Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 377 The third formula of the Orion gold master

Chapter 377 Orion Gold Master No.13 Formula (3)

Since Wang Dahua came to find a son-in-law for her daughter this time, she wandered outside Fenghe's yard very carefully this time.

Fenghe lived far away from Li Qingbao's house. Li Qingbao's house was in the center of the village, while Fenghe's house was on the outskirts of the village, near the foot of the mountain.

The yard of a single family is newly built a few years ago.

When building the house, Fenghe hired a construction team from outside, and did not use people from the village, so everyone was reluctant to come here.

Everyone didn't know what Fenghe's yard was built with, but this time Wang Dahua paid special attention to it. Some corners were slightly missing in some places, and a little bit of red brick was exposed inside.

Few people come to Fenghe's family, unexpectedly it was a red brick house built, and now one can afford to build a red brick house at this time, it is indeed a family background, it seems that his daughter is really a discerning hero.

The good family that no one else has noticed, has been noticed by him, maybe it is really a good family.

The new wooden gate still looked majestic, and the whole yard was not small. Wang Dahua knocked on the door. At this time, Feng He hadn't gone out yet and was having breakfast.

Hearing someone knocking on the door outside, Feng He couldn't help frowning slightly, who would come to him.

Generally speaking, he doesn't have much contact with the villagers.

Feng He put down his bowl and chopsticks and got up to open the door. He was even more taken aback when he saw Wang Dahua outside, but he quickly asked, "Auntie, what's the matter?"

Wang Dahua nodded: "Well, I have something to ask you."

Feng He quickly turned sideways to let Wang Dahua in: "Auntie, come in for a glass of water first, and talk slowly if you have anything to say."

Feng He didn't know why, but a thought popped into his mind, as if it had something to do with that little girl from yesterday, that little girl, with her pink face and big watery eyes, looked like you when she looked at you. And innocent.

There was a glint of light in Feng He's eyes, it couldn't be true, it was just a child's casual talk, Wang Dahua came to the door today.

As soon as Wang Dahua entered the house, she saw Fenghe was still eating breakfast.

The breakfast is quite rich, um, there are a little bit of pickled vegetables, and then there is a plate of green vegetables, I saw that the green vegetables should be picked at my home yesterday, and then there is a bowl of braised pork.

There is no one else in the family, this meal should be cooked by Feng He himself, a big man is good at cooking, which shows that he cares about life.

I didn't say that like other old men, if my wife doesn't eat alone at home, it's just messing around.

Fenghe eats alone, and he also cooks meat and vegetables, which is actually really good.

Wang Dahua took advantage of the opportunity and praised: "Feng He, you are living a good life, and you are also good at crafting by yourself."

Feng He smiled very honestly and said: "There is no way, if you don't learn to cook by yourself, then you have nothing to eat. Has Auntie eaten? If not, eat some?"

Speaking of that, Fenghe poured Wang Dahua another glass of water: "Auntie, why are you here today?"

"Eat it, you eat."

When Wang Dahua came in, he took a good look at Fenghe's yard. The yard was quite large, with several rooms, some of which were locked, and they should have put some sundries or something.

In the yard, I also fed a few chickens.

And ah, the whole yard is very clean. In addition to the land, the yard is also paved with bricks and a layer of cement. The whole yard looks clean and neat, and there is no peculiar smell at all.

Walking into the room, there is no peculiar smell in the room, the windows are wide open, very airy, clean and bright.

There were not too many messy things, and I touched the cabinet next to it, and there was no dust. It seems that this is really a good man who lives at home.

And the furniture in the house is all new. It should be newly made furniture when the house was built.

It seems that the wind and harmony are really showing the mountains without dew.

Seeing this, Wang Dahua couldn't help but feel that her daughter really has a discerning eye. When no one else has discovered this good seed, her daughter has already discovered it, and she wants to act first.

Wang Dahua, there is nothing to worry about now.

Watching the wind and such a big guy.Feeling that this was simply the best proposal, Wang Dahua couldn't help but become a little warmer when he looked at Feng He, as if seeing his own son.

