Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 379 The third formula of the Orion gold master

Chapter 379 Orion Gold Master No.13 Formula (5)

Feng He immediately nodded seriously. "Auntie, uncle, don't worry, I will definitely take care of Qingbao as my most important person, as long as I know how to do it, I will do it all, hold her in my hand, pamper her, and never let her suffer. A little bit of grievance."

After Feng He finished expressing his attitude, the eldest brother here suddenly made a leisurely voice and said, "My sister can't cook."

Feng He didn't care, just opened his mouth and said, "It's fine if I know how."

The second brother then said: "My younger sister doesn't get up until 8 o'clock. If he doesn't sleep well, he will get angry when he wakes up, and he will be in a bad mood all day long."

Feng He continued to reply indifferently: "It's okay, I can make breakfast and call him."

The third brother then said: "My younger sister is not used to doing farm work. She has never done it. She doesn't know how to do housework, and she doesn't know how to do things to earn money."

Feng He replied categorically again: "Making money is what men need to do. What women need to do is to be beautiful."

The third brother was willing to bow down, and finally the fourth brother thought for a long time before saying: "My sister has a bad temper and is a bit delicate. You can't do anything to him."

Feng He immediately smiled and said: "It's okay, it's what you should do to spoil your daughter-in-law. I can tolerate all his petty tempers."

Li Qingbao, who was eating at the side, felt that he was about to be told by his brothers that he was useless, but when he thought about it carefully, it seemed that what the four brothers said was right, and he seemed to be, what to eat There is nothing left, what can't be done, and then lose your temper and rank first.

Only the benefactor can bear himself.

After Feng He finished speaking, the whole scene was silent, and no one felt that Feng He was not good. Since he could do this for Li Qingbao, his determination to marry was simply off the charts.

What else do they have to say? If the brother-in-law is so good to their sister in the future, then they don't have anything else to say. Where can I find such a good brother-in-law like you, don't you think?

Li Dalong made the final blow: "What's the use of saying so many good things, it depends on whether you can do it."

"Yes, Uncle, I will do what I say."

Feng He opened his mouth again: "Although my aunt and uncle said that as long as I treat Qing Bao well, it's fine, but in my heart, Qing Bao deserves better, and everyone else has Qing Bao. As for the bride price. I think Renovate the house again, add some things that should be added, and Qingbao can't use the old ones, so I have nearly 500 yuan for the remaining money besides buying things for Qingbao. Give it to Qing Bao as a betrothal gift, Auntie, take a look. If there is anything you need to buy, or if Qing Bao needs to buy anything, you can buy it for Qing Bao."

More than 500 yuan. When Feng He said this number, the silence on the entire dining table was two degrees of silence.

More than 500 yuan is now equivalent to all the property of a family. Fenghe used all of it as a hundred miles, and he still had to get rid of the newly renovated house and the wedding banquet, which shows that Fenghe is really rich. Well, Wang Dahua couldn't be happier, her own daughter is so discerning, how did she find such a good seedling.

My daughter's eyes are bright, so blessed.

And people say that the family is only 500 yuan, do you really think there are 500 yuan?

At least there is more than double in the purse, thinking that Fenghe is actually a thousand yuan household, Wang Dahua is very excited.

So he quickly said: "Good! Good!!"

He said two words the whole time.

Everyone discussed some details, and then basically the matter was finalized. As for the wedding, Wang Dahua looked through the calendar, and everyone decided on a comparison.The auspicious day is the 16th of next month, and there is still a month to prepare.

Li Qingbao lightly ticked the big palm of the gold master again.

In another month, I will be the daughter-in-law of the rich man, and the two will live together. Isn't Fenghe very happy?

Even Feng He didn't expect that the matter would be settled so smoothly, he held Li Qingbao's hand very excitedly, Li Qingbao turned his head and gave a big smile.

Feng He thought that this little guy would become his wife in the future, and become his own, Feng He felt a little hot in his heart.

After dinner, everyone went out, trying to give the young couple time to cultivate their relationship.

