Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 366 Bamboo Horse Gold Master Second Form

Chapter 366 Bamboo Horse Gold Master No.12 Form (5)

But when Mu Bai heard this request, ecstasy flashed in his eyes.

He didn't expect happiness to come so quickly, as if the goddess of luck had always favored him.He was still worrying just now, thinking about how to deal with Li Qingbao more.

What other name can be used to increase the intersection between the two people? Unexpectedly, when he fell asleep, Li Qingbao gave him a pillow.Take the initiative to send Mu Bai a way to deal more.

Mu Bai was really very happy, but he couldn't let himself be too unrestrained.

So Mu Bai nodded reservedly: "Yes, Li, I am very happy to help you with tutoring."

Li Qingbao thought for a while that it might not be suitable to go to his own home, because the original owner's parents might think too much after knowing about it.

In addition, if they are at their age, if they keep going to Mu Bai's house, it may cause Mu Bai some troubles. In the end, Li Qingbao can only decide, "Then shall we study at school?"

Mu Bai nodded again, what his wife said was what she said.

After sending Li Qingbao to the door of the house, Li Qingbao opened the door to look, but the original owner's parents still haven't come back.

Li Qingbao went into the room with his things. Sure enough, there was no one in the house, not even the aunt who was cooking this time.

The group of people didn't come back when they were eating dinner. Li Qingbao really felt his stomach growling and screaming because he was really hungry. He looked at the refrigerator and saw that the aunt at home was really doing her duty. There was nothing in the refrigerator. Quick-frozen items are all fresh ingredients.

This is hard to do for Li Qingbao.

She can't cook, she can't do anything.

well.There is nothing left to eat, nothing to do, boiled water is the best.

Li Qingbao kept waiting until it was past 9 pm, and it was almost 10:00, but there was still no one at home, and none of them came back. It seemed that the whole family had forgotten that there was another Li Qingbao at home. I still have to eat or something.

In desperation, Li Qingbao also looked for the place where the original owner often put money. The poor little girl had no pocket money at all, only a bare box.

Even if you want to go out to eat.

And she doesn't have a car, there is one in the garage, but she doesn't have a key or a driver's license, and it's so far from here to the entrance of the community.

In the end, Li Qingbao had no choice but to be a wall-climbing gentleman.

As a secret lover, the original owner can be said to have thoroughly explored Mu Bai's house. Although she has never entered, she can tell at a glance which window is Mu Bai's room.

Li Qingbao looked at the bedroom which was still lit, and knew that Mu Bai must have not slept yet.

It shouldn't be an exaggeration to go to the donor's house to find some food. The donor is so generous, he will definitely not refuse himself.

Li Qingbao thought for a while, took advantage of the dark night and high wind, and used Xiao Jiu's function to easily crawl over.

Xiao Jiu was very speechless in the space. She had become a tool for climbing walls at any time, which was an insult to his character.

Hey, low point in life?

The pinnacle of survival bottom line.

Mu Bai was in the room, writing his homework with a pen at the desk by the window, with earphones plugged into his ears.

Suddenly he felt a black shadow on the window in front of him, unplugged the earphones, and there was the sound of knocking on the glass.

Mu Bai frowned and turned on the light in the room, then looked down from inside again.

The knocking sound continued, and this time the outline was even more obvious, it turned out to be classmate Li Qingbao!
Mu Bai was surprised for a while, knowing that he lived on the third floor, how did this little girl get up, she was really brave, just in case she fell down!

Mu Bai felt his heart tremble, he quickly opened the window and pulled Li Qingbao in.

When he came in, Li Qingbao accidentally tilted his leg and bumped directly into Mu Bai's body.

Afraid that Li Qingbao would be in pain if he fell, Mu Bai was at the bottom, and the two of them fell together on the fluffy carpet.

For a moment, the heartbeats of the two people could be heard in the whole space.

Plop plop.

Then it got faster and faster, plop tom, tom puff puff puff, all the way.

Mubai felt a good-smelling cold fragrance right at the tip of his nose.

Slowly moving towards his mind, making him unable to think about anything for a while.

There are only red petals that look fresh and dripping in front of me.

Mu Bai swallowed his saliva.

