Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 367 Bamboo Horse Gold Master Second Form

Chapter 367 Bamboo Horse Gold Master No.12 Form (6)

Mu Bai answered seriously.

"I was going to sleep, but suddenly a classmate called me to go out to play with Xiao Huo and the others. Mom, I'll come back after an hour of play, okay?"

Mu Bai directly explained where he was going to play, and then said he would be back in an hour.

Mu Bai's parents are not the kind of people who rigidly reject their children. They think that educating children is to let them make decisions on their own, so that they will have a higher degree of choice in the future. ,

So Mu Bai's father and Mu Bai's mother looked at each other, and they both nodded.

"Son, because you're still young, it's already 9 o'clock. If you come back after 10 o'clock, it's barely acceptable. Remember to come back earlier, and protect yourself when you're outside."

Mu Bai nodded cautiously again: "Don't worry, Mom, I will definitely protect myself, and I will be back soon."

Mu Bai left the house under the eyes of his parents.

With enough cards and money in his pocket, as well as a mobile phone, Mu Bai’s own small coffers are actually quite affluent. Since he was a child, he has been taking care of his lucky money by himself, and gradually he has learned some financial management The way, occasionally making a small profit in the stock market, even his parents don't know how much assets he has now.

Of course, Mubai's parents didn't like this little money either.

Mu Bai brought Li Qingbao along with the money.The two went to find a better hot pot restaurant.

In fact, Li Qingbao originally wanted to go to the dessert shop, and then eat the dessert directly as a meal in the dessert shop, so that he can eat enough.

But Mu Bai didn't allow it, so he had no choice but to agree to Li Qingbao to eat this kind of greasy food at night.

There is no problem that one meal of hot pot can't solve, if there is, then two meals.

When I first entered, the waiter thought that the two children were relatively young and could afford it, because the hot pot consumption rate here is quite high, because the food is relatively fresh, and the food is expensive.

This is a restaurant that Mu Bai specially chose, but after Mu Bai opened the wallet and showed the waiter a dozen of red banknotes inside, the waiter immediately changed his expression and let the two of them choose food.

I can't help but sigh in my heart, are elementary and middle school students so rich when they fall in love now?It really made him feel inferior.

Originally, Li Qingbao and Li Qingbao had a slightly unfamiliar atmosphere, but after a hot pot meal, the atmosphere between the two of them was simply incomparably harmonious.

Chinese people say that the process of discussing business at the dinner table is different, and the effect of dating at the dinner table is also the best.

You get me a meatball, and I get you a tripe, and the two of them will have a meal together.

Not to mention full, the relationship has reached the point of being gluey, and Xiao Jiu is also full in the space.

She wished she could poke her eyes and fall asleep now, it was enough, these two people, they are single dogs, what are they eating? ?You don't need to eat to be full.

When Li Qingbao left, Mu Bai gave Li Qingbao some money.

He saw Li Qingbao's embarrassment, but he was afraid that Li Qingbao's self-esteem would not be able to accept it, so he thought of a reason to say it. : "Baby, today is the day when we just became boyfriend and girlfriend, I think we should buy something to celebrate, but, my parents require me to be home before 10:00, so there is almost no time to go now, but Baby buy something for himself. Can it be our souvenir?"

Of course Li Qingbao also understood Mu Bai's good intentions, but he was just afraid that his self-esteem would be hurt.

However, Li Qingbao said that he does not take advantage of men.

Li Qingbao thought for a while, and took out a pair of rings from his own space.

This ring is fiery red.It is a piece of top-quality jadeite, which was developed from a whole piece of jadeite given to him by the gold master in the previous world.

Li Qingbao thought this color was very beautiful, so he kept it.

When they were in that world, they often wore this emerald pair ring, but when they left, Li Qingbao put it away again, thinking it would be good to keep it in mind.

Now that he took it out again as a gift to the benefactor, Li Qingbao felt that his skin was unusually thick.

Li Qingbao casually took out the pair of rings from his pocket.

Very plain, two red rings.

However, there is something different in it, and the names of the gold master and himself are engraved inside.

At that time, Li Qingbao thought about the Great Master Jin, maybe the name of each world is different, so the engraved on it is the Great Master Jin, and it was hidden by magic.Requires specific spells to appear.

And more importantly, this ring was blessed by Li Qingbao and Jin Zhuda together, so if there is any danger, this ring can also guarantee the safety of the two of them.