Li Qingbao didn't know why he was reserved, so he stepped forward and stopped Feng He's waist.

Raising her pink and tender face, her big round eyes are full of attention and trust.

"Brother, I'll rely on you to take care of me from now on."

Li Qingbao said this strangely.

It was the first time for Fenghe to be so close to a girl, Li Qingbao's scent directly rushed into his nostrils, and the warmth from his hands made him feel a little uncomfortable, but he was very reluctant to part with it. let it go.

The blush quietly climbed to the tips of the ears, and gradually spread to the end of the eyes.

The originally ordinary and attractive facial features suddenly had a strange sense of beauty, which made Li Liqingbao a little unable to move his eyes away.

Feng He directly took out a wad of money and handed it to Li Qingbao.

"The wedding will be held in a few days. Take the money and see what you want to buy. If you like it, just buy it. Don't wrong yourself. If you don't have money, just tell me and I'll give it to you. "

Li Qingbao looked at the several sheets of Great Unity in his hand, which were worth tens of dollars. Feng He must have been prepared when he went out to give him the money.

This is not the first time that Li Qingbao has been raised by the benefactor, so he put away the money with peace of mind, but he turned to hold the hand of the benefactor and said: "I have something I want to buy, but brother, I want to talk to you." You go together, you come with me."

Feng He agreed without hesitation: Okay, when are you going?


Feng He nodded again: Good.

The daughter-in-law said everything well.

Feng He was not a talkative person in the first place. Apart from answering Li Qingbao's questions, he rarely picked up topics, but Li Qingbao was a talkative person. finished words.

Looking at Feng He's slightly darkened skin, he asked, "Brother, do you often bask in the sun? Why is your skin so dark?"

Feng He smiled and showed his big white teeth: "I often go hunting in the mountains, so I got a little tan."

"Then besides hunting, what other things do you do every day?"

"Clean up housework, cook."

Li Qingbao felt that he had really committed a crime by transforming a good benefactor into a housewife.

But I still don't know anything, committing a crime, really committing a crime.

"Then you can save so much wife money just by hunting?"

"In addition to hunting, I will also go up the mountain to get some medicinal materials. If there are some more precious medicinal materials, I will spend more money."

It's like interrogating a prisoner, one question and one answer, but the two of them are still enjoying it.

Li Qingbao asked another question: "Don't you want to earn more money?"

After thinking carefully, Feng He nodded seriously: "I will work hard and earn more money."

In the past, I was alone, and the whole family was not hungry when I was full. Fenghe never thought about being rich. Qingbao, Fenghe thought that he should really work hard to give the baby a better life, and if Li Qingbao wanted to buy whatever he wanted, he would be able to afford the happiness of his own woman.

Only incompetent men, only useless men think that women worship money.

And capable men never only think about it.How to make money so that he can afford it, so that he can have what others have.

Li Qingbao hugged the gold master's big fingers again: "Brother and I will work hard together and live together."

Feng He took a look at Li Qingbao's white and tender fingers.It feels like a fine jade in the rough.

How could such a beautiful hand be used to do things, but Fenghe didn't expose it, his wife just eats, drinks and has fun, and has everything. When he likes someone, he wants to spoil him. .Happiness becomes waste.

Li Qingbao didn't expect the gold master to be so insidious, and secretly wanted to turn her into a waste, but chatted very happily, chatting and chatting...

Feng He looked at Li Qingbao, who had opened his mouth and was already asleep in his arms, and couldn't help a smile from the corner of his mouth.This silly girl can fall asleep even now.

It's really courageous.

But this also shows from another side, the girl's trust in herself.

Seeing Li Qingbao's steady breathing, her pink and tender face was puffed up, looking extremely cute, and her long eyelashes cast a circle of shadows around her eye sockets.

The whole person is as peaceful as a sleeping princess.

Feng He still couldn't hold back, and pressed a kiss lightly on Li Qingbao's face.

