Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 387 Queen’s Gold Master Form 4

Chapter 387 Queen's Gold Master No.14 Form (2)

As far as Li Qingbao can imagine, there must be some strength of the Bai family, which is held in Bai Shu's hands, but Li Qingbao already has specific ideas about the two people on the left and right, so she shook her head and said to Bai Shu: "With the power in your hands, the most important thing is to protect yourself, and I will do the rest."

A moment ago, Li Qingbao had already thought up some ideas.

Those two people could always cooperate together when Li Qingbao resisted, suppressing Li Qingbao, and when Li Qingbao calmed down, they would fight each other again and kill the other party.

This state is the tacit understanding of the two people who have cooperated for many years. The two of them can allow any one of them to take off this victory story, but they do not allow others to intervene. benefit collaborators.

A slight light flashed in Li Qingbao's eyes. She gently stroked the top of Bai Shu's head and said softly, "This state banquet will be a very good opportunity."

The state banquet is for all nations to congratulate, regardless of whether the emperor Li Qingbao can do it or not, but their country is called Dayong Kingdom.

Yong Kingdom is the only big country in this world, and it is also the number one big country.

Countless small countries rely on him to survive, and there are countless war opponents who want him to analyze and dissociate at any time, or even swallow it in their stomachs. The country is more cautious and dare not do it.

So it is still safe and sound until now, but because of the status of the first overlord of the Yong Kingdom, in order to show its benevolence and status as the overlord, the Yong Kingdom will hold a National Congress every five years. This state banquet will be held in the Great Yong Kingdom. I've been very busy recently, and I'm all preparing for the state banquet, because the state banquet is only three days away, and the preparations have basically entered a tense stage.

And this preparation, this is a very good opportunity. At this time, even the left and right ministers dare not mess around, because they have to guard their victory carefully, so they try their best to protect the Yong Kingdom, and then find a way to sit on the throne .

Because the preparations were carried out by the right and left from the beginning to the end, of course Li Qingbao would not make his country look bad in front of other countries, this is impossible.

He was just thinking of a way to let another person be inserted between these two people, and even cause a crisis. As long as they take action to deal with it, the other person, Li Qingbao's decision this time, will firmly take them down.

Seeing Bai Shu's puzzled look, Li Qingbao patted the little guy's back: "Hurry up and sleep. We'll talk about it tomorrow."

But Bai Shu suddenly grabbed Li Qingbao's sleeve, and said slightly: "If Your Majesty needs a new candidate like the Bai family, His Majesty can choose the Feng family. My father single-handedly picked up the Feng family. , They serve the country loyally, and their loyalty to their father and the emperor is no less than that of their father. Your Majesty can use them."

Li Qingbao nodded and said that he had listened to what Bai Shu said in his heart.

After tossing and tossing for so long, both of them were indeed a little tired, so soon they hugged each other and fell asleep deeply.

The next day, Li Qingbao got up early in the morning to change his clothes and go to court.

The biological clock familiar to the original owner woke up Li Qingbao from his sleep. When he made a slight movement, Bai Shu opened his eyes, and he quickly woke up from his sleep: "Your Majesty, I will wait for you to change clothes."

Li Qingbao looked at Bai Shu with a confused face and a slight blush that hadn't woken up, he looked really cute.

It's rare to see such a weak benefactor bring such a cute look, Li Qingbao looked at the two tufts of curly hair on Bai Shu's forehead that were curled up due to sleep, and his throat slid twice.

But now is obviously not a good time, she must go to court.

He stuffed Bai Shu into the quilt, then pressed the corner of his back, and patted his little head lightly: "Go on to sleep, I will do it myself."

Li Qingbao pinched Bai Shu's chin, and pressed a precious kiss on his forehead.

Bai Shu, who was about to get up, was somehow bewitched by this voice, as if the god of sleep was calling him, soon he closed his eyes, and fell into a deep sleep this time.

Li Qingbao had finished dressing and washing, and when he went out, he told the male waiter outside the door: "Let your master sleep for a while, don't disturb him. But when it's time for breakfast, you must wake up , if he doesn't have breakfast, his stomach will feel uncomfortable."

The waiter widened his eyes and nodded.

