Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 389 Queen’s Gold Master Form 4

Chapter 389 Queen's Gold Master No.14 Form (4)

It was the first time that Li Qingbao refused in such a high-profile way.

The right minister felt a little embarrassed on his face, and looked at the left, and the two of them saw from Li Qingbao's attitude just now that this pawn seemed to be disobedient.

So the left phase also started to argue.

Of course, there are many reasons why you can't face the bar directly, side the bar, or go to the left.

But before the left minister had time to speak, he was cut off by the right minister, and the wretched old woman's face was full of wrinkles: "The emperor, the minister is a loyal minister, loyal to serve the country, loyal minister's loyal words are harsh, it is natural that the emperor does not want to listen, but the White Queen I think it is the emperor's kindness to leave his life as the leader of the guilty ministers, and he must never be the queen. The emperor is the emperor of my Dayong Kingdom, and the emperor's family affairs are also the affairs of the Dayong Kingdom. The position of queen, There is absolutely no private matter to talk about in the mother's rites."

Li Qingbao's aura became very violent. He looked down on Prime Minister Right, and said a word: "Your Prime Minister is the Prime Minister of the Great Yong Kingdom, and everything is fine and small. Everything about the Right Prime Minister is also linked to the Great Yong Kingdom. I have heard that there is no harmony between the right minister and the husband, if you don’t clean up a house, why sweep the world, so this is the order, from now on, the right minister and the husband will make peace, what do you think?"

Li Qingbao is an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, you actually want to touch my backyard, then I will touch your backyard first, and see whose methods are more advanced.

On the right, Li Qingbao glared at Li Qingbao, and the tip of his tongue viciously pressed against his cheek, which showed that he was extremely angry about this matter.

But suddenly he opened his mouth to smile again, and there was a trace of blood on the teeth of the opened mouth.

"The next official receives the decree, and I thank the Lord Long En."

But after that, no one mentioned the Queen's matter anymore. All civil and military officials looked at today's confrontation, and it seemed that the Emperor was superior. The Emperor's sudden rise, I'm afraid there will be another disturbance in the court.

But Li Qingbao knew that the danger was far more than that, Prime Minister Right didn't give up, but was a little annoyed by Li Qingbao, and wanted to teach Li Qingbao some lessons.

The left prime minister is still a person who disdains to use the sun to hurt the means, but the right prime minister is a person who must report his flaws. You may offend him with a single sentence, but he will still remember it in his heart, and he must you The kind of person who is willing to die.

Li Qingbao's simple words didn't follow his will, and he was so angry that he bit his gums to bleed. It can be seen that this person is not only very cruel to others, but also very cruel to himself.

Seeing that several bigwigs have already torn it up, none of the next civil and military officials dared to speak again, so the morning court had already begun to dissipate.

Li Qingbao turned around and walked towards Jiaofang Palace.That's the Queen's residence, it's still early, if Bai Shu still hasn't woken up, you can have breakfast with him.

Meals have to be eaten bite by bite, and things have to be done one by one. The left and right sides have been arrogant for a long time, and the power is intertwined. Li Qingbao needs an opportunity, an opportunity to seize the lifeblood of the two.

This matter is not something that can be accomplished in a day, and today's confrontation, Li Qingbao has almost groped the two of them, so the next court will no longer think about political affairs.

There is nothing that makes her happier than traveling through time and having the gold master by her side.

Fortunately, the original owner has no interest in male sex because of the narrow living, so he has never touched Baishu or men.

Besides, she has only been on stage for a year or two.

Fortunately, he was clean physically and mentally, otherwise, Li Qingbao didn't know how to face the benefactor, so he might as well commit suicide.

As soon as he arrived at Jiaofang Palace, Li Qingbao was worried that Bai Shu hadn't woken up yet, so he waved his hand to keep the male servant from shouting.

He quietly walked into the house, but when he reached the door, Li Qingbao stopped in his tracks.

The white book inside is obviously talking to his confidant.

An old voice said in Bai Shu's ear: "Empress Empress, Feng Yu wants to meet you."

There was a moment of hesitation in Li Qingbao's footsteps. Fengyu is what Bai Shu said last night, the eldest lady of the Feng family and the current ruler of the Feng family.

Why did she want to see Bai Shu? Li Qingbao wanted to hear Bai Shu's answer?
Bai Shu refused without a moment's pause: "It's not appropriate to meet. I know what he wants to meet, and you tell him it's impossible."

