Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 505 The Golden Lord's 21st Form 8

Chapter 505 Gold Master No.20 One Type 8
"Fuck you, I didn't see that it was Boss Qing Bao who shot it down. If anyone dares to come, I will make his head red with a stone"!
Xiao Pangdun behaved like a good baby in front of Li Qingbao, but he was very arrogant in front of others.

This guy threw a stone directly on the boy's body, causing the man to poke his teeth on the spot, and then raised a handful of small stones in his hands, threatening.

"You all know that if I hit you, I will be with you. If you hit me, you can wait to go back and get beaten. I'm standing here today. Let's see who dares to come up and grab it and give it a try. !"

Xiaopang said hotly, at least a dozen friends looked at each other in blank dismay, but they didn't dare to move forward.

Li Qingbao had already caught the injured pheasant, and he twisted off the pheasant's head.

"Come on, little fat man, take it, I'm here, I think I'll see who dares to come up now"! !

Li Qingbao is not a vegetarian either, she is truly invincible in the world.

The reason why Li Qingbao was able to respond to everyone in the village and established the Qingbao faction was because he had subdued all the boys and girls in the village. He was tit for tat, otherwise, none of the children in the village would have been beaten to the point of crying by him.

After seeing Li Qingbao got the pheasant, the friends didn't dare to go forward again.

"Fatty man, we have already passed today. Let's go down the mountain and let them change them all. There are so many birds, so many eyes, and rabbits on the mountain. You can catch them as you please. Whoever catches them belongs to them, but If you want to grab my things, ask me if my fist will hit, he makes his mother not recognize him!"

At least Li Qingbao knows that he will accept it when he sees a deal, and if he can get a pheasant, it will be enough for them to improve their food tomorrow, and he will no longer be the source of hatred for others here.

If some people can't find eggs, then they will feel unbalanced, and it will definitely be bad at that time, whether it is that the dozens of pheasant pieces found in their pockets are broken, or that the chickens were robbed by others, It will make Li Qingbao feel distressed for several months.

He has not seen what the meat looks like for more than a month, so he will never give up this pheasant to others. If they grab more by then, she will be beaten to death by others The blood is bleeding, so people will take it with them again, and our parents will come to their home to judge.

Although Li Qingbao said that he was not afraid that these people would bring their families to his house to make trouble, and went to him, but his family judged.

But he is not afraid of others going to his family members to judge, but she is afraid that her grandma will be angry because of it.

It turned out to be her only relative in this world, so for him, if grandma said she was angry, then he would feel very painful.

Get the cheap and leave as soon as possible, this is the most important thing for a person to do, so after they got the cheap, he felt that he immediately ran back with the pheasant.

Even if this pheasant is not eaten, it can be sold for a dollar if it is sold on the street.

This is two packs of salt!

The two of them could eat two packets of salt for more than three months.

So why would he give up such a good thing to others?Besides, grandma's health has already begun to decline, how many more years can he hold on when he is already in his 50s.

In this age of lack of food and clothing, it is very rare for a person to live to be 60 years old. If there is no oil and water in daily life, you still have to do that kind of strong labor every day, so what? , Everyone will die at a young age. At this time, people who are 60 years old are unbelievable compared with people who are 80 years old in later generations.

Look at those experts who teach them that they are in their 50s or 40s, but they look like they are [-] or [-] years old, but if you go to the countryside to see, if people in their [-]s stand with them and don’t look at their hair, then the people in the countryside People will appear older.

As long as the living standard in the market outlook is still so good, if it is said at this time, it is really far from it.

People who have no worries about food and clothing can swim in rivers and climb mountains at the age of 80 or 80, but if you look at people in their [-]s and [-]s in rural areas, it is very difficult for them to walk.

It's not a lack of exercise, it's nothing, as long as you exercise, you can create something. This is because when they were young, because they didn't eat well, their bodies were overdrawn.

But no one thinks about this issue. They will only say that it is a credit to the exercise. They will only tell you what you should do, but they will not take into account the problems you encounter.

Regardless of any industry, no matter what it is, everyone will get used to pointing fingers and finding faults, without taking into account the nature of the matter itself.

When we arrived at the entrance of the village.Li Qingbao reached out his hand and took out 6 wild eggs from his pocket, and stuffed them into the pocket of Xiaopangdun.

"Little fat man, you can take these wild eggs back and cook them. Tomorrow is August [-]th. For so many years, you have helped me add me every year and I have nothing to repay you. You can take these wild eggs back. Eat at home!"

"Your father will come back tomorrow. Although he said that he eats better than ours in the factory, when he comes back, we children should be filial and filial to him, so you can cook these 6 wild eggs. Then your family is just right for one person and two!"

"Qingbao, I, I, I can't have it, my family is much better off than yours!"

Little Fatty was very moved.

"Just take it if you tell me, how can there be so many long-winded words, and besides, don't you want to bring me prawns tomorrow?"

Li Qingbao laughed. He stuffed 6 wild eggs to Xiaopangdun, and then happily ran towards his house.

"Grandma, grandma, I'm back, what do you think I found?"

Li Qingbao raised the pheasant in his hand, and exclaimed at grandma.

"Is this a jungle chicken?"

Grandma couldn't believe it. You must know that although jungle chicken is a kind of pheasant, the running speed of jungle chicken is much faster than that of pheasant.

And most importantly, this guy is much worse than a pheasant when flying.

"That's right, isn't it August [-]th tomorrow, so we went to the back mountain to find the age, but it was just right, I saw this thing flying under my feet, so I gave it to him A stone was injured by his wing, and then the little chubby helped me scare the other children, and then I asked him to bring it back."

