Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 378 The third formula of the Orion gold master

Chapter 378 Orion Gold Master No.13 Formula (4)

"Then he often harassed me and so on, and then I was young, so I had a little bit of adoration for him. Then he has gone to recover now, resumed work, and he is so unsympathetic to me, I am sorry He also doesn't have any thoughts anymore, and I have seen clearly his true face as a big scumbag, don't worry, I will never have anything to do with him in the future. I don't like that kind of greasy-faced people at all now, look When you rescued me that day, you were so mighty and majestic. In front of me, your whole body was like being gilded with gold. Those are not likes at all, at most they are the most ignorant admiration of a little girl. The moment I saw you, I felt my heart beat faster, and I felt like this, a brave and majestic man is the one I like. It is my final destination and my true destiny."

"So I told you that day, I said I want to marry you, and then as soon as my parents came back, I wanted them to come to you the next day, brother, Li Yu and I are really innocent, there is nothing It happened, neither of us even fought or suffered."

"You are the first time I like someone so much, the first time I confess to you, I don't want to be shameless, brother, can you like me?"

Li Qingbao looked at Fenghe pitifully, and while trying to get rid of the relationship with Li Yu, he confessed to Fenghe shyly and timidly. , the entire bronze complexion has turned black and red, and the top of his head is almost smoking.

And there was a little bit of discomfort in my heart, there was still a sore feeling, where did I dare to have the slightest trace, it all disappeared.

The rest is the feeling of soreness and swelling in the chest.

All happy.

He only felt that his whole chest was sore and swollen, and his mind went blank for a moment, and he felt that he was in a fog, and he could hardly think of other languages ​​except for a silly grin.

Feng and the man in the mountain stammered back: "I see."

Li Qingbao thought that Feng He was dissatisfied with his expressionless face, and suddenly she was even more overwhelmed by seeking to survive. She held Feng He's hand tightly: "Brother, you have to trust me, I am really innocent, what are you doing?" None, the person I like is you, and you are the only one I like in my life, I will not marry you unless you marry me, and if you don’t marry me, I will bump my head to death here."

Li Qingbao's tears were about to fall, he really couldn't bear the responsibility of the original owner.

Unexpectedly, at this time Feng He grabbed Li Qingbao's body that was about to hit the wall.

He held it in his soft little hand.

Let the wind and heart soften: "I...I believe in you. I will go to your house to propose marriage tomorrow."

Feng He doesn't know how to say sweet words, but in the face of this confession, he is still moved.

Maybe having a little wife is also a good thing.

Li Qingbao jumped up happily, looked at Wang Dahua who was still facing the two of them, quickly embraced Fenghe, and slapped Fenghe on the face: "Then you must come tomorrow."

Feeling the feeling on his face, Feng He nodded vigorously.

"it is good!"

Then he watched the figures of Li Qingbao and Wang Dahua going away.

Just finished eating, and then quickly tidied up the house, Feng He thought about going home to propose a marriage tomorrow, so he hurried up the mountain with a bow and arrow.

Fenghe didn't know the procedure of getting married, but he wanted the best for Li Qingbao.

Wang Dahua looked at her niece so happy: "What do you think my niece said?"

Li Qingbao shook his head proudly: "Your daughter is going out, one is worth two. That's a must. Feng told elder brother that he will go to our house to propose marriage tomorrow. Mom, please keep the dowry less."

Wang Dahua slapped her daughter's head with a slap. It was the first time she hit her. Although it was said to be painless and light, it was like touching her lightly, but it was indeed the first time she got so angry.

Wang Dahua said loudly in her daughter's ear: "What nonsense are you talking about? Is your mother the kind of person who sells a girl? I feel sorry for you before it's too late. If he has no money to give the bride price, my mother will marry you even if she is a dowry." Ah, I still have a lot of private money, I will give it to you when the time comes."

Li Qingbao was very happy, and then grabbed Wang Dahua's arm and acted like a baby: "Mom, I really like you the most, you are really my real mother."

Wang Dahua patted her daughter's head, just like her own daughter has already betrothed to someone else, and after a while after marriage, she will no longer belong to her family, suddenly Wang Dahua felt a little sad.

