Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 394 Queen’s Gold Master Form 4

Chapter 394 Queen's Gold Master No.14 Form (9)

The treasure appraiser did not read out the name, and there were 10 big countries left.

It is also the ten most powerful countries except the Great Yong Kingdom.

The palace people of these 10 countries all carried 10 trays, one tray for each, a total of 10 trays, covered with red cloth, and then slowly presented them up.

The first one is from Tianshui Kingdom.

The person from Tianshui Kingdom is said to be their fourth prince.He is personable and talented.

He personally stepped forward to uncover the gift he sent, and covered it with a red cloth first.

The civil and military officials of Dayong Kingdom were all watching intently, what was the mystery behind this, but what surprised and puzzled everyone was that when they lifted the red cloth, they found that there was only one piece of red cloth inside. Stone.

Stone! ! !


Someone who was close had already stepped forward to look it over carefully, but after looking it over and over several times, it was really a stone, about the size of a palm.

It is the most common kind of stone, which can be seen everywhere.

But every civil and military official knows that it is absolutely impossible for Tianshui Kingdom to bring a stone to the state banquet, which means that there is definitely a mystery in this stone, and it depends on whether the people of Dayong Kingdom can guess it. What is the mystery.

Li Qingbao was also puzzled when he saw the stone boss for a while.

But the naked eye really can't see any difference. How special this stone is, at least it can't be seen from the outside.

Li Qingbao even thought about whether it could be a piece of jade. For example, many stone gamblers would think that some relatively ordinary stones would produce some relatively high-end jade or emerald inside, but Generally, jade and emerald are spiritual objects formed between heaven and earth. If there is jade or emerald in it, Li Qingbao can feel the fluctuation of spiritual power in an instant.

But it didn't, there was nothing in it, no fluctuation of spiritual power, it was like a pool of stagnant water.

The fourth prince of Tianshui Kingdom got up from his seat and followed the stone he presented.

Saluting to Li Qingbao, he said: "My Majesty, this is the supreme treasure that our country has found with a great deal of manpower and material resources. I don't know my Dayong Kingdom, can you tell me the name of this treasure?"

All the ministers of Dayong Kingdom, you look at me, I look at you, no one can say the name inside, and the atmosphere immediately fell into a stalemate.

Throughout the history of the Great Yong Kingdom, it has never been said that the cultural relics that any country can produce can stump the many civil and military elders of the Great Yong Kingdom, but this time, this small stone is really hard to come by , Even Prime Minister Zuo has started conspiracy theories, and he is starting to doubt it.

He wondered if the fourth prince really brought a stone, that is to say, what was placed on the plate was a real stone, and it had no other effect.

But he wanted to call it a treasure, and then everyone in Dayong Kingdom would make it clear what was or wasn't in it, and they would stand up and refute it.

So Dayong Kingdom will come to a situation where nothing is right.

Li Qingbao waved his sleeves and let the ministers start to circulate it, and asked everyone to study this thing carefully. When they saw a bunch of people's heads tied together and a small stone piled up, no one laughed at it, because when they waited to study the big stone The same is true when it is the national treasure of the Yong Kingdom.

Great Yong Kingdom itself also has a system for appreciating treasures. These national treasures are viewed from bottom to top, that is, all those who can participate in the Wan Guo Banquet, and then watch them in order from bottom to top according to their official rank.

If this matter is finally passed to Li Qingbao and no one can answer it, it means that no one of them knows.

In the past years, nothing could be passed to the hands of the emperor, but this year it was actually passed to Li Qingbao.

When the palace servant came to the imperial case with a plate and finally presented it in front of Li Qingbao, Bai Shu's eyes turned slightly cold.

Li Qingbao patted the back of Bai Shu's hand reassuringly, and then looked at this thing carefully.It is indeed a serious stone, its appearance and texture can be seen, it is undoubtedly a stone, but the heavy feel of his hand shows that the density of this stone is really high, as if the original weight There was a slight discrepancy, Li Qingbao had no choice but to use the energy of life to penetrate into the interior of the stone.

