Chapter 507
Li Qingbao thinks how hard this matter can be for grandma. He can see it. There is only a cart at home. Grandma pulls wheat or moves parcels by herself. He is young. He couldn't help much, so seeing his grandma sweating profusely made his heart ache.

Every time it was harvest time, when grandma came back to cook, her hands were shaking.

That's tiring!

When Li Qingbao said this, everyone’s eyes lit up. Yes, it’s already August 2th, and the autumn clothes are almost finished. It’s just that the corn stalks in the fields have not been cut, so they just go to see them. It's just a matter of two or three days. At that time, they can directly plant the wheat. After the wheat is planted, they don't need to go out for a month. They can wait until the second year to rush to weeding. For the past three months, I have been idle at home.

If they can do this, they will do it, and if they can't, they can return exactly the same thing.

"Positioning, this is a good thing. Qing Bao also said just now that this girl is really thoughtful. We can do these things, but you have to tell the factory manager first. If we can't do it If so, then the money will be refunded, our machines must not be ruined by others, we are all real people, aren’t we?”

Mama Wang spoke on the spot.

"Yes, yes, I also think what Qingbao girl said is really good. If everyone is willing to do this kind of thing, think about it. We spend a whole winter at home for nothing. If we can find some I don’t care about money, even if it’s 10 yuan a winter, I’m willing to do it!”

"If we can earn 10 yuan, we don't have to worry about it next year. Look at the two machines at home and put some eggs. We are reluctant to eat it for our children. If we can earn this much next year For 10 yuan, next year's eggs can be boiled for the dolls."

Liu Lei also felt that this matter could be done.

"Then it's settled like this. I'll go tomorrow night. I'm on August [-]th. I have these two days off. But, I'll go back tomorrow night to ask Jian Xin One question, I will take a day off at night like this, and I will be able to come back tomorrow morning and give you a letter of approval. If you are willing to do it, then let’s pool up the money tomorrow, and prepare the money first, so that when I go at night, I can directly Take it to people, wait until next Sunday I will adjust a rest day to come back, and then bring it back to the machine, so we can do it as we go!"

"I will let my wife go to the factory to learn first. The factory manager's wife told me that if he wants to learn this thing, he can learn it in three days, and actually ship it in one day. But, It’s just that we guard our bodies for one day, and after three days we can feel proficient, and then after we finish this, what we have to do here is to say that you drop 1 cent? They don’t directly support it like we do After all, it is a finished product. They are just like we sew sleeves with wool. They are separated from the front and back. In this way, we have to sew the front and back together. This seam also needs to be sewn with wool. .”

"It costs 20 cents to make one piece. We don't need to say too much in a day. We only make 4 pieces a day, which is 60 yuan. Then we spend half a day sewing it up for him. In this way, we can spend half a day on it." Let’s make up two or three yuan. It’s five or sixty yuan a month. This money can’t be settled. Five or sixty yuan is a lot of money. Let’s be honest, who dares to spend 60 yuan a year at home? A dollar?"

Fang Ming is a very good person. When he does things, he always faces the people in the group, so regarding this matter, he feels that this matter can indeed be done.

What can't be done?He really saw with his own eyes how fast they made this thing at the factory manager's house. Then try his wife's song and it took two to three minutes to come down. You must know that a piece of clothing is only 3 pieces, and the two sleeves are foreground and background.

Then you need to be a little slower when sewing, but the speed of crochet sewing is also very fast, so why can't this thing be done?

"It's a range, but um, I'm ugly. You know that my family has a lot of children, and my family is a little poorer. I just transferred more than 80 yuan. If you are that, even if my sister-in-law asks first Do you take it as a loan of 20 yuan?"

Ding Hong was a bit late, suspecting that there were many children in his family. Although the couple worked hard in the field, they couldn't wait to get up early. It was too dark inside, and they didn't dare to find a single grass, but there were still Without enough money, their children are already over 10 years old, and they will be married in another five or six years, but they only have more than 80 yuan in savings at home, which is not even enough to build a thatched cottage!

He is very worried, and Wang Dingfangwei is a capable person in the village. This guy spent money to work in the fertilizer factory. Who knows that this year he will become the richest man in the village? One of the two households, look at this TV, which costs more than 800 yuan, and it is still a black and white 17 TV, but they just bought it back!

If he built a house for me with more than 800 yuan, it would still be three big tile-roofed houses, and it would be the frontier one.

"Oh, old sister-in-law, you are slapping your brother in the face when you say this, let alone you are short of 20 yuan, I tell you that I will keep you here privately, and I will prepare all the money for you, you I have already prepared the 400 yuan. I am afraid that it is not easy to earn money in our village. I am afraid that no one in your family has any difficulties. I will definitely lose some money. Let me tell you about this money. If you If you are not at ease, you can give me an IOU, and I will pay you from here!"

"This is a good thing. If I say it is a good thing, I will cheat you. If my wife is in the village, who will help my wife in the future? Do you think I will cheat you if the rest of you are willing to help my wife? You Think about it, right?!"

"What you said to the other brother is right. We also understand this truth, so we will discuss with you in advance. My family is indeed short of 20 yuan. I dare not ask you to borrow more, so you can lend me 20 yuan. Money will do."