Then he wrapped up Li Qingbao, put Li Qingbao on the bed, and covered him with the quilt.But the feeling of starting is really too light. Li Qingbao is already 18 years old this year, and he is still so light.

When he was leaving, Feng He thought about it and left some money for Wang Dahua. Although Wang Dahua didn't want it, he still tried his best to keep it. If he confessed, he wanted to buy more delicious food for Li Qingbao. He liked it. White and fat.

My own daughter-in-law, raised by myself.

Wang Dahua was so happy that she couldn't see her teeth.

It's still because my daughter has good eyesight. It's really good to find such a husband, and there is nothing better.

On the second day, Li Qingbao got up early in the morning and was picked up by Feng He on his bicycle. The news of the two's engagement spread like wildfire in the village. Now that the two had an engagement, they usually went out. When shopping, you have to walk closer, as long as there are no more indecent violations, basically everyone is more optimistic, and they may only lightly tease a few words, which are more joking, but in fact Everyone will still bless the couple in the future.

Went to the town and put the bicycle in the place where Fenghe took care of the bicycle, and then took Li Qingbao for a stroll around the town, Fenghe asked Li Qingbao carefully: "What do you want to buy?"

Li Qingbao was stunned for a moment, she was just buying something, she just said it casually, but she hadn't thought about what she really wanted to buy, and she didn't have anything she wanted to buy, as if she had everything at home.

Seeing Li Qingbao's thoughtful appearance, Feng He took Li Qingbao to the department store.

The department store is relatively well-stocked and sells everything, but Li Qingbao slammed his mouth when he saw the price. After all, neither of them is very rich now, and some things are really unaffordable now. The two walked and watched, but Li Qingbao didn't want to buy anything, because the price and poverty made her discouraged.

As for Fenghe, I just buy everything I see. This water cup is pink and pink. I bought it for Qing Bao. Well, this dress likes pink and pink. I bought it for Qing Bao. I don’t know why. When I saw everything pink When it comes to colored things, Fenghe thinks it is especially suitable for babies.

It seems that there is a person who is born with this color.

Although Li Qingbao liked it very much, but the cashmere sweater cost 68 yuan. Compared with the money that the rich and generous paid, but for 500 yuan, Li Qingbao decisively refused.

No matter what, you can't take the hard-earned money of the donor seriously: "Why don't we buy something delicious."

Li Qingbao suggested to the beneficiary that delicious food can't cost that much, right?

And as for clothes, there are plenty of them in the space, but it's just not suitable to take them out.

These people's clothes are sold very expensively, but in fact, the color is in line with Li Qingbao's wishes. In fact, Li Qingbao doesn't like the style or anything.

Feng He looked at Li Qingbao who didn't want anything, and suddenly felt very considerate, God really treated him preferentially, he really found the best little guy.

Seeing the little guy's distressed look, he listened to the little guy's words if he could drink, and then walked to the place to buy food with the little guy.

The two gave tickets and money together, and then bought some pastries and sweets.

He also bought two bottles of expensive canned fruit for Li Qingbao.

Li Qingbao was very happy when there was food, let alone something sweet, Li Qingbao was even happier, bouncing and following Fenghe out of the department store again.

Going out again, there was still a movie outside, Li Qingbao thought about it, bought a movie ticket with Fenghe, and went to the movie theater to watch a movie.

Most of the movies at this time were war-themed, but in fact, there were also some touching love stories in the middle, and they were actually quite good-looking, with a retro flavor.

We finished eating, drinking and playing together again, but the sky is already almost dark, and it is getting dark.

The two of them were about to go back, but they didn't expect that not long after they left the movie theater, they saw a person they didn't want to see the most.

The originally happy mood plummeted to the bottom in an instant, and the obvious Fenghe also saw Xu Yu's appearance.

Feng He turned his eyes to Li Qingbao reflexively, wanting to see Li Qingbao's reaction.

When you see Li Qingbao's bright smile.

Feng He's gaze was slightly dull.

See your old lover so happy?

(End of this chapter)

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