Touching the sugar water with a suitable temperature in his hand, Wang Dahua was even more satisfied, took a sip from the bowl, and then said to Fenghe: "Fenghe, how old are you this year?"

Feng He felt confident all of a sudden, maybe it was really because of that matter, but when he thought of that little girl, she looked so pink and tender.

And the rumors heard in the village in the past two days, Feng He felt a little unhappy for some reason.

Doesn't this little guy like that kind of fat, white man? Moreover, he has seen the relationship between the two of them a few times, and the two of them are always very close.

Feng He felt a little uncomfortable for no reason.

But he still answered truthfully, saying that he is 24 this year.

Wang Dahua thought about 24, Li Qingbao is 18 this year, the difference in age between the two is only a few years, this is acceptable.

Besides, 24 is not too big.

Wang Dahua asked Feng He again and said, "You are so old, you never thought about starting a family? Are your wives and children hot on the kang, is there anything missing?"

Feng He sat back at the dinner table and said softly to Wang Dahua: "Auntie, if you have anything to do, just tell me. You still want to tell me a matchmaker, which girl is it?"

Wang Dahua's eyes lit up. This kid is smart. He knew at a glance that he was coming for a kiss. Wang Dahua suddenly asked another question: "Feng and you are not young at this age. There should be many people in the village. I also told you about marriage? Why didn't you agree?"

Could it be said that this wind and people's vision is quite high?
Feng He shook his head and said: "In fact, everyone thinks that my family is relatively poor, so few people have come to say hello to me. The few who came, either crooked winter melon cracked dates, or lacked arms and legs, so I didn't I agree, but I didn’t find the right one.”

What Feng He said was very true. First, people outside probably thought his family was quite poor, so few people proposed to him.

But most of the people said that he was old and poor, and he had no parents and no land, so the people who talked to him were not very suitable. It's fine to live alone.

Just this time, I don't know how peaceful it is, but I can't say no to it.

As soon as Wang Dahua's eyes lit up, he followed the trend and began to boast: "Then look at my little girl Li Qingbao, the one you saved back by the way two days ago, didn't you also see it? Look at the length of my girl. You have to take a sign, and there are white ones, alas, this is beautiful, you can find it in the whole village, and you can't find anyone more beautiful than her..."

Wang Dahua's upper lip touched her lower lip, and she kept talking about how beautiful her daughter is.There are even many other advantages, Li Qingbao is gentle and kind, anyway, he is almost boasting his daughter as a flower.

This kind of Jackie Chan son-in-law cannot be missed, nor can it be given to others.

Wang Dahua felt that this gentleness was much more realistic than Li Yu's.

Although he had guessed in his heart, when he really heard about this matter from his mouth, Feng He was still somewhat inconceivable in his heart.

How should I put it, Li Qingbao is also a spoiled flower in their family, how could she be willing to marry into a family like her?
Everyone in the village knows how much they love their own daughters.

Could it be that Li Qingbao really mentioned it himself?

After talking about raising big flowers for a long time, seeing that Feng He didn't respond in the slightest, he was a little puzzled.

"Fenghe, do you think my daughter is not good?"

Feng He couldn't decide whether this was Wang Dahua's idea or Li Qingbao's own idea. He thought this little girl looked cute, and if the two of them lived together in the future, it would not be unacceptable.

However, the matter between him and Li Yu has always been a little bit uninteresting in Feng He's heart.

Feng He thought for a while and said to Wang Dahua: "Auntie, I know what you mean, Qing Bao is really good-looking, tell me, it's because I have cultivated eight life blessings, it's just about her and Li Yu... ...Auntie, is it your intention or Qing Bao's intention that you came here today?"

Wang Dahua hesitated for a moment, and told the truth: "Qing Baolai asked me to come, but after I came, I saw your family is very good, and you are a real person, so I agree with this matter." gone."

