Chapter 542
"First of all, what you need to know is that the person in front of you is the same as your master. I am your uncle, even if your master is in front of me, you can't say such words!"

You first use this word to be so arrogant to these two people, but he thinks it is really funny.

"I don't care what kind of uncle you are. According to the rules, you came in late. Disciple, you only entered this year. We have been here for three years. You have to ask us to call you senior!"

The girl named Xiaoniu Yiwu spoke like this instead. In fact, his words can be regarded as correct, but the loopholes in the words were quickly caught by Li Qingbao.

"When is it a benefit to be in the sect for a long time, I would like to know that you have been in the sect for three years and you are still an outer disciple. Don't you feel ashamed?"

Li Qingbao laughed, and said to the two people that such words came from a good sentence, and he remembered it without hesitation.

"Hmph, let me tell you that you don't want to be arrogant. You are just relying on your luck to be accepted by the sect leader. Let me tell you, you may not be able to catch up with us in three years!"

The skinny boy on the left uttered the first sentence after he came.

"I want to know, those of you who have been dreaming for such a long time, you two asked him to be a junior sister, so according to reasoning, the two of you should have been in the weekend longer than him, 4 years or 5 years Years, but the clothes you wear are indeed always the clothes of Outer Mongolian disciples. I am a little curious. Have you lived for dogs in the past 5 years? Even if I raise a dog, I often train it during the Chinese New Year. more than you!"

Li Qingbao is a person who never suffers, no matter what he says or when, he is easy to be wise to the other party, so it is precisely when he saw the three of them that he actually said this.Come to him to make trouble with him, and he will deliver it on the spot.Therefore, there is no mercy at all.

"Apart from the coat you put on yourself, what do you think you have left? I want to ask you, you just entered ASEAN, you come in to mock us people, remember For such a long time, tell me who gave you courage?"

Your feet are jumping from the cold. Your shoulders are really arrogant. They have been calculating the weight for four or five years, but they said last year that it takes four or five years to become a disciple of the foreign alliance. The outstanding ones, even when they entered the palace with many of them, they didn't win anyone, and now they are still among the handyman disciples.Most of the time, I was not good at that time, and I was doing the work of chopping firewood and carrying water every day.

"What's the matter? I found a rescuer, and now I'm starting to spread the air. I want to ask you what qualifications you have to spread the air here?"

Li Qingbao sneered, he didn't expect these people to be here in front of the elders of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. He must know that the elder of the Changjin Pavilion already knows the identity of this person, and his power is stronger than that of other mountains. Those mangosteen fists are even bigger.

Because gold should be the center of gravity of the entire sect, since it stores all the calligraphy in their sect, except for each mangosteen and the head of the sect, they have some secrets in their hands, which are only passed on to Jie Zicai, who can teach Apart from the exercises, other things should be placed in the Sutra Pavilion.

The elders of the Chengjing Division are second only to the head of the elder He Taishang in terms of their main sons. Moreover, you must know that the elders of Chengjing are basically the elders, and everyone with wisdom will flow to 10 years.

Although 10 years may be a time to pay attention to gold for ordinary people, because 10 years can make a person grow from ignorance to a corrected brain, but you must know that for those who are truly noble For professionals, 30 years is just a snap of the fingers.

For example, the elders of their sect and their elders are already over 200 years old. For him, these 10 years are just the time to participate in a spell.

"I'm not young, but I'm very impatient. Let me tell you, today I will let you know what it means that Lord Ma has several eyes!"

The chubby boy on the left sneered at Li Qingbao indeed. In his dream, he liked Junior Sister Xiaoyou the most, but he never thought that Junior Sister Xiaoyou would be despised by this girl who just joined the League up.

Even a few days ago, he saw the bright red five-fingerprint on Junior Sister Xiaoyou's face, and he knew that Xiaoyou must have been very angry and sad that time.

"I'm the only one who has a bad tone. You need to measure this thing. I'm not like some people who have entered the cave. I haven't accomplished anything for such a long time. I'm still here to bully a newcomer. I want to ask where your face grows!"

"As for your questioning whether I am serious or not, you still need a mobile phone to see Zhuang Zheng, but, for people like you, I am a little curious. Among the people who entered the sect at the same time, are you the only one?" What kind of posture, how humble is it?"

Li Qingbao sneered at Lianlian, and his attitude directly angered the four people on the opposite side. Someone pulled out the long-term friend on the spot, and then jumped out, wanting to compete with Li Qingbao.

What everyone didn't see was that the scripture pavilion at the back, who was sleeping on a recliner, quietly opened his eyes.

"You little yellow-haired girl, let me tell you, I will smash your face into pieces today, and I will let you understand that for you, anyone who entered the Middle East earlier than you should respectfully call out to you as a senior brother." !"

That chubby boy was very angry. Although he said in his dream that he was not as good as those who entered ASEAN at the same time, you must know that he is also a disciple of Outer Mongolia, and he knows two or three sayings. They were all flattered by others. Of course, if he was facing the favored sons of China and Mongolia who entered China and Mongolia during the same period, he was still inferior to them.

But no matter what, whether he is walking on the floor or he is in Outer Mongolia, because of the long time of fine mansion and the disciples of Wudang Mountain, so to speak, people will take pictures of him wherever he goes. Flattering, but I didn't expect to wear through his old bottom lighter than me now.

