Chapter 506
Li Qingbao stuck out his tongue. When grandma got angry, he didn't dare to talk back.

When he was young, he thought he was talking back, and then he was beaten by his grandma with a bamboo stick angrily. Since then, he will not talk back to grandma again.

In fact, all the children in the village have been beaten, no matter whether they are rich or poor, children from any family are not beaten. It is normal for them to be beaten at their age. There is an old saying called beating and grow up.

When he grows up, don't say he wants to beat him, even if he wants to find out, it will be very difficult to say. Everyone knows how to beat his son in the countryside.

After dinner, they went to the only two houses in the village to watch a movie. Tonight's show was the finale of Tianlongbabu.

When they saw how many people died in the story to save me, Qiao Feng, everyone burst into tears.

In the end Qiao Feng put himself.After self-harm, and then jumping off the cliff, people cried so much that they didn't know what to say.

At this time, there are not so many entertainment items and watching TV is one of the only ways for ordinary people to relieve their boredom.

So every step of the movie at this time can be shot is very classic. People who made movies at this time are not like later generations who saw them in front of their avatars. We must respect the original work and this time. It's just what really happened in it, so these old movies usually look good when they are made.

After watching the movie, everyone walked back, and it was already past 10 o'clock. When they arrived in the countryside, they would basically be asleep after 10 o'clock in the evening.

Li Qingbao and grandma were about to go back, but they were all held back by the little fat man.

"Dear, dear, let me tell you, you and your grandma will take a good thing that my father brought back later, this thing can make money, don't let your grandma go, wait a minute, you won't live long , we played so well, let your grandma follow my father and the others to do it!"

Xiaopang was a little nervous, and he whispered to Li Qingbao.

Li Qingbao was stunned, but he thought about grandma again. Farming is so hard, it would be nice to find an easy job. Will grandma not be able to keep working?

He nodded and hurriedly ran to grab the milk on the grandma's hand, and the grandma didn't go away yet.

People didn't know why this happened, but this little granddaughter was very smart since she was a child, so seeing Xiao Cheng like this, he knew that there should be something that should not be known to outsiders, so he said Just pretended to be playing with Li Xin, and then didn't leave.

In the end, there were only three families left, and the three families were all accounted for by the little fat man, and these three people have one thing in common, that is, Du Li Qingbao and the others are relatively good, and they and the little fat man and the others The relationship is not bad either.

At Xiaopangdun's house, because his father is not at home all year round, if there is any heavy work at home, he will ask the neighbors to help. Too much money, and then unwilling to help them.

It was only Li Qingbao's grandma and two or three other families who would come over to help every time they yelled. Because of this, when Xiaopangdun's father got a good job, he immediately came to help. Thought of repaying them.

People's hearts are fleshy, no one will love for no reason, and no one will hate for no reason, and besides, they can help them, so it is because the little fat pier is so light, and their family is not at all bad guy.

Just like watching TV, there are two TVs in the whole village, Xiaopangdun's family has one, and the other one is Ding Chunqiu's.

But, every time Ding Chunqiu and his family watch TV, there are not as many people as Xiaopangdun's family, and Ding Chongqiu's people are all from their own, unlike the children who are all aliens like them, Basically, they want to watch TV at the little fat man's house.

As for the little fat man's mother, every time these people come to watch TV at home at night, not only will they move the stool to do their homework, but they will also bring out tea for them to drink water.

The little fat man's father is Fang Wei.

After Fang Wei saw that everyone had left and only the last three family members were left, he invited all four family members to his room, closed the door, and took out a plate of melon seeds from his bag to greet people. eat.

"Sister-in-law Shen, brother Liu, come here to eat melon seeds. This is what I specially called when I came back from the city today."

"How embarrassing is this, how embarrassing this is, this thing is very expensive, let's forget it, let's not talk about it."

No one wants to eat it, because although they say they want to eat melon seeds, but, all these things come from money, and it is not easy for everyone to get money. If one person grabs a handful, their family will lose half a catty of melon seeds , Half a catty of melon seeds are five or six cents.

This is all from money, so, for the people in the village, if you ask him to help, he will eat at your house, but they watch TV at other people’s houses at night, because they are wasting their electricity, so It is said that they also want to watch TV at home, but, after all, they sit on stools and boil water in other people's homes, so they are already embarrassed to enter.

The common people are very simple and simple, so they are good people if they can stay, because they are willing to help them, so Fang Wei, the father of Xiaopangdun, is willing to ask them to stay!

If it was someone else, they would have gone up to grab melon seeds and ate them long ago, but they didn't, because they are all kind of upright people.

"Pay attention to brothers, sisters-in-law, aunts and uncles. I, Fang Wei, won't say anything else. I will remember all the kindness you have shown to my family. I have always wanted to repay you, but you also know my job. He can't arrange for outsiders to come in, so I really want to find you an easy job, but you also know that there is nothing brothers can do!"

"As for these melon seeds, let me repay everyone. Isn't tomorrow the [-]th of August? Let's get together in advance. At noon tomorrow, there are many people in the family, and everyone is going to be reunited. As for us, it's just Don’t invite everyone to dinner. Today’s melon seeds, I weighed a catty for each of you, and you can take these melon seeds back when you leave. Everyone is drinking tea and chatting here. I want to I'm going to talk to you about one thing, so it's better for everyone to relax a little bit!"