Li Qingbao turned and left, the golden dragon robe on her body seemed to be shining under the sun, as if the golden domineering and her might had almost merged into one.

The male waiter seemed to see that it was really an emperor, not a puppet, walking under the sun. ,

Li Qingbao strode forward and sat directly on the dragon chair.

It's not that she hasn't been an emperor before, and she has used the art of emperor with ease.In his heart, these difficult and small cases are simply a piece of cake.

Scanning the civil and military officials below with wide eyes, a layout map appeared in Li Qingbao's eyes, and everyone's backgrounds and the like emerged, and he picked and picked out those who were useful to him, and carefully analyzed the pros and cons of those who were useful to him. Who is trustworthy and who is not.

After a long time, Li Qingbao nodded with satisfaction. About 1/3 of the people were loyal ministers and royalists, and the remaining 2/3 was divided by the two prime ministers. 1/3, in fact, he is the best first 3 people, there is no need for the Feng family and the Bai family.

This triangle relationship does not need others at all. If he acts as the third party in this relationship, it can be easily resolved.

The most stable relationship in the world is a triangle relationship, but the most unstable relationship is also a triangle relationship.

The female officer shouted calmly beside her: "There is a book to play, and there is nothing to retreat to the court."

Li Qingbao looked down at the two powerful figures standing in front of him.

Zuo Xiang was tall and tall, and looked extremely elegant, like a graceful lady.

No matter how deep she is in the city, she always smiles when she looks at anyone. This is called a smiling tiger, but if you look carefully, you can see her eyes without the slightest warmth.

At the age of 50 or [-], he still has the same charm. On the slightly wrinkled old face, there are more wise eyes after years of honing.

On the other side, the right-hand minister is a thin and shriveled old lady.

Her facial features were all crowded together, she looked very wretched, and she was short in stature.

But if you look closely at her eyes, you can see that in her eyes, there seems to be a vortex, a sea of ​​stars, and this person's strategy is not inferior to Zuo Xiang. Douquan, this statement is true.

Li Qingbao almost circled around the two of them.

Combined with the analysis of the big and small things in the lives of the two people, it is almost not difficult to guess the style and means of the two people's usual work.

It is said that each other is born from the heart.

It looks like the left side, the scenery is like the moon.But in fact, he is indeed an existence like a smart multi-star. He has a high IQ, many wrists, and a deep city.No matter what kind of conspiracy method, it seems that there is nothing to hide in front of him, and he can handle it with ease.

As for the right-hand man, he has a wretched temperament, but in fact his methods are even more despicable. No matter how the process is, no matter how despicable his methods are, he has only one goal, and that is to achieve the goal, so look left The right-facing gaze often carries disdain and contempt, and I disdain to be with such people.

But they had to support each other, and even Li Qingbao felt that one person seemed to be upright and the other seemed to be dark, but in fact, both of them were stinky rats in the gutter.

No one can go anywhere without glory.

The lady officer had just finished saying this.

Prime Minister Zuo took a step forward and stood in the middle: "I have this performance."

Li Qingbao nodded slightly, raised his jaw, and only one word slanted out from his mouth. He even lazily leaned on the dragon chair behind him: "Yes!"

He stared at the civil and military officials below.

No matter what kind of conspiracy or puppet control the two of them have, Li Qingbao still has two words: emperor.

The two of them also put poison on Li Qingbao, trying to control Li Qingbao, but when Li Qingbao arrived, all of these poisons were swallowed up by Li Qingbao.

Her natural physique still has a strong vitality, any poisons or means, these crooked methods are all on her, and they don't work, so using these things to control her is the most stupid behavior.

Prime Minister Zuo bowed slightly and said what he wanted to report: "My Majesty, the Congress of Nations will be held in three days. In recent days, I have also searched for many problems. In order to demonstrate our country's national prestige. It's just that I found the problem. There are 3. I don’t know how to decide.”

The so-called problem is actually just a project in the All Nations Conference. Of course, all nations are not here to gossip. Everyone is a busy person. If you gossip, you can pat your ass and leave.

In fact, it is at this time that everyone wants to figure out the strength of each country, whether it is the strength of Wen or the strength of Wu.