Li Qingbao felt a sour taste in his heart in an instant, and the vinegar jar suddenly turned upside down.

With a wave of his long sleeves, he raised the curtain, entered the back room and raised his mouth and said: "It's impossible."

That look, that momentum is like catching a mistress.

Bai Shu's plain face is in the sky, and his hair is being crowned. He never puts on makeup. Men in this society put themselves on all the brocade clothes and clothes, just like a woman.

In fact, only Dayong Kingdom is a dynasty of female rulers, and other countries actually have male rulers. From birth, Bai Shu was educated by his father as a woman. The masculinity on the body is very strong.

He does not have the sissy momentum of ordinary men.

The little face without makeup is full of determination and demeanor.

But this strength disappeared the moment he saw Li Qingbao, Bai Shu didn't know if Li Jinbao heard what they had just said.

But looking at Li Qingbao's obviously unhappy expression, he felt that they must have heard it, so what should they do now?

The emperor must have misunderstood what was going on between him and Fengyu, raised his hand and waved away his confidant, quickly grabbed Li Qingbao and said, "Your Majesty, why are you here?"

Li Qingbao was so arrogant once in a while, he snorted and shook off Bai Shu's hand.

"What's impossible?"

Li Qingbao asked again.

Bai Shu was a little helpless, he didn't know now, the emperor must have heard what he said just now, so he also said in a very hard way: "Fengyu is the eldest lady of the Feng family, she said she wanted to see me, but I didn't agree , I said it was impossible, because the identities of the two of us are not suitable."

Li Qingbao's heart was burning with jealousy. He was angry that he was jealous, pinched the big chin of the benefactor, and asked, "Is it just that the status is not suitable?"

Li Qingbao pursed her lips with a hint of coquettishness.

Seeing Li Qingbao's cute appearance, Bai Shu pursed his lips and smiled instantly.

He picked up Li Qingbao, squeezed Li Qingbao's chin and imprinted it.

Until Li Qingbao's whole heart became sweet, the thorns all over his body disappeared invisible.

Only then did Bai Shu let go of Li Qingbao, and whispered in his ear, his hoarse voice was a little sexy and charming: "Not only because of my status, but also when it's not appropriate at any time, I belong to Your Majesty."

The corners of Li Qingbao's mouth curled up, revealing a little of the delicacy of a little girl.

He really likes the current benefactor so much.

Li Qingbao grabbed Bai Shu with his big arms and went outside, but he found out! ! !

Even in the dynasty of women, his height is not as tall as Bai Shu's.

I couldn't help curling my lips unhappily. Every woman in this world is tall and powerful, and men are all delicate and delicate, but when it's my turn, I have changed. , I did not become tall because of this.

Bai Shu saw that Li Qingbao was unhappy again, and he didn't understand why, so he quickly changed the subject, stepped forward and said: "The emperor hasn't had breakfast yet, I have already prepared breakfast, which is always sweet, I have prepared a lot of desserts, let's go eat."

Hearing that there was something delicious, Li Qingbao's eyes lit up slightly, and he forgot all his emotions.

Bai Shu saw it in his eyes and silently remembered it in his heart. It turns out that the emperor likes sweets.

There is no reminder in my heart that the emperor should hide his desires, and some will often make desserts for the emperor in the future.

The two sat at the dining table and ate together.Li Qingbao didn't like too many people serving here, so he dismissed some palace people, leaving only Bai Shu and Bai Shu talking and laughing together.

Li Qingbao told Bai Shu about some things that happened in the hall today, and then reminded Bai Shu: "Recently, the Prime Minister may attack you, so be careful."

Bai Shu looked at Li Qingbao's eyes and was a little moved: "Actually, the emperor doesn't need to spend so much time for me. It doesn't matter if I are abolished. Instead, the emperor can support someone who can help you."

Li Qingbao fiercely covered Bai Shu's lips with his hands, forbidding him to continue speaking.

Put the dish with one chopstick in Bai Shu's bowl.

"Nonsense. My husband is only you, the only one. There will never be anyone else in this life."

Just like a concubine in the world of patriarchs who doesn't believe in the emperor's love, Li Qingbao is also afraid that the patron will feel insecure, so Li Qingbao always tries his best to make some promises.

Being a couple for life is not just talk, they are a couple for life and life, and it will never change.