But Li Qingbao didn't have so many scruples anymore, the benefactor is here, and if you don't eat for nothing, it's still free.

The taste of marshmallow is so good that Li Qingbao will never forget it after using it once.

Lowering his head without hesitation, Li Qingbao's voice was rarely domineering.

"Student Mu Bai, have I ever told you that since the first time I saw you, you have changed your identity in my heart, my man's identity. I like you, be my boyfriend."

Mu Bai's mind was a little wobbly, and he returned in an instant, facing the little girl's confession soberly.

He simply replied: "Okay."

Li Qingbao: ...

They are all liars. They say they won’t fall in love, they say they don’t like others, they say they should study hard, and their benefactors are all liars.

Are you not reserved at all for agreeing so neatly?
Mu Bai thought he agreed too soon, but Li Qingbao didn't believe it, so he hurriedly explained: "Actually, classmate Li Qingbao, on the day I saw you, when you took a taxi for the first time, I also I feel like you are the missing rib that I was meant to be. So you understand? I really like you."

Li Qingbao nodded to show that he understood that no one knew better than him how much he liked him.

Mu Bai almost wanted to scream out loud, he was extremely happy, extremely happy.

He didn't expect the girl he liked to confess to him first. In order to express his excitement, Mu Bai jumped three feet high, and then luckily bumped into the bookcase.


Li Bao even felt a toothache.

I just smirked and touched my head, looking naive, feeling no pain at all.

Li Qingbao: I feel like I have a lot of money, so I'm a little silly this time, aren't I?At least a little IQ problem.

The functional pink bubble between the two people here has not disappeared yet, suddenly there was a knock on the door, and a kind voice came from outside: "Mubai, what's wrong with you? What happened again?" Is it? Mom just heard a noise in your room."

Mu Bai was stunned for a moment, then panicked, and so was Li Qingbao, who immediately scanned around the room, trying to see where people could hide.

But unfortunately, no.

There are beds, desks and bookcases in the whole room, but they are relatively small. There is no way for Tibetans to know that their Mubai's cloakroom is outside, and there is a separate cloakroom. Where is it hidden now?

Seeing my mother, because Mu Bai didn't speak, he went on to say: "Mubai, are you okay? Mom is going in."

Accompanied by the sound of the doorknob vibrating.

The two of them fixed their eyes on the bed at the same time.

Fortunately, Mu Bai is also wearing pajamas now.

Mu Bai quickly climbed up, and said to his mother at the same time: "Mom, I'm fine, I accidentally bumped into the bookcase just now, I'm fine now."

Mu Bai made the quilt and sat down by himself.

Then let Li Qingbao crawl in.

Fortunately, Li Qingbao's body was petite, and the quilt was only slightly bulging, and then Mu Bai curled up his legs and pushed up the quilt, just leaving a living space for Li Qingbao.

Sure enough, my mother came in the next second. Seeing that I was sitting on the bed properly, I couldn't help but feel a little strange: "Didn't you say that you were going to do your homework? And didn't you just say that you bumped into it? Does it hurt?" Mom, let’s see if it’s serious or not, I still have to go to the hospital.”

Mu Bai was so nervous that his heart was about to jump out. He never thought that there would be such a day when he would be caught by his mother, and his girlfriend would be hidden here.

Mu Bai quickly shook his head and didn't dare to move, for fear that if his mother saw something, it would be embarrassing.

Soon the tense Mu Bai had some cold sweat on the tip of his nose.

"Mubai, are you alright?"

"No, Mom, look, I'm just pretending to be here, I'm not even red, it's okay, you go out quickly, I'm about to get ready to rest."

Mu Bai's mother looked at it carefully and was still worried, but she saw the sweat on the tip of Mu Bai's pen.

"Are you very hot? It's very hot, why do you need to cover yourself with a quilt? You can turn down the air conditioner a little bit."

Said that my mother seemed to be about to start.

Reaching out to lift Mu Bai's quilt, Mu Bai's slender hands quickly pressed down.

And so did Li Qingbao, who was struggling to survive below.

At this moment, my heart almost jumped out of my throat.

Puppy love, the feeling of being caught by your mother, don't feel too good about that feeling.

