Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 393 Queen’s Gold Master Form 4

Chapter 393 Queen's Gold Master No.14 Form (8)

Li Qingbao stood at the highest point of the altar, overlooking all living beings and everyone below.

In it, there are not only the ministers of civil and military affairs of their own country, but also the monarchs of small countries or those who are subject to other foreign countries.Princes and princesses, who came to their own country to pay homage, the expressions on their faces were either surprised or disdainful or indifferent. Quite a few people are even hoping that they can take a look at something that really surprises them, such as failure?
For example, face sweeping and the like.

The confrontation began in silence.

In front of Li Qingbao is a device similar to a loudspeaker, because there are so many people below, and it is also to prevent the emperors of other countries from hearing him speak.

This is also a crystallization of human wisdom, a bit like the modern tweeter.

But Li Qingbao turned to be useless, she quietly walked to the side and stood in the middle of the entire high platform.

As for speech, he is the best. For pretending to be 13, he is also the best.

The entire venue was silent, waiting for Li Qingbao to speak.

"It's the annual Banquet of All Nations, and it's my great fortune to have all nations come to congratulate..."

These speeches were memorized, but everyone found another surprise.

Even Li Qingbao didn't use a loudspeaker device, he even spoke effortlessly, without panting, and with the most flat voice.

But you can hear her voice, it doesn't seem to be loud, just like a normal human voice, but it is clearly heard by everyone, even the emperors of some small countries standing at the back heard it.

In fact, every time they come, they are ranked last according to their national strength. These emperors, when they come to the Great Yong Kingdom to participate in the Wan Guo Banquet every year, in fact, they can’t see or hear what the national army said every year. There are very few people. When you hear it.

Because even the loudspeaker device does not have the effect of amplifying that far. You must know that there are hundreds of people in the whole scene, and there is still a distance between everyone. There may be some maids and attendants standing beside them. He has some confidantes ah.

So in the case of a large number of people, they really couldn't hear what Li Qingbao was saying, but this time, it was the first time, when the emperor's voice reached their ears, they were refreshed for a while.

This person didn't shout loudly, nor did he yell loudly, it was just so plain, it reached their ears, as if this person was speaking right next to your ear, it was very clear.

Everyone was immediately attracted by Li Qingbao.

Now some emperors in the front, they have to listen to the national army of Great China at the state banquet every year. They are used to such a passage, but for the emperors of some small countries in the back, this is a very novel experience. They finally heard what Da Yongguo's speech was like.

Li Qingbao didn't talk nonsense, he just started his rain pattern after a few simple words.

Everyone was staring at the figure on the high platform, and the slender figure in the middle stood with her hands behind her back.It is as unique as a Qiong tree, standing on a high platform has a feeling of being overwhelmed by the cold.

But there is a feeling of overlooking everything, he seems to be born to be an emperor who kills and seizes, and all the colors of the world feel ashamed in front of him.

The colors are all around him, as if everything has become black and white, only a touch of domineering gold hovers around him between the sky and the earth, the dragon robe made of gold and silver threads illuminated by the sun.This carefully selected, finely crafted piece looks radiant in the sun.

It exudes colorful light like colored glaze, making people afraid to look directly at it.

It seems that if you look at it too much, your eyes will be burned.

Seeing Li Qingbao's glance, many emperors were in the middle of information with him just because of his overall demeanor.He and the person in front of him are marked with an X.

When many emperors are wary of foreign enemies, they will also ambush some spies in the enemy country, and they may inquire about the other party's state affairs capabilities. Many of them received the new emperor of Dayong, immature and young enough to be a puppet. Bad temper, cowardly.and other derogatory terms.

But when they saw this flamboyant person with their own eyes, all of them drew an exclamation mark in their hearts, which was completely inconsistent with the information they said.

Could it be that the emperor is just pretending to confuse them?