Li Qingbao: "But I'm ready. Dangdangdangdang~~."

When Mu Bai saw the pair of rings in Li Qingbao's hand, he suddenly felt a sense of familiarity again, but he said that he could tell at a glance that this pair of rings was extraordinary, obviously the best jadeite.

Mu Bai was very surprised that Li Qingbao could produce such a superb jadeite.

But at the same time, he believes in his girlfriend's character, and this thing will definitely not come from a wrong path.

If you can give this pair of rings to yourself, the auction of this ring will start at tens of millions, and it is impossible to buy it for hundreds of millions.

Mu Bai was really moved in his heart, and felt that compared to his little money and his girlfriend's generosity, he was simply weak, as if he felt that he was being taken care of.

Mu Bai didn't say anything, it's too expensive, I don't want it, he just picked up the ring and put it on his ring finger.

The fiery red jade lining the slender fingers is extremely beautiful.

And this kind of plain ring is also very suitable for students to wear, and it won't be fancy, it will arouse the disgust of others.

In their school, everyone's family conditions are good, so it's quite normal to bring some accessories and jewelry.

The teacher didn't say anything, and didn't expressly prohibit it. He just said that if the tape was too repeated and exaggerated, he might remind him a little bit.

After thinking about it, Mu Bai raised his hand and said to Li Qingbao, "Is it good-looking? Baby, is it good-looking?"

Li Qingbao nodded very positively, and then said that he picked up the other red ring and put it on his ring finger. Putting his two hands together, they were both very fair and beautiful, these two top-quality emerald rings.It is the finishing touch.

Mu Bai then took out his two cards and handed them to Li Qingbao: "", baby.I will give you the money for marrying a daughter-in-law.Wife Bener. "

Looking at Mu Bai with a sincere face, he felt that if Li Qingbao could give him such a valuable thing, then he should also express it, not to mention his wife, who should have spent it for his wife.

Li Qingbao nodded, and took it unceremoniously.

"Okay, then I'll take it first. Um, um, how about..." Li Qingbao thought of something, and shook the card in Mu Bai's hand: "Do you have enough money in it? Maybe it's only two days before we Go buy a house near the school, decorate it, we can go there to rest in our spare time. A home that belongs to us.”

Because Uncle Li Qing thought of the original owner's parents, he would definitely be instigated by the original owner's younger brother, and he might be kicked out of the house at that time, so it was right for him to make plans first.

When Mu Bai heard the four words "our home", his heart almost felt hot. It couldn't control the temptation, and couldn't resist it.

Immediately excitedly said to Li Qingbao: "Okay, baby, you go to see the house first, and if you don't have enough money, I'll come and find a way. Or the two of us can go to see it together and buy whatever we like."

Thinking that if two people could have their own little home, during the holidays, they could lie on a small sofa together, watch a small movie, eat a small snack, or even cook a meal for Li to eat.Two people can snuggle together loosely.

Think of such a scene.Mu Bai felt that happiness was bubbling.

Li Qingbao agreed after thinking about it. Two people should go to see the hut together. Choose a house that they like, and then choose a house that both of them like to decorate, and then go to decorate their small home together. .

In the past, Li Qingbao and Jin Zhuda never chose their own homes in this way, because the family conditions were quite rich, and then they were basically furnished or luxuriously furnished, and then they moved in directly.

Now that I think about the idea of ​​organizing my own home, it's also pretty cool.

I made an appointment with Mu Bai, then we will go to choose a house together this weekend.

Mu Bai nodded happily.When the two went back to each house to find their respective mothers, Li Qingbao found that the original owner's parents and younger brother had all returned home.

Sitting in the living room, looking at him seriously.

As soon as Li Qingbao stepped into the house, Mama Lin said, "Where did you go?"

It was a simple and calm sentence, but without the slightest concern.

Li Qingbao said: "I just went to eat, because there is no one at home to cook."

Then Mother Lin nodded and said nothing, and then Father Lin said, "Come up to the study, I have something to tell you."

Li Qingbao nodded, and then went to the study with your father Lin, and mother Lin turned around and followed in.

As soon as the three of them stood still in the study, Li Qingbao felt that this matter must have something to do with the original owner.

so serious.

Such a big scene.

"Mom and Dad, what do you want to say?"

Who knows, Papa Lin took a piece of paper and handed it to Li Qingbao: "Open it and have a look."