Li Qingbao squeezed Mu Bairou's hands tightly.

But Mu Bai's whole body froze suddenly, because the temperature inside was already quite high, and with Li Qingbao breathing, his whole body became hotter and hotter.

Mu Bai could hardly restrain himself.

So Mu Bai looked at his mother even more eagerly: "Mom, can you go out? I really want to sleep."

For the first time, Mu Bai's voice carried a little prayer.

Originally, Mu Bai's mother felt that her son's condition seemed a little abnormal now, and the bulge under the quilt was also a little bit wrong, obviously something was hidden.

But after all, didn't you think about changing the living person?
Looking at her son's pitiful appearance again, she has never spoken to herself with such a good voice.

Later, Mu Bai's mother felt that her son had grown up and had his own privacy, and she didn't have to pay attention to him all the time.

Mom thought for a while, then went out, and closed the door intimately: "Okay, then you can go to bed early, mom will go out first."

Forget it, it's a kind of beauty not to expose your son.

On Mu Bai's side, the moment his mother looked like a quilt just now, Mu Bai almost jumped up in fright. If Li Qingbao is found here, it will really affect the girl's innocence and ruin it. .

Until Mu Bai's mother closed the door and went out, Mu Bai hurriedly jumped out of the window to lock the door behind it. It was Li Qingbao who covered the quilt first, and exhaled heavily. She couldn't breathe at all in this life, suffocating her to death.

Mu Bai was originally a teenager, and he was very angry.

Li Qingbao couldn't even see how beautiful he was, with slightly messy hair, ruddy cheeks, and two shy eyes, which even a fairy couldn't stop.

Mu Bai said to Li Qingbao: "I went to the bathroom, and then I hurried to the bathroom, flushed cold water several times, and gradually calmed down."

Mu Bai felt that Li Qingbao must have a serious business to come to find him, and it is impossible to overturn the wall without business.

When I walked out again, my expression became a lot more normal.

"Baby. Can I call you that?"

Mu Bai thought for a while, and calling him Classmate Li was also very unfamiliar, and it didn't fit the two of them's current identities, but Qing Bao, it seemed that most people called him that, so Mu Bai didn't know what was wrong, so he felt that I seem to want to call my baby.

But for such intimacy, it still needs Li Qingbao's consent, of course Li Qingbao has no objection, he is used to this father after so many years.

"Okay, of course you can,"

"Then baby, what's the matter with you coming here so late?"

As soon as he said it, Li Qingbao remembered what he was here for, it was really beautiful, and he forgot what he was going to do.

Li Qingbao said: "It's mainly because I'm still very hungry, but I don't have money and I don't know how to cook. My aunt and my parents are not at home, so I came here to eat."

Mu Bai was a little embarrassed, their family had already passed the meal time, and the family didn't have the habit of keeping vegetables, so he ate a lot for dinner, if he went down to cook now.Are my parents sure to be more suspicious of someone in my room?
It is definitely not acceptable to do it at home, Mu Bai discussed with Li Qingbao: "Let's go out to eat, okay?"

Li Qingbao nodded, and then Mu Bai said to Li Qingbao: "P Then you go downstairs and wait for me, then.I'll find you at the door later, okay?It is not at all convenient and convenient to do at home. "

Now I am thinking about when I will be able to live in a separate house instead of living with my parents, so that I can cook with my baby anytime and anywhere, and I can also eat with my baby and go to and from school together.Thinking about it makes me feel happy.

Li Qingbao nodded again, and then jumped down from the window, almost scaring Mu Bai to death, until seeing Li Qingbao landed safely, and then waved to him with a smile, Mu Bai loosened In one breath, I didn't expect that my baby still has two brushes, and it's okay to jump from such a height. His baby is really a little fairy, hehe.

As for Li Qingbao, he was waiting for Mu Bai at the door, and on Mu Bai's side, he changed his clothes and went out.

Mu Bai's mother felt very strange, she was drinking tea in the living room outside, and she was still talking to her husband about what happened just now, but she didn't expect her son, who was going to sleep, to come out fully dressed.

Mu Bai's mother immediately said: "Son, what are you doing? Don't you want to sleep?"

(End of this chapter)

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