Li Qing Baoji chicken slag said: "So after I told you that I was holding these glasses, Xiaopangdun hurried back with me, and when I got to the side of the village, I gave him 6 wild glasses." egg."

"Girl, you have taken it all away, but you injured this thing, and his family does not lack this knowledge, so you just need to protect him a little bit in the future."

Grandma laughed. He knew that Xiaofang and Li Qingbao didn't play well together.

At this time, the system prompt sounded.

"The task completion progress has reached 1/8, host Qin will continue to work hard!"

It was a success, Li Qingbao looked at grandma's smile in disbelief.

He originally thought that these 8 sincere smiles would be remembered for a long time, but he didn't expect to get one so soon.

"Grandma, you packed up the wild chicken first, and then I picked up the goods for you. We will have a good meal tomorrow at noon on August 8th, and I still have three wild eggs in my pocket. You two and me one."

Li Qingbao smiled and took out three wild eggs from his pocket.

Today is really full of harvest. You must know that they didn’t see so many good things in previous years, but this year I don’t know what’s going on. I suggest that there are too many eggs.

"Okay, okay, I'm here to dive again, you come to light the fire, and then we pluck his hair and put it there for you to eat at noon tomorrow!"

Grandma laughed.

"Tonight, let's put the pheasant pieces out of the water first, and then use it like this to make noodles. It's also very delicious. By then, you'll have another three bowls!"

"Okay, the wild pheasant sweet and sour noodles are also very fragrant, and we can make more, so that it will be hot tomorrow morning!"

The system prompts you to bless you first. When you complete a mission, you have suddenly discovered the power. Was it easy to make grandma laugh at the time?

Just like today when he caught a pheasant grandma, grandma has already laughed twice, and won't grandma laugh again when it's time to eat, then he can also help to contact the bowl and chopsticks, and then say a few nice words Grandma, grandma will definitely go back to school again, so it looks like his mobile phone with 8 smiles has arrived, isn't it too difficult?
You think in your mind first, like lighting a fire, and then starting to boil water.

The feathers of pheasants on their bodies are a little harder to pluck than those of domestic chickens, so they need to boil the boiling water.

Li Qingbao was lighting the fire. The second grandma did wash two radishes and chopped them into pieces. When the chicken soup was cooking, throw this thing in. It would absorb the aroma of the chicken soup and put it on the noodles. It tastes delicious inside.

The radish can eat the radish leaves, and you can’t throw them away. Grandma told him to wash them carefully, clean the silt on them, and then cut them up. When the noodles are cooked, put them in, so that they can be cooked. dish.

That is to say, the situation has improved a bit in the past two years, and people can afford cabbage and radishes. If it was a few years ago, even the leaves on the trees would be eaten bare by you, let alone green vegetables and radishes.

Grandma came from such a difficult environment back then, so he cherishes the current environment very much.

After boiling the water, I started to help grandma go.I went to cut pigweed, and the chickens in the house had to be fed, so I left this job to Li Qingbao to play.

Children of this age in the village basically have to feed chickens and ducks, and those who have pigs at home have to go out and cut pig grass to feed pigs.

If it is a little older, then your child will go to herd cattle and sheep. Therefore, children in rural areas do not have a childhood of one person, and they play carefree all day long.

At least the family didn't raise pigs, they just raised a dozen machines.

Although these things all need to be fed, their food intake is not large.

When Li Qingbao came back from mowing the grass, the house had already started, and the smell of meat was wafting.

You put the ginger grass in the chicken coop first.That's when I closed the door of the chicken coop and went back to the kitchen.

"Grandma smells so good, is your meal ready?"

Li Qingbao looked anxiously at the busy grandma.

"Okay, okay, the noodles will be ready soon, you can put them in the pot, and you can eat after a while. Go and wash your hands."

Grandma urged her to get up.

After he watered his eyes just now, he took it.My wife walked around the bottom of the pot with the green cabbage leaves. This product is full of oil. These two things eat oil, and after a little frying, they will be more fragrant and delicious when they are thrown into the noodles. .

Seeing the days when you can still eat green vegetables dipped in oil, grandma sometimes thinks of the time when my son begged his parents for two cents to make vinegar because he couldn't eat the leaves.

It's a pity that his son did have an accident and never came back.

But looking at the clever Li Xin now, he just feels that he knows everything he has done.

Grandma was thinking about something in her heart, and Qing's hands were really fast. The chopsticks in his hand shuttled quickly, and it was ready soon. After two bowls of noodles, they covered the pot and went to the main room with the rice bowl.

There are only two people in their family, so the three houses mentioned are enough to live in. It is said that Li Qingbao is indeed sleeping at the feet of grandma now.

There are always various villages in old houses, and bugs in old houses are basically constant throughout the year.

So at Li Qingbao's age, grandma, grandma is not at ease. She sleeps alone in her own bed. You must know that in the past few years, even adults would be bitten by mice when they fell asleep at night. Mouth, let alone a child.

At that time, not to mention human beings, even dogs were fucked up and even ran away. He was able to summon friends and friends to call more than 10 dogs to fight when people died.

When I think of the scenes of grandma back then, I just feel that my eye sockets are sore again.

"It turns out that your cooking skills are really good. It smells so good that I drool for 3000 feet. Look at the clothes in front of me are getting wet!"

Li Qingbao actually said that he was not stingy with his praise.

"Little girl, how can there be so many things to tell you about eating and can't occupy your mouth? I said here that you have to eat the rice cooked by grandma whether it is delicious or not. Even if it is not delicious, you can not eat it." ?"

(End of this chapter)

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