Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 340 Apprentice Baby Form 1

Chapter 340 Apprentice Baby No.11 Form (10)

When Li Qingbao came back to his senses, he saw that Xi Mu's face was completely red.

Suddenly, I felt irritated in my heart, but I couldn't find the reason for the irritability.

But the eyes are also instinctively glued to Xi Mu's face, unwilling to move away.

here we go again! !here we go again! !
It is this feeling, this feeling of inconsistency between the thoughts in the heart and the words and deeds of the body, it is like this for sweetness, it is like this for pink, and now there is another Xi Mu! !

Li Qingbao felt like a strange person, as if there were two people in his body, one was desperately saying, you like it, you like it!

The other is yelling like hell, you don't like it! !You don't like it!

Who should I listen to?

Li Qingbao didn't know.

But this feeling that her body is not under her control makes her really, extremely annoying.

Standing up all of a sudden, Xi Mu was taken aback. When he came back to his senses, it was the figure of Li Qingbao striding away angrily.

Xi Mu felt a little uncomfortable all of a sudden?What's wrong?
Did you do something inappropriate?Why do you seem to be angry all of a sudden?
Xi Mu quickly finished processing the meat on his hands, and then picked out the tenderest and best quality meat, put some seasonings on it, and put it on the fire.

On the other side, Li Qingbao also walked over with a huge beehive in his arms.

Only then did Xi Mu heave a sigh of relief, seeing Li Qingbao smelling the honey, he suddenly felt a little funny: "So Miss Li likes to eat honey, I have some honey made from higher-grade honey, and I will brush it on the meat later Some will taste better."

Yuanyuan looked at her lady who was holding honey a bit strangely, the lady became more and more strange, didn't she not eat sweets before?

Why do you even like honey now?
"Miss, it's better not to eat it. You've been throwing up whenever you eat something sweet since you were a child."

Yuanyuan wanted to step forward and take the honey from Li Qingbao's hand.

But she was stopped by Li Qingbao. She looked at the beehive in front of her and took a deep breath of honey.

Sure enough, the repelling and contradictory voices became more intense.

Tell her desperately in my heart! !Unpalatable! !Unpalatable! !

Sweetness is the most disgusting food in the world.

do not eat!
However, her body and mouth were rapidly secreting saliva, and her eyes were fixed on the honey, and she couldn't move it away.

Li Qingbao lowered her head and pondered for a while. Her memory is poor, and she really doesn't like sweets, and it is true that as Yuanyuan said, as long as she touches a little bit of sweets, she will vomit endlessly.

That feeling is not to mention how uncomfortable.

But since I traveled here, a series of strange things happened, as well as the sudden appearance of Xi Mu.

Li Qingbao always felt that there were some things that if he didn't ask for proof, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

Although Xi Mu didn't know what Li Qingbao was struggling with at this time, but instinctively, he gently put his hand on Li Qingbao's hand: "Miss Li, if you don't want to eat, don't eat it."

Li Qingbao's eyes were firmly fixed on Xi Mu's hand!
here we go again! ! ! !

I was cheering and jumping in my heart, very happy!

A sense of joy of being approached by a male god.

But his body was disgusted by Xi Mu's touch, so disgusted that Li Qingbao wished to chop off this claw!

Slapping off Xi Mu's hand, Li Qingbao grabbed a piece of honey and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing it in big mouthfuls.

The serious expression on her face made her seem to be eating poison instead of honey.

 There are two more chapters today. The author will update 6 every day starting this month. Yesterday, because I was too busy, I only updated 4, so today I will update 8 to make up for what I owed yesterday.

  I hope the babies are happy~~Refill
(End of this chapter)

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