Basically, everyone will reveal part of it, so the meeting of Wanchai is roughly divided into three stages. Wen Dabi is a group of civil servants who say something about the policy of governing the country that is facing some disasters at the moment. Tit for tat to see if there are still talents in this country who can govern the country.

The second word is the big competition of generals, if they will go, it is nothing more than archery, hunting and the like, these are actually real guns.

But only the third item, all countries will pay tribute to Li Qingbao some rare treasures, but it is said to be rare treasures, but in fact it is just a provocation. They try their best to collect the rare treasures of their own country, or The newly researched things in one's own country have only one purpose.

That is to make Li Qingbao, a big country, unable to recognize this thing, and they will win.

And after they pay tribute, Li Qingbao will reward them with some things to go back. There are rules for the rewards. The things Li Qingbao rewards are also for one purpose, that is to make them unrecognizable and to protect themselves as a big country. dignity.

In fact, every word and deed of the emperor is a struggle.

Now the left side says there are three.That said, all three things fit.

Li Qingbao waved his hand, but did not speak, the female officer had already shouted out: "National treasure please!"

After a while, a male waiter carried three objects and placed them in three trays covered with red cloth. Judging from the size of the trays, the three objects should not be large.

Prime Minister Zuo walked over and gently opened the first tray. Li Qingbao's pupils shrank suddenly, and there was a pistol inside.

Although the workmanship is still a bit rough, and even has some graininess.

But it is undeniable that it is a pistol.

Even thermal weapons are made.

The number one overlord of the Great Yong Kingdom also deserves its name.

Prime Minister Zuo stepped forward and put the object in the hands of the female officer next to Li Qingbao, and the female officer brought it to Li Qingbao.

Li Qingbao pretended not to know, and asked Wei Wei: "What is this thing that Prime Minister Zuo is talking about?"

"Your Majesty, this is the fire system, which is similar to bows and arrows. It has a range, but it is easier to operate than bows and arrows, and its volume is much smaller than bows and arrows. Its arrows are round beads, but the lethality But it is much more powerful than bows and arrows."

A bow and arrow generally means that it is a weapon, and the female officer brought up a box of magazines.

Li Qingbao raised his hand slightly, put the bullet into the clip, and asked softly, "How do you activate this?"

Zuo Xiangwei described it to Li Qingbao, pressed the safety catch on the back, then aimed at a certain place and pulled the trigger to shoot, and the shot would be fired directly
The corner of Li Qingbao's mouth twitched into a smile. After loading the bullets, his gun was pointed at Prime Minister Zuo.

The smile on the corner of his mouth was mocking and ironic.

But Zuo Xiang is Zuo Xiang, even if he saw Li Qingbao pointing a gun at him, he was not in the slightest embarrassment, but after a few smiles, he reminded Li Qingbao softly: "Your Majesty, be careful, this gun is easy. fire."

Li Qingbao pointed his wrists down gently.There was a thud at Zuo Xiang's feet.The bullet hit Zuo Xiang's feet, even turning a piece of his shoe into black.

Prime Minister Zuo's gaze suddenly became gloomy, looking at Li Qingbao's gaze as if stabbed, and Li Qingbao slightly raised his hand to cover it.

The smile on the corner of Zuo Xiang's mouth slightly tightened the elegant skin on his face, and he couldn't hold it any longer.Darkness suddenly appeared in the black and white eyes, and he looked at Li Qingbao with warning eyes.

It was also like a sharp sword about to be unsheathed, smashing the powder Li Qingbao hit.

A big hole was also opened in the ground quilt, some timid ministers screamed, and some bolder ones took two steps back.

For a moment, everyone looked at Li Qingbao, with unpredictable expressions. At that moment, Zuo Xiang felt that Li Qingbao really wanted to kill him, and the killing intent rushed towards him as if in essence.

But he hooked the corner of his mouth, so what, after all, she couldn't kill herself, and she didn't dare to kill herself.

Hatred is not terrible, what is terrible is that there is no chance to realize hatred.

Prime Minister Zuo put the mask on his face again, and gently reminded Li Qingbao with raised lips, as if he was pampering a naughty child: "Your Majesty, the minister said, be careful with this thing."

 I waited until the editor went to work to finish it, and it was already done.

(End of this chapter)

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