Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 388 Queen’s Gold Master Form 4

Chapter 388 Queen's Gold Master No.14 Form (3)

Li Qingbao put the gun back on the table nonchalantly, and said in a steady voice, "No, it didn't go off. That's why I shot it on purpose. I want to test how powerful it is."

The ministers rubbed the sweat from their foreheads, the emperor seems a little different today, the silent battlefield here, the smoke of gunpowder began to fill the air.

Li Qingbao looked to the left line, as if he was laughing at him, even a little kid can't handle it.

The storm in Zuo Xiang's mind seemed to be getting worse.

He gently stepped onto the dragon seat, and then gently and firmly took the gun and even the magazine from Li Qingbao's hand.

"I'm guilty. It's because I didn't think carefully. It would be bad if this thing hurts His Majesty."

Prime Minister Zuo took it back and continued to introduce its functions and some methods of operation, saying that its manufacturing cost is not too expensive, so this is their new research weapon, which is simpler and more powerful than those bows and arrows.

There was excitement in the eyes of the general looking at the left minister. Once this thing is equipped with armaments, they will be invincible, and they can even unify China.

This thing is simply the terminator of the flames of war.

It is conceivable that after this thing is released in large quantities, no one will dare to shake the No. [-] position of the Great Yong Kingdom. The congratulations from all nations will become history, and all the land of China will become the territory of the Great Yong Kingdom.

Li Qingbao waved his hand boringly: "The second one."

Prime Minister Zuo took off the red cloth and held it for others to watch, but he didn't send it back to Li Qingbao.

To the emperor or not?So what if you give it or not?It seems that he has the final say on these things, the emperor does not have any right to speak, but Li Qingbao is not so easy to coax, he waved to the female officer beside him: "Bring it up, let me have a look."

Prime Minister Zuo didn't back down at all, and took two steps with the tray tilted inward, so that Li Qingbao could still see him on the throne.

Li Qingbao sat upright abruptly, with two extremely menacing gazes in his eyes, he pressed directly on Zuo Xiang's body.

An invisible aura enveloped Zuo Xiang, as if he was being stared at by a wild beast. He was roaring and opening his mouth wide, and if he was not careful, he would be crushed to pieces.

Prime Minister Zuo lowered his head, and there were two secret chuckles in his throat. She never knew that the little emperor had such a powerful aura.

I saw that domineering, resolute voice saying: "What if I say no."

Prime Minister Zuo gave up struggling and put the tray into the female officer's hand.It was as gentle as if nothing had happened, only his hands behind his back could be seen trembling slightly.

The ministers below did not even dare to breathe. The leftist faction saw that Li Qingbao was unusual, but they didn't pay attention to what everyone said, because they felt that Li Qingbao was just struggling in vain. .

But the Royalists saw hope. His Majesty was always helpless against these people before, but now...

It seems that the emperor suppressed Xiang Zuo.

"I'm just worried that His Majesty will break this thing."

Li Qingbao snorted without hesitation, with obvious frivolity and disdain in his voice: "Those who know know that Prime Minister Zuo is worried about the national treasure, while those who don't know think that Prime Minister Zuo wants to control a puppet. I don't even look at things. His rights are gone, and the left prime minister is not that kind of person.”

Zuo Xiang hurriedly knelt on the ground and kowtowed: "Don't dare."

Li Qingbao laughed silently, and Prime Minister Zuo gritted his teeth underneath.

This is the deterrent power of the word emperor, unless the left and right ministers are ready to accept the infamy and then instigate rebellion, otherwise, they will all have to be deterred by the word emperor.

You have to bow down and say long live the emperor.

And they dare not instigate rebellion. As the first empire, Great Yong Kingdom is slightly turbulent. If the outside world finds out, Great Yong Kingdom will be torn to pieces in an instant!

So while both of them have a perfect plan to kill each other, they will not act rashly, which is why Li Qingbao has been able to survive for so many years.

When the tray was opened, Li Qingbao saw what kind of thing it was. It was a bit similar to the Nine Twist Chain, but it was actually something more complicated than it.

Several ring-shaped metals were mixed together, and Li Qingbao shook it lightly a few times. Unexpectedly, the metal formed by these wires turned into an airtight metal box with a crash.