But it was just strands of life energy, when he entered the stone, Li Qingbao suddenly discovered the real mystery, there was even a wisp of life energy echoing him.

Stones are dead things and do not have life energy, especially unless they are some high-grade stones containing jade or emerald, they will have spirit energy, but spirit energy is different from life spirit energy. In other words, it is the vitality contained in living organisms. The vitality is the vitality, and the spiritual power is the spiritual power. The two have nothing to do with each other.

There is life energy in this stone, and it is alive, which means that there are real living things in this stone, and there are living things in it.

In an instant, Li Qingbao had an idea in his mind.

There are living creatures inside, so no one can guess it. Unless the stone is sawed open, otherwise no one will know, which means another thing, even the people of Tianshui Kingdom don't know about it. , They just have some way to make sure there is something in it, but they don't know what is in it.

Li Qingbao took Bai Shu's hand, and gently stroked the back of the other's hand a few times. Bai Shu's eyes enlarged for a moment, but when he saw Li Qingbao's affirmative gaze, Bai Shu nodded immediately.

All civil and military officials looked at Li Qingbao very seriously, wondering if the emperor could save the situation at this moment.

There are still treasures from the last 10 kingdoms that have not been recognized. If the Tianshui kingdom fails, then they will lose confidence in the remaining nine kingdoms.

Fighting at one stroke, then weakening, and exhausting three times.That's what I said, if they can't tell the difference this first time, they will also find it very difficult for the national treasures of the remaining 1 countries, and they will even find that one possibility is that you may have seen this thing, but they also Will forget the name, that's the stress.

Seeing that no one could recognize this thing, the fourth prince became a little arrogant.Looking at Li Qingbao with a slightly northern accent: "Your Majesty, everyone says that the Great Yong Kingdom has a vast land and rich resources. It is the dragon head of all the kingdoms. But now the Great Yong Kingdom, is it true that you don't even know this thing? It's a waste of me The treasure that Tianshui Kingdom expended so much effort to find!"

The disdain and contempt in these words are simply clear and obvious.

Not only did everyone in the Great Yong Kingdom become angry, it was simply too much.

If I really can't guess it, then I can imagine how this arrogant fourth prince will belittle the Great Yong Kingdom, and may demote the Great Yong Kingdom to nothing.

Li Qingbao tapped the back of Bai Shu's hand twice, and Bai Shu stood up abruptly.

Li Qingbao, as the land of a country, is impossible for him unless it is absolutely necessary. He absolutely cannot stand up and answer for others.

The dignity of the emperor of a country is the last hurdle for the whole country. Unless the people in front are all dead, Li Qingbao is not allowed to move.

If Li Qingbao just stood up and answered, it would be completely out of character, but Bai Shu would be fine, as Bai Shu is the queen of the world after a country, and when women are superior to men, a man will stand up and answer their questions If so, this is undoubtedly a slap in the face.

But Li Qingbao pointed to this stone and said calmly: "Fourth Prince, you are too worried. Although this thing is a treasure, it's not like I haven't seen it before."

Bai Shu also got up: "Leave this question to me. After all, this is the first time I have participated in the Wan Guo Banquet this year. I have the opportunity to show my mother's dignity to the world. I also want to thank the civil and military officials of the Great Yong Kingdom. Complete: "

Prime Minister Zuo raised his eyes to look at the white book on the top. No matter how handsome he was, he was still a little uneasy. He was not sure if Bai Shu really knew the answer. If he said something wrong, it would be really embarrassing now. extreme.

If Bai Shu hated the Great Yong Kingdom, if he hated the Great Yong Kingdom very much, he might speak nonsense at the state banquet today, and then let the Great Yong Kingdom lose face.

The fourth prince didn't believe that Bai Shu could say it at all, so he stretched out his hand: "Okay, then please ask the queen to clarify."

Bai Qingqing put the stone in her palm and stroked it slightly, with a look of gratitude on her face.

"Actually, this stone itself is just an ordinary stone, so everyone can't discover its uniqueness."