So everyone raised their vigilance against the Great Yong Kingdom in their hearts. They felt that the Great Yong Kingdom was really too despicable. It was originally a powerful overlord. Wary, do they want to go to war?

Could it be that they want to annex other countries? Everyone turned their eyes back and forth several times in their hearts, looking at Li Qingbao inexplicably.

All fell into a feeling of uneasiness.

But someone was even more disturbed, that is, the maid below who was about to dance, waited and waited, waited and waited, but still did not wait for the emperor's order.

Li Qingbao said: "The rain will moisten the people. Every emperor in Dayong is the son of a real dragon. The ability to control the wind and rain is our innate ability..."

The left minister below was not in the mood to support Li Qingbao's exaggerated speech, which was completely different from the original one.

They started to put on a show again. You must know that if the rain cannot be obtained, they will simply lose their dignity as a big country. ,

Seeing that Li Li Qingbao didn't listen to persuasion, and even started to act without authorization, on such an important occasion, Prime Minister Zuo's expression began to turn ugly. A group of people came to the stage, but Li Qingbao interrupted all his arrangements and plans first.

"The simplicity of rain control is within reach for me."

The following monarchs all looked forward to it, and they finally saw something different, different from the previous state banquets.

Seeing Li Qingbao pretending to be 13 on the stage, they are also the kings of a country, and their vision is naturally extraordinary. These little tricks of the Great Yong Kingdom every year are naturally part of their calculations, and they can all predict what this is. It's true, but it's just that no one has broken it down.

What is the real dragon emperor, everyone is human, not a god, no one is a god, but they all find it very interesting to pretend to be 13 this time, can they see a different Great Yong Kingdom?
But some people are more rational, and they will analyze whether the technology of Dayong Kingdom has advanced further, and they have thought of other ways to rain.

But Li Qingbao's performance really broke their impression, and made the emperors feel, wow, this time is really right, this is really a different kind of praying for rain, and let them see a person who is as dull and mean as before. A different Emperor of the Great Yong Kingdom.

Then they looked at Li Qingbao.Since the slender fingers pointed to the sky, a huge circle was drawn in the sky.

Countless people watched this miracle happen, and his palm was gradually filled with multicolored light under the sunlight, and the multicolored light would form a circle in the movement of his sliding circle, leading a little by little. Go forward with light.

Suddenly Li Qingbao pushed his palm towards the sky, and all the glazed light in his hand hit the sun's halo.

The sun gradually disappeared behind the clouds, and the dark clouds gradually struck. Everyone hurriedly opened the umbrellas they held in their hands.

Li Qingbao simply said two words: "It's raining."

Almost as soon as the words were spoken, drizzle fell from the top of everyone's heads. In order to prevent everyone from being drenched, Li Qingbao still kindly turned the heavy rain into light rain.

Although the female officer next to her said she was a little shocked, she quickly reacted from the shock and came over and took an umbrella for Li Qingbao to make rain for Li Qingbao, but Li Qingbao was straightforward.Pushing away the umbrella: "No need. The Son of Heaven is protected by the aura of a real dragon!"

Zuo Xiang was about to say that Li Qingbao was crazy.

But Li Qingbao's whole body was exposed to the rain, but his body seemed to have a transparent membrane covering Li Qingbao's surroundings, preventing him from being exposed to the rain at all.

If it is said that they used some conspiracy just now, this performance is now like a miracle in the eyes of everyone.

How could there be rain falling around people, but not on people? Li Qingbao obviously had his female officer beside him, but his female officer was still drenched in the rain.

The banquet hall, which had always been very quiet, suddenly became a little noisy. Everyone looked at this miracle in disbelief, but Li Qingbao made a move that made them even more unbelievable. He gently hand, pushing it above the entire sky.

"Stop the rain!" Only two words.

But it even achieved an unbelievable effect. The rain actually stopped. The emperors of the Great Yong Kingdom all the time only dared to rain, but never dared to stop the rain, because they did not know what the rain would cost. Time stops, but Li Qingbao is able to retract freely in this respect. Could it be said that there is really a god in this world?

