Li Qingbao's space, and when the time comes to imprison them, no one will be able to find them or get out.

Whatever she wanted, Li Qingbao put it in her hands, she would rather turn it into ashes than throw it away.

"Then I'll go~" Li Qingbao smiled cleverly.

"it is good!"

"come on."

Huo Si imprinted the kiss of the goddess of luck on the forehead of his baby, and never doubted whether Li Qingbao could live.

"Humph╭(╯^╰)╮, wait for me to marry you again.!"

Li Qingbao stepped out, but Huo Si lowered his head and whispered softly: "Marry again?"

A delicate voice seemed to sound in his mind, the voice seemed vague and distant, but it floated clearly to his ears.

"Then you can only be my queen."

"Queen, it's down there"

"I feel that the Prince Regent, Hui Zhilan has a heart, is brave and resourceful, and I am very pleased..."

"We're getting married soon..."

The aching pain in his mind was getting stronger and stronger, and he had to let Huo Si sit on a chair for a while, his mind was in a mess, and some memories that didn't belong to him seemed to be constantly trying to break out of the ground.

He also had some signs of this before, but it was very subtle, and it could almost be regarded as a slight hallucination. It's not that he hasn't seen a psychiatrist, but the other party said that he was fine at all.

It may be that there are some particularly important things that he has forgotten, and the strong suggestion in his mind reminded him.

But after meeting Li Qingbao, this feeling became more and more intense, and the clips that occasionally flashed became longer and longer, and sometimes Huo Si could even see the man's indifferent face.

what exactly is it?
Huo Si faintly felt that these things were really important to him.

And if you don't want to remember, there is no time.

(End of this chapter)

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