Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 504 The Golden Lord's 21st Form 7

Chapter 504 The Golden Lord's 21st Form 7
Li Qingbao won again, this time Ding Chunqiu was crushed under him like a doll.

"Qing Bao is invincible in the world, and Qing Bao has the highest martial arts!"

As soon as Li Qingbao defeated him, his little friends began to cheer like fans.

Children in rural areas are not as bumpy as children in cities. They just have to go to the hospital, they have to go to the doctor again, and they are going to cry for their father and mother again. Whoever can give birth to a child will not be injured. What day is it that you don't get hurt?
Why go to the mountain to catch birds, go to the tree to pick fruit, go to the river to catch fish, go to the stream to change which one thing can give birth to a child?

"Tomorrow, Boss Qingbao, will be August [-]th, and there will be firecrackers in the village. Then we will secretly dismantle some of them, and then we will go fry cow dung!"

The little fat man rushed over, his family is relatively rich, his father's is because he works in a factory in the city, although it is the most tiring chemical fertilizer factory, but he can have it after all Living money, so living in the countryside is better.

Although his father said that his salary was only more than 30 yuan a month, it must be known that at this time, some families would spend less than 100 yuan even a year.

Therefore, those who can work in the city have money to spend, so their life is much easier. Of course, compared with rural people, they will also feel that they have to buy food and vegetables. Life is difficult, but after all, they are not tired from the work they do, and they are not as frugal as the rural people, so they complain that their lives are not good, but they are still much better than the rural people.

You must know that when there is no large-scale mechanization, rural people are really tired. Whether it is hoeing and farming, harvesting and farming must be able to dig from one worry to another. It is simply exhausting and ruining people .

And the most important thing is that although the rural people say that they don’t need money for food and housing, after all, their own family can’t produce all the things, whether it’s buying salt, oil or clothes. , but no source of income, just relying on the little income from the land, sometimes they can't even afford a bag of salt.

Pretending to raise a few chickens and ducks, digging from the back of the duck's buttocks into the eggs to save them, and then being able to save a bag of salt to eat, this is considered to be a well-off family.

Most people can't refuse raw food, but they can't even afford salt. They can only go to the city with their sisters and families to buy that kind of private salt, although it is a big bag, and then come back with a few It is true that the division of households can be managed for a year, and it is much cheaper. However, private salt does not contain various substances needed by human beings, such as iodine.

When eating salt without iodine, people will easily get big neck disease, and the speech is not clear, the human body will have various adverse reactions, so at that time, the uncle’s Diseases are very common in rural areas, because they can't eat seafood, kelp, etc., and they can't eat iodized salt.

If you want to say that adding some salt is not cheap at this time, it is really cheap, only 5 cents a pack.

This bag weighs two catties.

One pack of salt is enough for one, and everyone has been eating it for a month. Salt worth 5 cents a month is cheap, right?

For urbanites, with a salary of 30 yuan a month, and the couple have to go to work, then they went to buy a bag of salt, which is a blink of an eye.

But for rural people, the 5 cents may not be able to be borrowed by them. So, if they buy private salt, they only need a few yuan to manage it for a year, and this is still Favorable elements, everything is included in the year.

So compared to rural people, they are really suffering. For example, tomorrow is August [-]th. This time is a big solar term, after all, it is the four major festivals of the year.

Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and August 4th, these are the [-] biggest festivals in China!
In such a festival, everyone should treat him as if it were New Year's Eve.

Just like the people in the city, they will set off firecrackers and fireworks on this day, they will make a big table of delicious food at home, and they will invite friends to gather together.

But for rural people, rich people have an extra dish in their homes, put a hanging whip at the door, and boil two eggs for the children. This is a festival.

If it is a poor family who adds a handful of white flour to the sweet potato noodles, it is already good.

This sweet potato noodle is not a noodle made of wheat, but a noodle made of peas, soybeans and other grains mixed with bran.

Wheat bran is the wheat husks that are left over when wheat is used to make dough.

This thing is used for the first trial, but how can it be used for birth when no one on board eats it?This is the human ration.

Not to mention being a salesman, in a disaster year, like the leaves on a tree, they are all bare, and they are all pulled down and eaten.

The countryside is really a very simple and unsophisticated place, but they are the group that suffers the most, no matter what time they are, they are not as good as those in the city.

Fatty's father works in a chemical fertilizer factory in the city. Although he can only come back on Sundays throughout the year, he can get the money back to the family. This is his ability.

Because of this, although the little fat man is very unpleasant, he is indeed very popular in the village, because his family is rich, and other children want to curry favor with him.

But this little fat man has always played well with Li Qingbao, he is like Li Qingbao's little follower, he has to follow behind Li Qingbao all day long.

"Qing Bao, my mother said that tomorrow he will boil an extra red egg for me, and then I will bring it to you. Remember to come to the factory early, and I will give it to you then."

The little fat man lay next to Li Qingbao's ear and said to her: "My mother said that my father came back tomorrow. He said this when he left last week. This time he brought us two catties of shrimp. Put two in your pocket. I won’t let my mother see it. I’ll give it to you when you come. This is not the kind of shrimp we eat here in the Strait. Dad said that if you eat these shrimps, you won’t get them. With a big neck."

This kind of thing can only be extracted in the sea, so any creature in the sea contains dots, whether it is kelp, sea shrimp or sea fish, as long as you eat too much, you will not have such a large amount. Spore fungus, but for people living inland, they have no chance to eat seafood, so they will get big neck disease.