When the fourth prince heard what Bai Shu said, he immediately laughed out loud: "Could it be that what the empress wants to tell me is that this is a stone? Is there no other mystery? If the empress wants to say this, then there is no need to say too much I said it, because this answer is wrong, Tianshui Kingdom will not bring a stone to the state banquet."

Bai Shu smiled leisurely, showing his tolerance towards the fourth prince's arrogance and impatient appearance, showing his demeanor as a great country.

"Fourth Prince, don't worry. I said it was an ordinary stone, but I didn't say that it has no mystery. It is indeed an ordinary stone, but there is another mystery in it. There is a stone inside this stone. It is about to emerge from the branch, waiting for a thousand years of life. This is a miracle, and it is also a hope for light, and a salvation for the coming of darkness. It is very small, even very weak. I believe that the four princes will use this to treat our Dayong Kingdom The meaning is that we hope that our Great Yong Kingdom can save more countries from suffering and return them to a bright future."

As he spoke, Bai Shu tilted his head, looking a bit mischievous: "For example, some time ago, the civil strife in Tianshui Kingdom, I, Dayong Kingdom, also heard about it. If there is something that needs our help, the Fourth Prince just opens his mouth. We will definitely help you." I will not sit still, but will definitely give support.”

A simple and straightforward passage, but very straightforward, said the mystery contained in the stone, and incidentally satirized the infighting in Tianshui Kingdom before, and showed the overlord of Dayong Kingdom. Mind, what these words say is simply a model of eloquence.

Li Qingbao nodded, and continued to stab at the fourth prince: "That's right, if Tianshui Kingdom needs support from the town, I will definitely support it without hesitation. Save Tianshui Kingdom from dire straits."

Li Qingbao, as the lord of the Great Yong Kingdom, said that he wanted to save the people of Tianshui Kingdom in dire straits. Bai Shu actually revealed the mystery inside, and the people below opened their mouths in surprise.

What they didn't even expect was that there was a small life in this stone, but there was a life in an ordinary stone, which gave this stone a different meaning.

If it is a national treasure, what kind of life can survive in a stone for thousands of years.

They admired Tianshui Kingdom for finding this stone, but at the same time they admired it even more.The Great Yong Kingdom, who was able to tell the mystery of it, burst into warm applause. Everyone was convinced by the queen of the Great Yong Kingdom. They were envious of such a wise and resourceful queen.

The fourth prince was defeated, and they had nothing to refute, because even if he refuted, as long as someone sawed the stone and exposed the little life in the middle, it would prove the truth of the matter.

So I had to say some auspicious words, and the tribute was over. The items from other countries were more or less rare, but for the well-informed Zuo Xiang, he still knew most of them. There are also some who have been told by other young officials, and there is no other difficulty at all.

Seeing the result without any suspense, all the envoys of the country still sighed. They don't know when the Great Yong Kingdom will be defeated. They are all looking forward to it.

Then it was time for the display of the Great Yong Kingdom. Li Qingbao waved someone to lift up the gun and the small dragon veins. The moment the dragon veins were carried into the venue, stimulated by Li Qingbao's vitality , the dragon vein made a pleasant high-pitched dragon chant sound.

The cry of the dragon veins reverberated throughout the hall with the aura of the holy spirit. In an instant, everyone in the hall felt at ease. There was a feeling of being slightly drunk from drinking old wine, and there was also a feeling of clearness in the spirit platform. transparency.

Everyone's eyes widened, and they felt that this thing must be extraordinary, and they couldn't help being a little envious and jealous. How come there are treasures in the Great Yong Kingdom every year, and they are all treasures they have never seen before. Is this the benefit of a large land and rich resources? ?

The first thing Li Qingbao and the others revealed was the gun!arms!
It is still not Li Qingbao's turn to stand up and introduce. What she needs to do most is to sit on the dragon chair and maintain the demeanor of a great country, the emperor's generosity and domineering, and keep the whole venue from chaos. From the left side,.

It was originally the right minister, but because the right minister was not present, it was the left minister's turn.

When everyone was looking at a small iron box and didn't know why, Prime Minister Zuo suddenly asked someone to bring up a cage, which contained a lively little white rabbit.

(End of this chapter)

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