But Feng He still said another sentence: "Auntie, I know that I am asking too much, but can you let me meet Qing Bao alone. Don't worry about doing nothing, I just have something to say I want to ask her, you know, after all, if we live together, there are other things, you said that we have opened up the conversation, and then life will go smoothly in the future, do you think it is true?"

"But don't worry, if it happens, I will definitely hold Qing Bao in my hand, if it doesn't work, I won't tell anyone about it." In fact, Feng He was still a little shaken in his heart.

But he also wanted Li Qingbao's attitude.

So he still felt that it was better for him to meet Li Qingbao, even though it was unreasonable, but with Wang Dahua here, the two of them just keep a little distance and talk, it's not a big problem .

Before Wang Dahua could figure out whether to agree or not, Li Qingbao had already heard the words of the gold master, but he didn't expect that this big vat of vinegar would eat the vinegar.

But he has to bear the responsibility of the original owner, and today's matter has to be finalized.

Li Qingbao went directly to the door, pulled the invisibility button, and then knocked on the door.

Before Wang Dahua could answer, the door rang again, so Feng He hurried to open the door: "Auntie, wait a moment."

At the same time, Fenghe was wondering, why are there so many people today?Normally, no one would come to his small yard in 800 lifetimes, why did they come one by one today?

When he just opened the door and saw the white and tender face outside with big watery eyes, Feng He was slightly taken aback, for some reason, it seemed that his mind suddenly froze.

The little guy's smile was a little too dazzling.

Li Qingbao called out with a smile: Brother Fenghe.

The breeze blows, blows past Li Qingbao, blows past Fenghe, carrying a slightly natural smell of Li Qingbao, rushing into Fenghe's nostrils.

He didn't know what he said, turned around and walked inside, and then walked back to the main room like a ghost, but Li Qingbao looked at Fenghe walking with the same hands and feet, not only a little puzzled.

What's wrong?Does the financial master still have this problem?

Wang Dahua saw that her daughter was coming, and immediately got up: "Why are you here?"

Li Qingbao nodded to his old mother: "I'm here to follow the trend and have something to say to my elder brother."

Wang Dahua thought of what Feng He said just now, so she understood that these two people really have a tacit understanding.

It seems like a match made in heaven.

Anyway, my daughter also came, and the two of them talked a few words, and nothing would happen if I stood by, so Wang Dahua agreed.

Wang Dahua stood outside the door: "You two talk inside, I'm right outside the door, if you have anything to call, girl."

Good people can't just look at the surface, Wang Dahua still loves her young girl very much, so she gave Fenghe a warning look.

It was only at this time that Feng He came back to his senses: Auntie, don't worry, we will just say these few words. "

Looking at Wang Dahua's back, there is a distance between the two of them.

Li Qingbaocai looked at the benefactor in front of him, big and big, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, he looked really safe, and there was silence in his dark eyes.



The two spoke at the same time.

"Then you speak first."

"You speak first."

Pfft, both of them laughed.

Now even Feng He's nervousness receded a little.

He asked Li Qingbao to sit down, and poured Li Qingbao a glass of warm sugar water: "You talk first."

Li Qingbao is not a twitchy person either. Besides, what is there to be twitchy about her benefactor, she just opened her mouth and said in a firm voice, "My mother came today because I asked him to come. I want to marry Here, do you want to marry me?"

To be honest, Li Qingbao's blunt words made Feng He a little nervous.

Are all girls this tough now?
Even the marriage proposal came to the family, but to be honest, I was still a little flattered, what's going on.

But Feng He still asked his own question. He didn't want it to be because Li Qingbao had a conflict with Li Yu, so he wanted to find someone to marry, and this random person was himself.

So Feng He asked, "So what's the matter with you and Li Yu?"

Li Qingbao's desire to survive was instantly overwhelmed, and he hurried forward and grabbed Feng He's hand: "Brother, you have to believe me, nothing happened to me and him, and you knew before that he was just because of my family. I'm from the village, and I want to eat more delicious food, so I was deceived by him when I was young."

(End of this chapter)

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