And this metal box is in Li Qingbao's hands, no matter how much he studies it over and over again, he can't change back to the state just now.

Li Qingbao weighed the things in his hands. The gun just now was force, so this is the crystallization of wisdom.

It should be something similar to an intellectual game formed after countless calculations.

After it is untied, it is in a state of one by one, but when it is spliced ​​together, it becomes a shape of all rings and rings. If you shake these words, if you are not careful, it will become a shape like this Li Qingbao is very interested in the box.

At the same time, Prime Minister Zuo also began to explain the origin of this thing here: "This name: Jiuqu Palace. It is the top craftsman in our country. It took three full months to make it. Now except for the craftsman himself, No one can solve it at all, it requires strong computing power and quick thinking material, if the one just now is a symbol of our country's force, then it is the country, the symbol of our country's brain wisdom."

Li Qingbao looked at the left minister below and said, "Is it really impossible to solve it?"

Unexpectedly, Prime Minister Zuo took out another thing similar to this with him, and shook his head: "It can't be solved. The only answer is in the mind of that craftsman, and the craftsman is also closely monitored by me. I only know that after the Wanhui will let him go.”

After finishing speaking, Prime Minister Zuo gently handed the things in front of Prime Minister Right, ignoring Right Xiang's ugly face and said softly: "I can't solve it, but Prime Minister Right is the smartest person in my Yong Kingdom, maybe You can look right."

The prime minister on the left shoved something into the prime minister's right hand without any explanation.

Li Qingbao spent all his time watching the two fall in love and kill each other.It didn't stop him in the slightest.

kill! !The more intense the killing, the better, and the more miserable the killing, the better. ,

Li Qingbao added fuel to the fire: "Let's try the right minister, I also think you are the smartest person."

Prime Minister Right took Lianhuan lightly, his self-esteem did not allow her to back down.But after just turning it over, the Jiuqu Palace immediately became a metal box. No matter how the right-hand man knew it, the metal box couldn't be opened.

The right minister even had two drops of cold sweat on his forehead, and his complexion turned pale a little bit. Now that the civil and military courts are all here, if he loses this time, it will really be embarrassing.

It has already started to ring around, and many people who think they are smart want to try it.

But Li Qingbao played with it silently, and the Lianhuan in his hand was dismantled one by one.

After the Jiuqu Palace is made into a box, it needs a specific process to turn it into a Jiuqu again, but I didn't expect Li Qingbao to turn it lightly a few times, and then whip it up.

This little thing, Li Qingbao, has figured out the secret of it, life is death, death is life, only death can lead to life, and death means no life.

But it is still far from the time to tell them, Li Qingbao put these things on the table today and slightly curled his lips: "It seems that I am the smartest person in the entire Yong Kingdom, this is the real dragon Son of Heaven! The left side is right, do you think so?"

"Long live, long live, long live, Your Majesty is wise and mighty."

The warning in these words made left and right look at each other, this little emperor is too arrogant today.

Li Qingbao doesn't care whether they are sincere or false, but compliments always make people feel happy.

Li Qingbao waved his hand to ask the female officer to take these things down, and then said to Prime Minister Zuo: "The last thing.",

Although Li Qingbao has seen countless treasures, there is everything in the great world, and every world has its own independent treasures, either human wisdom, or objects created by human wisdom, or It was carved by himself. These treasures are unique in every world. Li Qingbao admired these things, but when Prime Minister Zuo took out the third item.

Li Qingbao couldn't help but gasped.

This is a……

Li Qingbao looked at it for a long time before he was sure that it was a diamond.

And it is a natural diamond, how big is it, as big as an adult's head.

It is pure natural, and it is an extremely crystal clear colored diamond. The whole diamond has no impurities at all, as if the whole diamond has been rendered by God.Crystal clear and clear.Solemn and majestic.

The seven-color diamonds are naturally condensed into the shape of a dragon, whether it is a dragon horn, a dragon birth, or a dragon claw.Everything is exquisite, but it has no traces of carving at all.

This appearance is not what makes Li Qingbao amazed at all, but that there is aura in the body of this thing.

Also mixed with national luck.

In the end, Li Qingbao confirmed that this is a small dragon vein, alive!
I don't know why it was imprisoned in this natural diamond, but it is undeniable that this is the dragon vein.