Big neck disease is called hyperthyroidism.

It is the lack of an essential vitamin iodine in the human body, and then such symptoms will appear.

"Okay, then thank you, from now on you will follow your sister to cover you."

Qu Zhishuang is not a person who doesn't know what is good and what is bad. The little fat man treats her well, although the little fat man looks chubby.It's not likable, but, this kid treats him so well, he can't act like a donkey at all.

It was normal for the children to fight and fight. After he and Ding Chunqiu had decided the winner, they took a group of seniors to the back mountain.

There are all kinds of bird nests everywhere on the mountain in the back mountain. Anti-bird nests are their favorite thing to do. After all, it is not only about digging out bird nests to find bird eggs, but the most important thing is that sometimes they can meet them. A flock of flightless birds.

Raising birds is the favorite thing for the children in the flock, and the most important thing is that the birds can still be eaten, which is their rare meat.

"Let's go, we all went to the volcano to look for bird's nests today and found them. Tomorrow is August [-]th. Let's go home and don't eat. Let's give our family extra meals on August [-]th!"

Qu Zhishuang spoke to everyone.

"Okay, I'm going to find the little bird, I'm going to hunt the little bird, I'm going to find the bird's nest!"

A group of children, big and small, scattered and ran towards the back hill.

In fact, only children under the age of seven or eight can run wildly in the countryside without restraint. If they are older, they will have to help adults with work.

Children like Xiang Quzhishuang who have not yet gone to school are children who have the most time in the village. After they go to school, even if they come back, they either do their homework or help adults or take care of things, or Together with the adults to work in the field, or to herd cattle and sheep.

Therefore, it is rare to see children over the age of seven or eight on the village rice field.

It is even more rare for children over 10 years old. After they come back from school, they have to cut pig grass and feed pigs, cows, sheep, chickens, and ducks. All of these need to be fed with grass.

At this time, even Mai Fu is the ration of people, let alone not going out of the province, which is something only rich people can do.

Like a little fat man can do this, why is there such a child in their village? This little fat man is a fat man alone, because everyone is not full of food, and the food everyone eats is not nutritious. Even Qu Zhishuang, his grandma will see a doctor It's not the same, it's nothing more than that his family has never eaten bran!

"Qingbao, I found a nest of bird eggs, which seem to be wild eggs. There are six in total. I'll give you all of them!"

The little fat man hurried over, he took out 6 wild eggs with spots in his pocket, and gave them to Li Qingbao.

"Little fat man, you can save it. Wild eggs are more nutritious than eggs. You can cook them tomorrow. Tomorrow is August [-]th. How can you not eat some game?"

"No, no, I'll give it to you. My dad will bring me other gifts tomorrow. Let me tell you that there will be candies tomorrow. Let me tell you, go early tomorrow and go to the back. If there are too many people going Can't give you."

The little fat man stuffed the bird's egg into Li Qingbao's pocket, and then ran to look for it again.

When Li Qingbao came to the edge of a big rock, he looked towards Shenhu, and for some reason today, neither Chu Anruo nor Yun Jian came.

That Android player definitely has no good intentions, he doesn't know if this person knows something, why he is so caring about the light spot he took is a systematic matter, but, he can be sure That person must have his own conspiracy.

In other words, Chu Anruo and Yun Jian both know that this thing has a special function, otherwise, they would not have gotten it by themselves, and they would not be able to come directly after the light point.

Although Li Qingbao said that he did not unlock all the functions of the system for you, because the system now requires him to borrow it, which made grandma laugh 8 times sincerely, but he has not yet done so.

But he was sure that at least that Chu Anruo absolutely knew what kind of capabilities this system had.

If that guy didn't know, he definitely wouldn't want to fight with himself when the system appeared, and then disappear in front of him as soon as he got the system.

Li Qingbao was sure that wearing Chu Anruo's clothes was absolutely problematic, but he was not so sure about Yun Jianyi, because Yun Jianyi's performance was just ordinary, and he didn't give him such a profound impression.

When Li Qingbao was thinking about things, he didn't notice himself, and there was something jumping up from the thatch.

"Pu Leng Leng Leng!"

The moment Li Qingbao was distracted, something suddenly flew up from under his feet and flew towards the sky.

Your dear baby jumped, and when you looked closely, you could see that it was indeed a jungle fowl.

"I went to this thing!"

Li Qingbao picked up a small stone from the ground, aimed at the bird and hit it.

This thing is stuck on their mountain. Although it is not very common, there are quite a few. People can see this thing every day.

It is a kind of pheasant, but the feathers are slightly better than those of pheasants.

Li Qingbao didn't hit the stone, but it hit the bird's wing. The bird flew a little slower, was still circling there, and was landing continuously. Li Xinbao hurried over and grabbed it. He picked up a handful of stones.

"I'll go, boss, you are so fierce!"

The little fat man hadn't gone far when he saw Li Qingbao knocking down a pheasant. He also hurriedly grabbed a handful of stones from the ground and spread them over.

This thing is not something like a bird's egg. The children in the countryside will come to grab this thing after they see it. After all, before he gets it, everyone has a share in seeing it.

A jungle chicken weighs one or two catties, and even if you take the sugar home to cook, it will still be a whole meal for your family.

"Quick, quick, there are wild chickens here!"

Someone recognized him and hurriedly shouted. Others noticed that if he knew one person, he couldn't grab Quan Market and Little Fatty, so he prepared to call someone else.

(End of this chapter)

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