Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 392 Queen’s Gold Master Form 4

Chapter 392 Queen's Gold Master No.14 Form (7)

Li Qingbao almost laughed out loud at this moment.

The left side next to him also twitched his cuffs slightly to watch, and the right side felt that the other party's brain was really out of order.

The left minister has always known that the right minister has a very high opinion of himself. He thinks that he is the pillar of the Great Yong Kingdom, and all things can't be done except him.

But Prime Minister Zuo had already persuaded Prime Minister Zuo about this kind of thing many times, based on the fact that two people were on the boat together, he had persuaded Prime Minister Right countless times, but the other party thought it was Zuo's sarcasm to him.

So he didn't take it seriously at all, and even taught Prime Minister Zuo a lesson twice, so Prime Minister Zuo didn't care about this muddy water anymore, and now he looked at Prime Minister Right again.

Prime Minister Zuo really helped his forehead. With such pig teammates, he felt that Li Qingbao in front of him might really finish the throne, and they might lose.

There are a total of more than a dozen officials scattered here and there, and many of them are in important positions and will play a very important role in this banquet of nations, but all of them are.useless.

They want to quit on their own, this is to show Li Qingbao their power, and it is also a threat to Li Qingbao, if Li Qingbao does not admit his mistake, then they will withdraw from the Banquet of Nations and make the entire Great Yong Kingdom lose face at the Banquet of Nations.

Put your own selfish desires before the honor of the country.

Li Qingbao slightly hooked her lips.Only said one word.

Then when the right minister had no time to react, he quickly ordered a series of his followers, some royalists who were loyal to him, and quickly let them replace them.

There are vacancies on the right side.The royalists were overjoyed. These were their bosses in the past, and they were extremely arrogant. This time, Li Qingbao gave them a chance to stand in front of their class, at least for five days, and at most for a month.

This is the time to test their abilities. I hope they can take all these departments into their own hands soon.But in the case of Li Qingbao's Royalist Party, those people who have survived to this day have to say that they have certain means, otherwise they would have died long ago.

But now they were saved from desperation, Li Qingbao gave them such an opportunity.They couldn't wait to kneel down and thank Prime Minister Right.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

But Li Qingbao wants to seize power, and the right minister will definitely keep it.

When Prime Minister Right said this, he already knew that he might be hit by Li Qingbao, but there are some things that can't be taken back immediately. I also believe it, and I am deeply entrenched in many professions. It is impossible for these people to regain power in a day or two.

Faintly ignoring some bad premonitions in her heart, she winked at Prime Minister Zuo confidently, wanting Prime Minister Zuo to follow her footsteps, if both Prime Ministers were absent, Li Qingbao would definitely cry Begging them to come back.

Brothers work together to cut gold.

But the left side looked at his nose and nose and didn't respond at all. He was not such a stupid person at the right side's request. Once the power was let go, it would definitely not be taken back.

Moreover, all the killers who went there last night died young, which also sounded a wake-up call to Prime Minister Xiang Zuo, making him understand that Li Qingbao might be really different now from before.

Now he has Wu Youwen and power, and it seems that he has been given such a good opportunity, as long as Li Qingbao can grasp it well this time.If nothing goes wrong, there will basically be no right-hand ministers after that, and the triangle relationship will suddenly become two angles.

Zuo Xiang sighed in his heart, maybe the end is not far away, but he held the previous securities, he didn't know why he had doubts for the first time, he felt that he might not be able to win.

The early court was over because of such an incident.The royalists were all waiting to go back to their own departments, and then quickly wanted to seize those powers. The people in the row of right ministers all hurried back, ready to discuss a plan to block Li Qingbao.

However, Li Qingbao asked his female officer to intercept his group of people, and then quietly invited them to the imperial study.After plotting for nearly three hours, Li Qingbao was afraid that his officials were too stupid, so he actually gave them a lot of constructive suggestions, so that they could seize power as soon as possible, and gave them a series of privileges.

No matter what, left and right are prime ministers, and the emperor is the emperor.Li Qingbao also pointed out to the right and left that they don't have to listen, and Li Qingbao can't do anything to them.

But the people under them may not be so. One of the most important powers of the emperor is life and death.

Although he can catch not many soldiers, but you have to say, if you want to kill some weaker ministers, it is basically easy to catch.

That night, Li Qingbao experienced another assassination. This time the number of assassins was even larger, and there were obviously many more masters than last time. There was even another person in the process of suicide.

The man was dressed in exotic clothes and held a bell in his hand. He was protected by a group of masters. He seemed to be practicing non-stop. After feeling the sound of those bells, Li Qingbao couldn't help smiling. .

The original owner's body was riddled with holes. When Li Qingbao came, there were poisons and poisons in it, and all kinds of messy things.

Probably both left and right are used to control the original owner.

They sent real killers last night just to give Li Qingbao a warning, so it's not a pity that those people died, but today is the highlight, and they desperately want to take a look.

Those things that can control the little emperor are still on the emperor's body. If they are really not there, then they are really going to fight Li Qingbao now, because they lack the things that make Li Qingbao restrain his hands and feet.

The supernatural person in strange clothes kept waving the bell in his hand, hoping to cause the Zigu in the two packs to vibrate, but his bell rang for a long time, and they didn't hear Zigu's response.

In an instant, the seriousness on his face gradually turned into surprise, it was impossible, even if Zi Gu was dead, he should have felt it, but now the Gu worm has completely disappeared, or completely disappeared.

He couldn't get in touch with his mother Gu at all, and suddenly there were bean-sized drops of sweat on the strange person's head, so he lightly cut his palm, blood was added to the bell, and he shook it vigorously again.

But this time there was still no sound, and he didn't get any feedback from ancient times.