This Zuoxiang actually dug out all the dragon veins, fortunately there was no damage in the middle, otherwise the Great Yong Kingdom was exhausted.

But suddenly Li Qingbao shook his head again, and lightly wiped his eyelids with both hands.Li Qingbao's eyes saw something that others couldn't see, that is, within the diamond, there was a transparent energy body whining softly inside, this energy body was obviously very small.

Even a newly formed dragon vein that was imprisoned just after being conscious.

Li Qingbao brought the things to his side, and gently attached them with his hands, conveying some life energy, which made the restless and whining dragon veins feel comfortable in an instant, and then began to roam in the limited space.

The angry whine from before also gradually changed.Joyful dragon chants, for an instant, all civil and military officials in the entire palace felt as if they had walked all the way just now, their frozen limbs began to warm up, and the whole hall seemed to have it.Signs of spring blossoms.

Prime Minister Zuo began to introduce the last object: "This is dug out from the core of a mountain mine. As we all know, the national emblem of my Great Yong Kingdom is the dragon. The dragon is the symbol of our country and our oldest miracle. As for the naturally formed symbol, isn’t it the miracle that symbolizes our country? These three things are extraordinary to my Korea, and any one of them can represent my country, Da Yong, to show our country’s prestige, but I never knew Which one should I choose?"

After all, it is a reward, because once these things are rewarded to others, they will never come back.With a big wave of Li Qingbao's hand, being kind to the enemy is being cruel to himself, why should he give up his treasure to the enemy country?

And if this dragon vein is given to the enemy country, it will be rushing to deliver food to others.

Li Qingbao thought for a moment and said: "These are the treasures of our country, and it would be a huge loss for our country to destroy any of them. But when all nations come to congratulate, let's reward the Jiuqu Palace. Let them see clearly the magnanimity of our Great Yong Kingdom!"

A small gadget can stump so many of their heroes, it's not a show of tolerance.

"But for the other two things, the big country worshiped by all nations still has the bearing of a big country, so let's put them on display and let them see clearly, the treasures of our Great Yong Kingdom."

It is also good for other countries to see clearly the gap between them and the Great Yong Kingdom.Do not give birth to other thoughts.

Li Qingbao made the decision with one word.

The left and right ministers did not refute. Li Qingbao's choice was obviously wise. When it comes to safeguarding the Great Yong Kingdom, they agreed, because maintaining the Great Yong Kingdom is to protect their dead people's property. It became a small country divided by ten thousand people.

I don't want to be recorded in the history books in the future, saying that after XX inherited the throne, the country will perish, the country will be dispersed, and all nations will worship, and it will never be the same as before.

Other details must be well controlled. The first is the Jiuqu Palace, which must be mass-produced and then given to them.

The first aspect is wisdom, and the second is that it costs less, which not only demonstrates the prestige of the country, but does not waste money and people.

As for the other two items, I still have to show them to frighten them. As for this little ornament, the small dragon veins can reflect the might of the dragon and the national prestige of their Great Yong Kingdom, and it can even give other countries a kind of psychological pressure, so that They think that the Great Yong Kingdom is the chosen son and the descendant of the dragon.

But on the other hand.The muskets and weapons also give them a sense of oppression by force, making them understand that if they want to surpass our country, they must first use weapons to speak.

After Li Qingbao finished speaking, the minister flattered him: "My emperor is wise."

Immediately after the Left Prime Minister finished speaking and retreated, the Right Prime Minister stepped out of the ranks again.

Prime Minister Right didn't bother to talk to Li Qingbao about those twists and turns, so he opened his mouth and said, "His Majesty, when will the White Queen be demoted to a commoner because of her sins?"

Opening the mouth is a direct output, which makes Li Qingbao not necessarily laugh angrily.

Li Qingbao had thought that if he was the other corner of the triangle, then why should he be the first to face them, and he had a plan in his heart, which is why he had this arrogant posture today.

So it was very different from the weakness in the past, Li Qingbao directly abandoned the previous submissiveness, and directly pushed back: "What do you have to do with my private affairs?"

"The affairs of the harem are my family's affairs, private affairs. Why does Aiqing care about family affairs?"

(End of this chapter)

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