Li Qingbao opened it and saw that it was an adoption certificate.

It says that Lin Yu came from a place called an orphanage, and in which year, Lin Yu was adopted by Lin's father and Lin's mother when they were less than one year old.

At this moment, what else did Li Qingbao understand.

Why did the parents ignore the original owner, and the original owner thought it was patriarchal, but in fact, this is not the main reason at all, because he is not his own.

Mother Lin then explained: "Actually, when you were young, your father and I, because we had no children, and then others said that we should adopt a child, and we might have our own child soon, so we I believed it. I went to adopt a child. I fell in love with you at the first sight. After I got it back, I became pregnant soon. I put all my thoughts on my own child and admitted that I love you. It's really negligent, but your father and I don't feel any guilt, because what your father and I have given you is much more than what you can enjoy in the orphanage, at least our material I have never treated you badly. Now, Xiaofeng has clearly told us that this family has you without him, and with him without you, so your father and I are also very frank. Let me tell you that even you are almost an adult now. Your dad and I are thinking of going out to rent a house for you, and give you a certain amount of living expenses every month, do you think this is okay? Then we will stop the supply when you are 18 years old, um, it can be regarded as a love for this relationship Stop, when you grow up, if you want to come back to see me and your father, just come back and have a look. If you don’t want to come back to see, we actually have no other opinions. If you want to move your hukou out, in the future It’s okay to change your surname or something, or if you want to find your real father or mother, we have no objection.”

As for Lin's mother, in fact, he spoke crisply and clearly, and explained everything to Li Qingbao in a few simple sentences. Although what he said was not pleasant, it was true.

To put it simply, as a child who adopted you, what I gave you is actually much better than what you were in the orphanage. Now my son actually hates you very much, so I give you a choice, and I can also give you back the money. Wait until You can cut ties with me after you turn 18.

It can be said that Lin's mother said this very frankly. She didn't say that because Li Qingbao was adopted, or what, she said some random words to deceive her, or drove him away in a roundabout way. None of these, Such frankness and clarity made Li Qingbao a little fond of it.

But if the original owner's life wish was followed, the original owner really wanted to escape from this house.

Li Qingbao thought for a while and then said: "I have never thought that I was adopted, but after knowing this, I also understand why my parents treat me differently from Xiaofeng for so many years, and now I am very grateful Mom and Dad, thank you for giving me all these years."

Li Qingbao thought for a while and then said: "If Xiaofeng doesn't like me, then I can move out starting tomorrow. As for living expenses or my other expenses, I can figure it out by myself. I will use the money from the family again. If Mom and Dad have any difficulties in the future, if there is anything that needs my help, I will definitely ask, and I will do my best.

After all, it has been raised since childhood, although it is said that the original owner is regarded as a small transparent, but it is true that the cylinder is crushed, and the original owner has raised it so big.

If you need help, Li Qingbao will not refuse.

Mama Lin frowned slightly, thinking that Li Qingbao was feeling uncomfortable, so she refused the living expenses, and Mama Lin said again: "If it is still difficult for you to go out to earn living expenses, your father and I are still willing to support until You are an adult, so you don't have to worry about this, your tuition fees are relatively high, and we will continue to pay for you.",

Li Qingbao thought for a while, and then made up a reason.

It just happened to be able to get rid of Father Lin and Mother Lin, and in fact, many things don't need to be involved in the future, so it would be better to break it cleanly.

If you continue to take living expenses now, it will be detrimental to Li Qingbao's development. Li Qingbao took out the two cards Mu Bai gave me just now and said: "Actually, I have always used the living expenses you gave me to manage my own financial management. Then maybe you can do some small stocks. Now the money has actually doubled, and there are tens of thousands of 10,000+ yuan. This money may be small money in your eyes, but it is still enough for me to go to school alone. If I If there are difficulties, I will definitely not hesitate to speak up."

Lin's father and Lin's mother have never cared much about this daughter, but now, after hearing what Li Qingbao said, they can still invest in stocks or support themselves by themselves.

They still gave Li Qingbao a high look.

"If you insist on this, that's fine."

Li Qingbao didn't say that he wanted to find the original owner's biological parents, but the household registration still had to be moved out. After all, he didn't want to be called Lin Yu, and he had always been Li Qingbao.

So Li Qingbao also solved the problem of household registration.