In the past, the original owner had to listen to the words of the left and right ministers, because everyone manipulated her, and the right minister had a Gu worm in his body. If he didn't listen, he would have to grit his teeth and persevere. He would become extremely cold every day. Or it is extremely cold, and there will be a feeling of being cut by thousands of knives.

Day by day, wearing down one's will, it must need the antidote of the right phase to maintain it. If there is no antidote, it may even die of pain on the same day.

Therefore, sometimes the original owner makes compromises when facing the right minister, and sometimes even dare not speak loudly when facing the right minister. All of this is based on the basis of lifelessness. groveling in life.

But now the opponent, the proud Gu worm disappeared, the young man immediately realized that something was wrong, so he waved to the master beside him: "Go!!".

But Bai Shu suddenly soared into the air, and he also saw that strange person.

Li Qingbao didn't expect his queen to be so good at martial arts, she really gave him Jingxi one after another.

Almost walking in the crowd of thousands of people, as if there was nothing.

All the masters couldn't guard against it at all, and Bai Shu had already led the shadow back to Li Qingbao's side.

And the masters around Li Qingbao also formed a flesh wall, blocking the opponent's attack.

Seeing more and more casualties, but they couldn't snatch back the person they wanted, the leader of the master gritted his teeth and said helplessly: "Withdraw!!"

They couldn't lose more, more and more, they wanted to kill that man several times, but they found that they were protected by Li Qingbao.

Li Qingbao felt that Prime Minister Right was really stupid, and he could put such a person in front of him.

A master who understands voodoo, without thinking about it, must have done a lot of private things for the right minister. This may be the most powerful evidence for moving to the right minister.

Li Qingbao brushed lightly over the man's head, and he realized that only his head could think, and he couldn't move anything else.

No matter whether it is the four fingers or the five sense organs, they can't move, even their mouths, and even the right to winking gold are deprived.

The other party put an end to everything, he wanted to make small moves, even the possibility of committing suicide or escaping.

Bai Shu stopped the female officer who wanted to take it down, he said to Li Qingbao: "This person, if the emperor trusts me, I will deal with this person."

Without thinking, Li Xinbao understood that if this person was imprisoned somewhere and the right minister and the others knew about it, they would take him back at all costs.

Moreover, Li Qingbao didn't have a place for lynching in the palace. Everyone knew about some places where people were locked up.

Li Qingbao nodded. There was nothing the patron could not believe. He believed it unconditionally. Bai Shu was slightly moved.

He said very solemnly to Li Jinbao: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

Contrary to the right, Prime Minister Zuo has been quiet in the past two days. He seems to want to quietly find out what secrets Li Qingbao has now, or what weapons he has from Li Qingbao's movements.

So he was still observing, and he was cautious not to make a move easily. When he made a move easily, he wanted to find an opportunity to get rid of Li Qingbao completely.

But now he hopes that Li Qingbao and Prime Minister Right will fight to the death first, no matter which one of the two loses or wins, it will be a very good result for him, and he will be able to sit on the stage and catch fisherman's power. Mantis catching cicadas, the oriole behind, now is the best way to describe his situation.

Li Qingbao didn't let his guard down because of Zuo Xiang's actions. Generally speaking, dogs that bite people don't bark, because the rank is so high now, but Zuo Xiang hasn't used his means yet, Li Qingbao can't judge Is the other person stupid or smart?
Time passed day by day, and Li Qingbao was not idle. He was right with his subject again, going through the process of the Banquet of Nations and various projects they were responsible for. As for Prime Minister Zuo, Li Qingbao completely do not be afraid.

Not only will Prime Minister Zuo not let Li Qingbao sell at the state banquet, but she also has to be perfect and supervise herself and Li Qingbao, even when Li Qingbao doesn't know about it.Help the other party avoid all open and hidden arrows.

If it wasn't like this, Prime Minister Zuo would not be able to accept even the slightest majesty of Dayong Kingdom's national prestige.

In fact, many times Li Qingbao could feel that Prime Minister Zuo actually disdained the original owner very much. He felt that he seemed to have a sense of superiority with a high IQ.

He felt that he was still not angry that a country as big as the Great Yong Kingdom was handed over to a waste like Li Qingbao, so he had slightly changed Li Qingbao's guesses about Prime Minister Zuo.

Li Qingbao had watched them operate the state banquet for a long time, and the state banquet was finally on the agenda.

The banquet does not start at night, but starts early in the morning. The banquet that starts does not start with a meal, and there is no singing and dancing.

Rather, the first process is Li Qingbao's sacrifice to the heavens. The most important thing in the process of worshiping the heavens is that he also invites a moistening rain to save all living beings. This is also the custom of the emperors of the Great Yong Kingdom.

They must strongly insist that they are the real dragon emperors, they must show their national prestige, and they must show their differences from other countries.

They can ask God, please Yuyu, of course this is also a scheming move.

To be precise, the day when the Wan Guo Banquet is held every year is set by the Dayong State, and the day when it will rain is calculated by the State Teacher of the Dayong State.

Some people who are more familiar with the weather can predict in advance whether it will rain tomorrow. When the possibility of rain is as high as possible, then use some external auxiliary means, such as inviting some people to sing and dance here Jumping, using huge sound waves to stimulate, and some unknown means, let cold clouds and hot clouds collide with each other, so that it can rain with the greatest probability.

But Li Qingbao doesn't plan to do this this year. He is unconventional. Although this is an opportunity for Li Qingbao to establish his majesty in other countries, it cannot be denied. A bigger opportunity.

Originally, according to the rehearsal custom, after Li Qingbao arrived at the altar, he had to wave his hands, and then let everyone go up to rejoice, and then disperse the powder after the performance, but Li Qingbao did not do any of these actions.

Prime Minister Zuo looked at Li Qingbao very unkindly.

(End of this chapter)

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