In fact, as far as Bai Shu is concerned, he didn't actually like Li Qingbao before, how should he put it?

To him, Li Qingbao was just a playmate who grew up, and then, the two of them were arranged by the royal family, and then married Li Qingbao.

But in fact, when it comes to love, the chicken mother-in-law has been living in a gap for the past two years, busy with her career, rarely comes to the harem, and rarely communicates with Bai Shu. The two of them just respect each other as guests.

In addition, the family has always been sincere to Li Qingbao, so Bai Shu is also very loyal to Li Qingbao.

He has loyalty, worship, and even loyalty, but he has no love. In fact, he has already given up on love in this world long ago.

He felt that so many people served one person, but in fact he would rather not have this kind of love.

But sitting in this position, he couldn't help himself. Bai Shu once thought that if Li Qingbao insisted on touching him, he might not accept it.

But now looking at this woman with a serious expression on her face, Bai Shu suddenly felt as if there were some seeds in his heart, as if they were sprouting and slowly growing up. The more warped the higher.

In this grand palace of Nuo Da, in this palace of three thousand beauties in the harem, can it really be a couple for a lifetime?
Bai Shu couldn't believe it.So Bai Shu escaped for the first time, didn't answer this question, lightly picked up some food with chopsticks, and returned to Li Qingbao's bowl: "Your Majesty, eat quickly."

Li Qingbao doesn't care either, some things are not useful just by saying them, but they have to be well behaved, and they have a lot of time to prove themselves for decades in their lives.

When Li Qingbao was eating with Bai Shu, he suddenly heard a commotion outside.

The noise evolved very quickly in the following time, and soon turned into the sound of weapons meeting each other.

Li Qingbao's eyes suddenly darkened, and Bai Shu's eyes also flashed some inexplicable light. Li Qingbao waved his hand to let the female officer beside him go down to see what was going on, but the female officer hadn't reached the door yet. A young man in a fancy dress broke in from outside.

The golden costume showed a different color on his body, but the arrogance on his face did not damage his color in the slightest. The whole person looked gorgeous and compelling. Judging by his clothes, everything was fine and elegant, and the quality was very high. height of.

Peacocks were embroidered on the body of the Huafu, and the phoenix was only a little bit embroidered, which shows how ambitious this person is.

Li Qingbao could tell the identity of the man at a glance. It turned out that Concubine Xiao was the first person under the empress. People from the major families are also difficult to discipline, but with the support of the Bai family and with their own means, Bai Shu can also manage it in an orderly manner.

But once the Bai family collapsed, these women seemed to be crazy. In a confrontation, Bai Shu was defeated, and the right to be in charge of the Six Palaces was taken away by Concubine Xiao.

Concubine Xiao Gui was born in the right minister's family and is the grandson of the right minister.

Then Li Qingbao knew why he was here now without thinking about it, but Li Qingbao was not a soft-hearted person.

He stretched out his hand to hold Bai Shu's hand so that the other party would not feel afraid, and gently touched the back of the other party's hand, with some consolation.

Looking up at Concubine Xiao Gui's eyes, there was some majesty and dissatisfaction: "What's the proper way to make such a noise?"

Concubine Xiao Gui gave Li Qingbao a sarcastic look, this woman is actually nothing in his heart.

It doesn't matter if it's the emperor, but it's actually not just a dog of their Xiao family.

It's just that even a puppet dared to scold him so loudly, no matter whether Concubine Xiao Gui's face was good or her heart was good, she couldn't bear it.

He immediately raised his head and said to Li Qingbao with disdain: "I lost something in the palace. A young servant said he saw it. It was stolen by someone from the queen's palace. I will bring someone over to search."

He didn't mention concubine, didn't mention my palace, he called himself me, on an equal footing with the emperor, and without Li Qingbao's consent, while the emperor was still sitting here, he had already given orders.

Concubine Xiao pointed at the female officials around her: "You, you,, you, you, you, go and search for me!"

Two clusters of dark fire suddenly appeared in Li Qingbao's eyes. She strode forward and slapped Concubine Jia Xiao on the face. Rod 30! Drag me down for execution!!"

The female officer next to Li Qingbao is absolutely loyal to him, so when Li Qingbao finished saying this, he immediately dragged Concubine Xiao down, but the people around Concubine Xiao were also loyal to Concubine Xiao, so naturally they would not Allowing the master to be hurt, the two groups of people instantly became chaotic.

(End of this chapter)

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