Li Qingbao could see clearly what Wang Dahua was thinking, so he said to Wang Dahua: "Mom, don't be so sad, you said we were in front of the village and behind the village, you can come to my house for a visit if you have nothing to do. Just walk two steps, what a big deal, you are married to several villages like someone else, it is inconvenient to go back and forth, so what's the matter? I go to your house for dinner in the morning, go home for dinner at noon, and go home at night eat."

Wang Dahua was suddenly amused by Li Qingbao's shameless words, and immediately slapped Li Qingbao on the head again: "I still come to eat every day, and it's not bad to go to your house to eat, but tomorrow he will come, although the money Don't ask for much, it doesn't matter if you don't have money, but you still have to be embarrassed, so don't interfere when the time comes, and watch what your father and others do, so don't make a sound, you know? Don't come out stupidly To tear down the stage and marry a girl, you have to embarrass him, so that you know how to cherish you in the future?"

Knowing that marrying a daughter-in-law is not easy, it will be even more difficult to abandon it in the future.

It's like buying clothes, 5 yuan a piece, you don't feel bad if you don't wear it, and 2 pieces, you don't want to throw it away if you don't wear it, the same reason.

Li Qingbao nodded, and at the same time prayed to his benefactor in his heart for good luck.

But I think that the family's benefactor has dealt with his father-in-law and mother-in-law many times, so it shouldn't be so bad once or twice.

Back home, everyone in the family had already gone to work in the field, but Li Qingbao didn't.

There's no way I'm not good at it, I don't know how to work, let alone cook, the dark dishes I make, even dogs don't eat them.

Only the patron can barely save face.

This skill has never been lit up, and I have lived for hundreds of thousands of years in vain.

But Li Qingbao can still do things like sweeping the floor, so Li Qingbao reached out and picked up the broom to sweep the floor, but when the big girl and Erya saw it, they quickly snatched the broom over: "Little sister Sister-in-law, your floor is dirty, right? I'll sweep it, I'll sweep it, you should sit down and rest quickly, don't move your hands."

Said that the two girls still winked, and brought some food for Li Qingbao while the eldest sister was sweeping the floor, and put it close to Li Qingbao: "Sister, sister, you can just eat snacks."

Da Ya and Er Ya didn't dare to let Li Qingbao work, then when grandparents came back, they would definitely beat them up.

So Li Qingbao just sat on the bed eating snacks with uneasy conscience, watching his 10-year-old niece jumping up and down doing housework.

Li Qingbao also wanted to help, but they couldn't help it.

Looking at the 5-year-old nephew beside him, looking eagerly at the candy and snacks in his hand, Li Qingbao felt even more guilty, so he hugged the little nephew.

He picked up a piece of pastry and handed it to the little guy, this is the fourth brother's youngest son.The name is Li Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, do you want to eat?"

Li Xiaoxiao hurriedly shook her head in panic: "I won't eat it, sister-in-law, you can eat it, sister-in-law. Xiaoxiao doesn't want to eat delicious food at all, it's all for my aunt."

Li Qingbao's hand that took out the cake froze instantly.

Neither up nor down.

Li Qingbao couldn't help sighing, her mother meant that she managed the house well, and under her baptism, no one in the whole family dared to disrespect Li Qingbao.

Li Qingbao sighed, and became a rice worm as it should be, anyway, he was made to be a rice worm.

Now I am a rice worm, and I will be a rice worm when I go to the rich family later. This is the sadness of being pampered by others.

Li Qingbao felt that he was a waste product of happiness, called happiness waste.

The dazed Li Qingbao just ate, drank, played, and then the day passed.

On the second day, Li Qingbao heard noises outside early in the morning, as if they were noisy at home.

Li Qingbao suddenly sat up from the bed, thinking that the rich man really wanted to come to propose marriage today, the voice could not be that the rich man came.

Amidst the noise, it seemed that he heard some key words, such as a tiger or something.

Li Qingbao gave a rub, sat up from the bed, quickly got dressed and went out the door.

This guy, there is a tiger in the big yard of the house.Although dead.

But this huge body is still impressive.A little scared, the little guys in the family were very excited, but no one dared to go forward, after all, this thing is a tiger.

Wang Dahua hadn't left the house yet, seeing the scene, she was immediately delighted that it was a mouth-to-eart, and everyone in the family had been accounted for by him, and everyone knew it.

