Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 339 Apprentice Baby Form 1

Chapter 339 Apprentice Baby No.11 Form (9)

Xi Mu?

Li Qingbao closed her eyes, and the word Xi Mu lingered on the tip of her tongue several times. She confirmed that she had never heard of this name.

but why……

Just hearing this name made her feel her heart beating heavily several times.

what happened?Does this Xi Mu have anything to do with him?
Or?The other party is a fellow?

Li Qingbao tentatively said something in English: "Excuse me, I..."

Xi Mu frowned slightly, listening to the unknown words that came out of Li Qingbao's mouth made him a little puzzled.

Seeing Xi Mu's face full of question marks, Li Qingbao knew that he was wrong.

Embarrassed, she quickly answered Xi Mu's question: "My name is Li Qingbao, thank you for saving me."

"you are welcome."

After Xi Mu finished speaking, he turned to the invitation and said, "Tianya Forest is quite dangerous tonight, what are you doing here alone?"

What's more, he doesn't have any cultivation base yet?
Xi Mu was very puzzled.

Li Qingbao thought for a while, and said embarrassingly: "I ran away from home. I have nowhere to go, so I just want to spend the night in the forest."

Xi Mu shook his head: "The outskirts of the Tianya Forest are also extremely dangerous. If you don't have the foundation building period, you dare not come in. You'd better not spend the night here."

Li Qingbao was so embarrassed that he didn't know what to say.

Just in time, her stomach gurgled again, and Xi Mu's surprised gaze made her blush even more.

Seeing the red-faced and bewildered little guy, Xi Mu suppressed a smile and coughed lightly: "The meat of this brown bear is a second-tier monster, it contains a lot of spiritual energy, and the taste is still very good."

"I just brought the seasoning, is there a chance to invite Miss Li to dinner?"

Li Qingbao couldn't ask for more.

The sky is big, the belly is the biggest, and after experiencing the dangers of spells in the world, Li Qingbao understood that if you want to survive in this world, you must have a cultivation base, otherwise any monster can trample you to death .

"it is good!"

After Li Qingbao finished speaking, he remembered that Yuanyuan was still on the tree: "Young Master Xi, I have a maid who is still on the tree over there, can I ask her to come and eat some together?"

Looking at Xi Mu's attire, he doesn't look like someone short of money at all, but he looks like a rich man.

And this bear, the two of them really couldn't finish it, and Li Qingbao felt that the other party would not care about it.

Xi Mu smiled and nodded.

Then he handled the brown bear's body gracefully, and when Li Qingbao brought Yuanyuan back, he still brought the firewood that Yuanyuan had picked up.

Yuanyuan went to start the fire, and Li Qingbao squatted beside Xi Mu, watching him dispose of the animal carcasses.

A good-looking person is really good-looking in everything he does. He lowers his head and lowers his eyebrows, but it doesn't damage his temperament at all.

Even though he is doing the roughest job, he also looks gentle and elegant, which is fascinating.

Li Qingbao couldn't take her eyes away as she watched. She never knew that she had such a nympho side?
What exactly is going on?Is it spring?Have you also taken a fancy to the other party?
But in his heart, Li Qingbao felt something was wrong.

Xi Mu was also facing Li Qingbao's focused gaze, and gradually he didn't know how to move his hands.

The whole piece of leather, which was originally good, was scratched to pieces.

He felt that he might have fallen in love with this girl, that he might have fallen in love with a girl at first sight.

It turns out that this is the feeling of liking someone, Xi Mu finds it very novel.

(End of this chapter)

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