"You practiced this exercise wrongly. When you jump out, try to come out with your left foot first. Let me tell you, this exercise of yours shows that your anger is strong. After that, it proves that you should be practicing. Lihuogong, it's just that you practiced wrongly in the third stage of Lihuogong, so you are pregnant, and now you are in this bone-setting state."

Li Xinba sneered, he didn't expect that this person would jump out first, or he would have that skinny boy who would jump out first, because the other party's eyes were filled with white anger, and this As for people, it is obvious that Xiao has time to use him as a spare tire, but he really did not expect that this spare tire point has jumped out.

From their positions, he can tell who is small and refills heavily. The thin and tall boy who enters a little bit is obviously as strong as a small gas station. It is obvious to increase the choice in the spare tire. The first one to choose was the skinny and tall fat boy of more than 20 people, who stood at the very edge with power, so he didn't expect that this person would be the first to jump out.

"Being a spare tire to your level really makes me speechless. I thought you would have a little self-knowledge, but now I don't expect you to have no self-knowledge at all."

Li Qingbao might be his own cynicism.

"If I were you, I would have found a provincial government a long time ago, and found someone with a crooked neck that no one has lost. I have solved myself completely, but I didn't expect that you are still here, ignorant of what is good or bad, and you are not ashamed to speak out!"

Faced with Qu Li Qingbao's coldness and ridicule, the fat boy couldn't help it, and he stabbed Duan Zai Qingbao's chest with a sword on the spot.

"Little yellow-haired girl, let me tell you, I will let you know which problem it is today. I tell you that he can't save you even on this problem today!"

The important thing you see is that he can feel it, saying that we quietly unfolded a bracelet on our hand and held a bead in our hand, but when he saw that the lesion had been cured in the past two days, he felt it. Quietly put down again.

You at least faced the opponent’s first chest, just took a step back slightly to the left, and then that question fell through, and you saw his right hand lightly on the opponent’s wrist, and then that The man couldn't hold the sword, and fell to the ground with a bang.

"Yes, yes, you are really useless. You see that you can't even hold a long sword steadily. What qualifications do you have? I am a landlord of Outer Mongolia. If I were you, I would have gone to chop firewood a long time ago. Carrying water and chopping firewood to contribute to my grandmother, instead of brazenly bragging about being jealous for a girl."

You first put all your dissatisfaction with your mocking hands, and directly sent the paint business, and soon you started to lightly imprint your palm on the opponent's cruelty, directly causing the opponent to fall three steps away from the beating.

"You girl, when are you going back? Let me tell you, you witch, you will die!"

I was afraid that the boy didn't know that he was in a complete defeat when facing such a person. He even thought that the other party used a demon method, because in his impression, it was only two or three months for a person to enter the special school. Why? There may be such a powerful skill.

Even if the other party is an apprentice of the Zhangmeng League, they will not have such a profound skill, because if they had such a profound skill, then the whole Middle East would have already taken it out like this, and let all the disciples practice it. .

"Frog at the bottom of the well, you are really a frog at the bottom of the well, look at you when you meet someone who is better than you, you look so humble when you see someone who you think no one else is better than you, but you are very arrogant !"

Li Qingbao sneered, took another step forward, and kicked the man unconscious.

"You witch, you actually killed your fellow sect, let me tell you, today I will clean up the sect for the Zhongmeng!"

The man of medium build standing on the second side gave a loud shout, and then moved the long sword back to me.

He has already seen clearly that when Li Xin was in the magic cave just now, his body was waiting for him, so he directly came to sweep away thousands of troops. Cut him directly under the sword.

Being able to show his reasons and strength in front of his girls is something every man would be willing to do. Although he knows his status as a spare tire, in his opinion, as long as he shows enough If he is outstanding, then this girl of his will come to favor him.

But what he didn't expect was to face his opinion that he was determined to win, and Li Qingbao just came in on an iron bridge, bent his body to the right, and then saw that he swept across his chest, but he didn't touch it. Tear a foot.


Li Qing kicked his foot directly on his wrist, just like the man just now, his long sword is a legend, but this time the long sword actually went up to the sky, and then flew to 10 Stepping away, he settled on a tree trunk, where the hilt of the long sword was buzzing and trembling.

"What kind of therapy are you using?"

The other party was very surprised. He didn't expect that he would be defeated by the same trick again. Although the other party used the hand once and the foot the other time, what he clicked was The head is the Shaoyang point on the hand.

"You are also a frog in a well like him, but you are a little bit more self-aware than her. You know that these are spare tires, so you can clearly understand your position, but it is a pity that you saw you Those next to you are the first backup for scolding others, and your second backup can only do this."

You first open his mouth to make everyone want to tear him apart, but he didn't expect this girl to mercilessly expose the delusion in his heart.

"You little girl, let me tell you, I will go to ASEAN to expose you, and let me tell you, the demon method you practice is intolerable for any animal!"

The boy was continuing to talk. When he got up and wanted to run, he was caught up in front of him, and then he kicked on the back of the waist. He was kicked directly, rolled three times, and then fell to the side and fainted. Fall over.

"Someone has come in to practice demon art, brothers and sisters, come and someone to practice, if you want to, come and clean up the door!"

I have to say that the boy who went to the side of Xiaoyou was the same as him.

(End of this chapter)

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