What is Fenghe here for today?

The four brothers who originally wanted to show off their authority were suddenly overwhelmed by this blow.

I just said yesterday that I was going to propose a marriage, but today I shot a tiger back, which is too powerful.

The fourth child hugged Feng He's shoulders excitedly, and he almost said that the two brothers are okay. This is the first time he has seen a tiger. Although it is dead, this is the first time he has felt serious. tiger.

It's good to recognize this man as my brother-in-law.

"Fenghe, you are very powerful. When did you catch the tiger yesterday? We didn't hear the sound. I saw an arrow stuck in the tiger's neck. It was killed by a sword. You are so good craftsmanship."

The fourth child's rainbow skin came one after another, Li Dalong couldn't bear to watch it anymore.

Li Dalong coughed twice: "Ahem, the wind is here, let's go into the house."

The main event has just begun.

Wang Dahua turned around and pulled Li Qingbao out the door, letting the men talk inside.

Then, Wang Dahua and his daughters-in-law immediately went to prepare lunch. Today is a distinguished guest, so cooking is a huge task.

Yesterday, Wang Dahua took people to buy ingredients.

Of course, only a small part is bought, only some pork and so on are bought, and the rest is to kill a chicken at home, and then go to the pit to catch a fish.

Add some pork, the pork bones are basically the same, there are a few hard vegetables and then stir-fry some ordinary vegetables or something.

The whole family happily helped together, and Li Qingbao was placed on the stool with some snacks in his hands, and then his sister-in-law put some tea beside him.

Compared to the first time when he was at a loss, Li Qingbao took some things for granted this time.

There are quite a lot of people in the kitchen, four or five people have nothing to do with Wang Dahua, and a few daughters-in-law are quite capable.

While picking vegetables, the sister-in-law teased Li Qingbao: "Qingbao. I think this wind is much stronger than Li Yu. This person is okay. Look how big this guy is, and he can kill a tiger without getting hurt. .And you can see that he came back with a dowry gift after going to kill tigers, I think this is enough for our little sister. When the little sister goes, she will definitely not be able to bear the grievance."

Li Qingbao felt comfortable hearing this.

I really gave my sister-in-law a smile without hesitation: "I think so too."

During this period, Wang Dahua never let Li Qingbao pass by, so what are the brothers and men doing?
It wasn't until lunch time that Li Jinbao and his group went in with the food that they saw what was going on inside.

The war without gunpowder smoke that Li Qingbao imagined does not exist at all, and several of them are going on.Talk and laugh freely.

Put the rice on the table together, chicken, duck, fish, bone soup, and some pomegranate vegetables. This table really shows how much everyone attaches importance to Fenghe.

Feng He glanced at the little girl who was a little distance away from him. It's not like he had never seen Li Qingbao before, but for some reason, it seemed that after seeing him yesterday, he was haunted by dreams, even dreaming. to a moment.

Li Qingbao gave a big smile to the benefactor, and then unceremoniously sat beside Fenghe.

The little hand gently slipped into Jin Zhuda's hand, and scratched the other's palm, Feng He's face turned red, but his skin color was originally dark, so it wasn't very obvious.

But in turn, the big hand grabbed the troublesome little hand, making it impossible for Li Qingbao to break free.

Chinese people have always been good at talking about things at the dinner table.

Feng He waited until the whole family sat together, and then said tightly: "Uncle, Aunt, I'm here today to propose a marriage, I hope you can give me the jewel in your palm. I don't have parents, I don’t have any brothers, and I don’t know how to do some procedures, so I need my uncle and aunt to bother.”

"But you can come as you want. As long as it is necessary, uncle and aunt can open their mouths. I will never refuse if I can do it. Even if you can't do it, I will find a way to do it. This tiger is the one I saw last night. I went into the mountains overnight to hunt. A piece of tiger skin was used to make a chair cushion for my aunt. It is warm in winter."

Seeing Feng He's attitude, Wang Dahua immediately laughed out loud.

"Okay, I'm filial. I agree to this marriage, and there are no rules at home. We are the apple of the eye, and that's a heartache. As long as you treat her well in the future, everything else will be fine."

(End of this chapter)

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