Is it really a miracle?
Although Zuo Xiang was also dizzy by this series of actions, he was still wise. He fell to his knees with a plop: "A miracle has come. My emperor is the son of the real dragon. God bless my Great Yong Kingdom!"

All the courtiers of the Great Yong Kingdom started from the left, and knelt down one by one: "God bless my Great Yong Kingdom, and bless all the people!!"

Although some emperors behind him did not shout slogans together, they were also shocked by this miracle, so they knelt down one by one.

Like a different kind of acknowledgment of this miracle.

But Li Qingbao was still not satisfied with this, he actually rose slightly into the air.It fell directly to the audience.

Moreover, with every step he took in the air, bright golden lotus flowers grew under his feet, and lotuses grew every step of the way.

Everyone even called out the miracle, the miracle came.

The uproar and the surprise it brought to everyone until today the whole process is over, everyone is still a little bit overwhelmed, and even many smart people have already started to arrange their subordinates to watch on the high platform of worshiping the sky. See if there is any mystery.

After all, the high platform that Li Qingbao jumped off in the end was a full three feet high.

Although these heights are nothing to martial arts masters, you must know that martial arts masters always jump down, then make themselves light, and finally land lightly on the ground without any damage.

But how did Li Qingbao get down? Li Qingbao walked down from the air step by step, with lotus flowers growing under his feet.

Zuo was still satisfied with Li Qingbao's methods today, but he still didn't think about it. In his heart, he felt that these might be some small tricks designed by Li Qingbao himself, but they couldn't figure out where these tricks were. Well, if there is really such a thing as a true dragon emperor in the world, then Li Qingbao would not have been controlled by them all the time before.

Well, after removing the link of offering sacrifices to the heavens, there is the link of paying tribute, which is just paying tribute.All countries come up with their own rare treasures.

The first is to name the Great Yong Kingdom as a tribute, and the second is to make things difficult for the Great Yong Kingdom, if the vast land and resources of the Great Yong Kingdom cannot recognize their difficulties.That's about to be laughed at.

This is also a very competitive part.

As for some remote small countries, most of them take some ordinary property, because they must know that they are in their country.It is relatively barren, and it is not easy to find some rare things, and the rare things are things that have not been seen in other big countries, so the conditions are set even higher.

So this time the tribute is from the back to the front, which means that the weaker the country is, the more the tribute will be paid. When they attack, Dayong will send a treasure appraiser.

There is no gift list for tribute.The role of a treasure appraiser is to bring in a treasure every time, and then invite a treasure appraiser from the Great Yong Kingdom, the most powerful treasure appraiser in the industry, to stand at the door and tell the name of the treasure.

Therefore, treasure appraisers are a very popular industry in the Great Yong Kingdom, and everyone has graded treasure appraisers because of this, and now the treasure appraisers who can participate in the Wan Guo Banquet are all top appraisers.

These treasure appraisers also have two brushes. At the first moment when these tributes came in, the treasure appraisers could tell what they were almost at a glance, and then quickly wrote them on the gift list. library, and chanting loudly, this is a treasure that a small country pays tribute to.

"Tian Le Kingdom, Yu Ruyi is a pair. Tian Xingguo. Zhuhua Eight Treasures, etc..."

In fact, these are some of the most basic items, but for these small countries, it is actually not easy to cast them.

And with.As the strength of the country grew stronger, the treasure appraisers began to sweat slightly on their foreheads. At the beginning, they were not the same as they did not hesitate to read the names of the treasures. They also began to gradually lose their strength. , each name needs to think for a second or two.

after that.There are still 10 countries that are not read.They all gradually fell silent, because there was something they didn't recognize in front of them.

The treasure appraiser dripped a drop of cold sweat, but he straightened his back, because as long as they can reach the top 10, then their treasure appraisal this time is not considered a failure.

(End of this chapter)

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