After everything was clarified, Li Qingbao went back to his room and slept.

On the second day, he packed up his simple and few things, held them in his hands, and walked out of the Lin family's gate.

As soon as Li Qingbao walked to the door, when he saw his car waiting at the door, Li Qingbao suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, no matter when he was not alone, he still had a benefactor.

Mu Bai saw that Li Qingbao came out with a suitcase.

Moreover, seeing Li Qingbao lowering his head, laughing all the time in a low mood, and the sweet smile disappeared, Mu Bai felt a thump in his heart.

He hurriedly got out of the car to get Li Qingbao's suitcase and put it in the trunk, then helped Li Qingbao into the car together.

Gently touching Lingbao's head, Mu Bai asked Li Qingbao to lean on his shoulder, "What's wrong baby?"

Li Qingbao threw herself into Mu Bai's arms.

Both hands hugged Mu Bai's waist tightly.

Bury her whole head in Mu Bai's embrace, and take a deep breath.

It looked like he was in pain.

There was some slight choking in the voice? ,

"It turned out that I was adopted by my parents, so my parents didn't like me since I was a child. My parents just couldn't have a child, so they adopted a child. When I came to the second year, my younger brother was born, so they didn't like me anymore. I don’t have the energy to take care of me. Last night, my mother said that my younger brother didn’t like me. Then, my mother told me that I was adopted and hoped that I could go out to live in the future. They could give me money, but I didn’t ask for it, but from now on I will have no home, Mu Bai."

"Mubai, I have nothing from now on."

Li Qingbao's voice was nasal, but he obviously didn't cry, but the weak voice caused Mu Bai's heart to feel pain like a pinprick.

My baby is still so young, why does he have to bear so much.

He was abandoned by his biological parents since he was a child, and his adoptive parents didn't love him, and now they want to drive him out of the house.

I lost my home when I was young.

Mu Bai slowly tightened his hands, as if he wanted to give Li Qingbao some warmth and strength.

"Baby, you are not alone, you still have me. Don't worry, baby. I will definitely take good care of you in the future. I won't let you be alone. No one else loves you, but I still love you. I love you the most. .Didn’t you just say that I want to buy a house? How about we go to see the house today, have a look at the house, and then decorate a home we like. From now on, it will be your home and mine, okay?”

Mu Bai comforted softly, and slowly talked about their future life with Li Qingbao: "Every week in the future, I can go back to our own home to rest for a while and eat. It doesn't matter if you don't know how to cook, but I think I can make delicious food for you to eat, and after dinner, I come to wash the dishes, we get some fruit together, lie on the sofa and watch TV, chatting, you say how beautiful this day is, yes No? Baby, you have to believe that even if the whole world abandons you, you still have me."

Originally, Li Qingbao just wanted to deceive Mu Bai and make the patron care about her, but Mu Bai's words and his thoughts about the future really made Li Qingbao feel a little uncomfortable in an instant.

Really no matter when, no matter what kind of situation you are in, most of your benefactors belong to you alone, and you never change for yourself, the only sincere love.

"Okay, let's go and see the house today."

Li Qingbao thought about going to buy a house with Mu Bai today, and then decorating their home together.

If you skip class today, just skip class. Anyway, Mu Baishou never needs to listen to the class to get full marks in the exam, and Li Qingbao gets 0 points no matter whether he listens or not.

And at this time their car just left the community, Mu Bai asked the driver to turn around: "Uncle Zhong, then take us to Bijiang Garden."

Bijiang Courtyard is the closest and most expensive neighborhood to their school, and the security inside is also good.

Uncle Zhong was in front of him with a troubled expression on his face. He didn't know who to listen to. Madam said that if the young master was a little bit wrong, he would report to her.

But, because of the majesty of his young master, he didn't dare to report secretly.

Now my young master wants to skip class, get a girlfriend, and buy a house for his girlfriend. Uncle Zhong doesn't know if he wants such a big thing, so he tells his young master's family.

Uncle Zhong is really in trouble.


Mu Bai shook his finger and said: "Don't worry, you won't be involved in all this, just say you don't know, you sent us to school, and we sneaked out again, so you can gone."

"So you don't have to tell my parents anything, but if you do, then your job will be over, and if you don't say anything, nothing will implicate you."

There was a hint of threat in Mu Bai's flat voice.

Uncle Zhong immediately came back to his senses, not knowing what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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