"No problem old sister, who can not pay a little money at home? Shall I lend you 30 lines?"

"Oh, big brother, I am very embarrassed that you are like this. You see, my sister-in-law didn't help you. That is, when you really don't have any labor force, you come to the door and shout. We have a sweat weapon, and your family still needs it. Take care of the meal, I am very embarrassed."

The rest of the family did not ask Fang Wei to borrow money.

Although 100 yuan is very valuable at this time, you must know that this money can already build 1/8 of the house.

800 yuan to build three large tile-roofed houses, or the kind of cutting-edge houses, is a very normal and normal thing in this era.

But even though money is so valuable, no one has done anything bad because of this incident?
Because for the rural people in this era, saving money is something that everyone must learn. Except for those who speak out, other people will save it after they earn a little money every year.

At this time, if you ask people to go to the street to eat, they will never go and even come back at 2:00 p.m. to eat at their own homes.

As for meat and vegetables, no one thinks about off-season dishes, seasonal vegetables, or delicacies from mountains and seas, because for them, every penny and penny counts. It's something they can't put it down.

Because it is really difficult for them to earn money. You must know that even if they plant 10 mu of land, they get up early and work late every day, without pesticides and without spending anything. Difficult too difficult.

Coupled with the tax in the middle, which is as high as half, for the common people, this is a big mountain on their heads.

So at this time, the common people are very aware of the importance of making money, because farming does not mean that there will be a harvest every year. There is a zodiac every 12 years, and 12 years is a reincarnation.

There is an old saying that three years is good and three years are good, three years is bad is not bad, and three years is not bad is not good.

This means that in every zodiac year, every 12 years is a cycle, there are three years when the harvest is the best and six years are so-so, and three years when the harvest is the worst.

If it is said that you squandered the money you earned in a good harvest year, what about when you are young when the harvest is not good?

What will they do then?

Don't forget, the tax will not meet you, even if you don't receive goods in your field, you still have to pay this tax.

Unless it is a national sensational catastrophe, otherwise, there is no tax exemption application.

Because of this reason, the people who come out of the rural areas at home are very fancy about money and they will not spend money easily, so it is very practical to transfer this money, so I say Well, although 100 yuan is very valuable at this time, basically more than half of the people can't afford it.

Fang Wei saw that there was no one in the room, and he said something about borrowing money, so he smiled, and then asked his wife to put the money away
"Since everyone is unwilling to pick it up with me, then wait until when you need to use the money and then ask me. Don't mention anything else, I still have three or 500 yuan at home."

Fang Wei's words are just words, but everyone knows that he has been working in the city for so long, how could he only earn three to five hundred yuan.

Not revealing wealth is the seed of everyone's formality. Although they usually have a good relationship, at this time they will not debunk the anti-counterfeiting words.

"Since everyone is willing to do it, then I will go back and explain to the factory manager tomorrow afternoon. After all, you didn't say this matter, even if I didn't say it, even if I still want to tell him about it. It was negotiated."

"This is natural. We are not outsiders. Xiaowei has said so, so it means that this matter can really make money. At that time, everyone will work together. If you don't know it, then ask me. I won’t, so I asked him, we will work together like this, and when the time comes, we can put the machine in Fan Wei’s house, you see, their house is designed to be safe, and the people above put glass Cha said Xiaodong here, your house and Fang Wei's house are next door, you should pay attention when the time comes, everyone will hear if you shout about something."

"Don't worry, old aunt, I will do it naturally, but we don't live far away, and there are dogs in the house, and everyone knows what happened."

Xiaodong and Xiaoxixi replied, their house and Fang Wei's house are next door, so although there is a road in the middle, but there is mainly some noise on their side, the big yellow dog in the house He'll know when you call.

As for Fang Wei's family, because there is no man in the house all year round, so they didn't spread the big yellow dog outside at night, but locked them in the house directly.

Every year, if someone wants to steal something from them, they can’t poison their dogs to death, because the dog poisoning the house won’t kill them at all. If I ask them to poison me during the day, Then they will start a new one.

So precisely because of this situation, as long as there is any movement, Fang Wei's dog will definitely bark. At that time, the neighbors will all get up, and they will beat each other half to death.

After the matter was settled, everyone chatted and laughed and left Fang Wei's house.

August [-]th passed in such a hurry.There is a saying in the countryside that the year is good, the moon is good, and life is hard.

Everyone knew about this, so on August [-]th, life in the village was uneventful, but Xiaopangdun prepared a bag of firecrackers for Li Xinbao.

What children in the countryside like to do the most is to stick firecrackers in cow dung, and then light the fuse. If anyone runs slowly at that time, there will be a real hoot of cow dung.

Regarding this matter, there is an elegant city called Tiannv Sanhua, and of course the flowers are all stinky flowers!
Li Qingbao took Xiaopangdun and the others.Within a day, all the cow dung and dog dung in the village were blown up to pieces.

And Ding Chunqiu and the others did bring their group of people to the bottom of a pond that was drying quickly, blowing up the inside to make it pitted.

There was even a child who lit firecrackers and threw them into the cesspit, and then gave himself a face full of flowers.

(End of this chapter)

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