"Fang Wei, if you have something to say, you can just say it. Don't give up on these card holders. To be honest, it is not easy for anyone to make money. Although you are working in the city to make money, what kind of effort do you put in? , that bag of chemical fertilizer weighs 100 catties, and you are tired of carrying chemical fertilizer every day!"

Uncle Liu advised Fang Wei on the spot not to be so polite.

"Yeah, Xiao Fang, don't be too polite. We are already embarrassed enough to watch TV at your house. If you want to do this again, how can we come here in the future?"

Li Qingbao's milk also spoke.

He is a doctor in the village who can treat diseases, so others respect him very much. Seeing her speak like this, everyone is in a hurry to persuade her.

"No, no, as for me, you all know that there are no sweet words. This is August [-]th. It's a good thing for us to get together in advance. If it's normal, it's fine. Come and come, otherwise How embarrassing you say I am!"

Fang Wei picked up the plates and passed them one by one. Seeing this, everyone had no choice but to grab a handful. They didn't grab much each, only twenty or thirty. It's just melon seeds.

Fang Weiheng was very sorry, and directly stuffed a big handful for each of the children present:

"Come on, don't be shy, eat me. You see, I bought a lot. This time I directly weighed 10 catties of melon seeds and returned them to 4 of your families. Each family packed a catty. What about the fish and shrimp, you see. I still have 6 catties here, let's eat at [-] catties tonight!"

Fang Wei grabbed one side of the tape and filled the plate with oil. Seeing Fan Wei like this, everyone also grabbed a little more.

4 families are here, that is about 10 people, and 10 people come to catch melon seeds, but it is a plate of melon seeds, which is only a tip.

It can be seen from this that everyone knows what is good and bad, and they have not really let go of their hands and feet.

If more than 10 people are really caught, then don't say that one plate or two plates can be caught for you.

Fang Wei smiled, and he spoke.

"Big guys, listen to me. Now, the manager of our factory told us that the country is now liberalized, and local factories are now allowed to allow ordinary people to make a living. And I happen to be the factory director of our company. His wife opened They own a sweater factory, do you know that? A sweater factory knits sweaters, we all know it, they want to recruit workers, but do you know women? They don’t want to go to work in the city, because the gossip is not pleasant!”

Fang Wei smiled, this is a common problem in rural areas, people are not willing to go out, because they will say that men and women work together, then the reputation will be bad.

"Brother Fang, just say it clearly. You can tell me what a good job you say. If we can do it, we will do it. If we can't do it, then forget it. Are you right?"

"It's like this," Fang Wei said with a smile: "You also know that our factory manager is surnamed Liu, and his wife owns a sweater factory, but you know that women don't want to go to work in the city, so Speaking of which, he found me and I want me to find some people from the village for him."

"But everyone also knows that because we don't want to go to work in the city, so it is really difficult for women to work in sweater factories, so he thought of a solution that he couldn't think of, and then, Want me to give him an idea."

"Look at my wife, working at home, so tired, I also work very hard, I think it is too hard for her, so I think, I will take her to the city to learn first, let him learn After that, I will come back to teach you. For all of us, each family does not collect how much money. One family draws 100 yuan and puts it there, and then pulls the machine back. This machine is worth 600 yuan. So the money is up to us, and we still have to press it, so we can guarantee that we can’t give this machine to him, and we can’t sell it to others if it breaks.”

"Then, everyone got the wool from the factory and came back to knit sweaters. After they were finished, they gave us a sweater on a piece-by-piece basis, and we had [-] cents for handwork!"

"Fang Wei, this is a good thing, but how much can you make in a day? Or how much does a sweater need to be made? If we knit sweaters by hand, we can only knit a vest in a day with fast hands, and a sweater with slow hands. , it will take about 10 days!"

One woman was very moved, but he really felt that two cents a piece was too low.

"Oh, my sister-in-law, if you said that if you don't make money, can I introduce you to you? You see, the ones I'm looking for are usually you who help me. I don't know how to repay your kindness. So when I encountered such a good time, I looked for us without looking for anyone!"

Fang Wei laughed.

"They knit sweaters by machines. Although they don't use electricity, they just shake them back and forth with their hands. But for those sweaters, let me tell you, it's not a problem for you to sit down and make 10 or so sets one day. This is two dollars, you know?"

"Two yuan is 60 yuan a month, and I work in the factory, and it is only 30 yuan a month, so I hurriedly let my wife learn it, and after learning it, we will deal with this matter first when we come back. Let’s give it a try, do you know? This is very real and very profitable. When I was in their place, I saw with my own eyes that they were worthy of their wives. They are from a country where they studied outside, so they guard us and hurry up. I can earn more than 40 pieces a day!"

Fang Wei felt that this incident was really a good one, and others didn't have much to say, they were very honest, so he was a little impatient when he saw this incident.

"Grandma, grandma, I think this job can be done. Think about it, it only costs 200 yuan for us to do it a year, and people are so tired. We can do it in winter." In this way, we will not delay the disciples, because after the wheat is planted, we only need to remove the grass."

"In one winter, if it is possible to do this, then we don't have to plant it in autumn after the wheat is harvested. If it is impossible to do it, then we can do it in winter!"

(End of this chapter)

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