Chapter 543
Just after Li Qingbao dealt with the two of them neatly, Xiaoyou and the boy next to him yelled suddenly, then ran towards the back, and even shouted loudly while running.

And their fight has long been attracted, and all the people in the entire Tibetan scripture pavilion are watching. After seeing Li Xinbao quickly and neatly deal with the two people, their eyes showed signs of beheading, and some people's eyes even That look of envy and jealousy is indeed a statement.

But Zhuangzheng belongs to the sedan chair that everyone carries. Now that you see both straight and straight, you have such a good heart, so this kind of person has expressed enough kindness to him.

And Li Xin just quickly caught up with Xiaoyou who fell behind, and when he hit the ground with his foot, his heart kicked him to the ground, and then he ran fast again, two or three steps , kicked the boy on the neck, and kicked him down again.

"Then the four of you come over and put the four of them into the cafeteria of Zhongmeng. I'm going to invite one to the Law Enforcement Hall to see how they manage the disciples!"

You sneered at first, and then found the elder of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. Although he said that he didn't see the movement of an elder behind him, he felt an elder in Changning. He breathed slightly at that moment. Then he calmed down a little as he made his move.

Although the other party didn't really help him, but the other party has this idea after all, so he still has to thank me for thanking me.

"Uncle, thank you for coming to help just now."

Li Qingbao bent down and bowed to the elder, but the elder just waved his hand.

"You girl, I underestimated you. I have to say that you did understand the two books I asked you to read. How about this? You don't care about this matter, just leave it to me, you go There are 2 books on the top of the first cabinet on the left side of the second floor of Changning Pavilion. You can take them back and read them. If you have read all the 1 books thoroughly, then your master is back and you should agree to participate in the competition. of."

In fact, the elder of Zhongmeng is a level lower than him. According to the real saying, Li Qingbao should ask him to call him the owner, but he is not too lazy if the girl wants to call him like that. To dismantle it, besides, for an old man like him, calling out something is not a call, even calling a senior brother is a sign of seniority.

On the other hand, the elders on the stage will never be sent to the ranking according to the real situation, except for the case that they must be direct masters, apprentices or master ancestors, otherwise others will be called friends of the daoist, but they really understand clearly and show Let him understand that this Asia will enter their Supreme Presbyterian Church sooner or later.

Sooner or later there will be a future or a brother, so is it necessary to call you this now?In his opinion, there is no need to follow, besides, everything is unnecessary to him, except his own strength.

"Okay, then I'll trouble the uncle, I'm going to get the things!"

Li Qingbao smiled. If he went to the Law Enforcement Hall by himself, although these 10 people would definitely get the punishment they deserved, they would still have to talk a lot, because the master was not there to find him. Here, and most of the other party will not really prove it, he is such a disciple who has just been demonized.

Don't look at him being accepted as a disciple by the master, but, you must know that among the real big bosses, he is just a little apprentice. Although he may have potential in the future, but before he shows his potential , No one else will pay attention to him.

And with the explanation of the elder of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, these things became very simple. With his appearance, he believed that no one would dare to go against his will, because he had also learned from the master's slip of the tongue. After the colonoscopy, the head of the department is not an ordinary person.

Even if the elder of the Tibetan scripture pavilion wanted to intervene, he had to consider the other party's intentions for some things his master wanted to do.

Li Qingbao went to the second floor, got the five books the elder said, and walked out. He saluted the elders again, and then walked towards his own mountain.

"The young people nowadays are indeed incredible. To have such thoughts at such a young age makes me, an old man, have to sigh, I am old!"

Elder Chengjing Pavilion muttered to himself, the people beside him were bending over him, but in his heart he pointed at a boy casually, and then threw a token to him.

"The little thing took my license plate and went to the Law Enforcement Hall to tell them. I am paying attention to this matter, and I can do whatever I want. If it is their performance that makes me dissatisfied, I might as well go find their master to come and tell them." Say it."

If the symptoms of diabetes come, there is any kind of person who looks like shit. They originally thought that the elder giraffe was just an ordinary elder, but now listen to his tone 45 times. They are the number one person among the elders. The person who is in front of him will eat a bowl of Pele.

When the people were in the galaxy, they said that they found the elder in front of them, and suddenly they couldn't see clearly again and again. The red body was surrounded by a crowd, and they knew that it was the elder who didn't want to talk nonsense with them, so everyone hurriedly dispersed .Um.

And this time Tang saw five people, and after being knocked out by a disciple who had just started, he heard what everyone said, and he also felt a little tricky when he passed by our elder Jin Ge.

"Do you want to ask the master for instructions? After all, the powerful wife is in charge of this matter. On the one hand, it is the disciples who are in charge of the alliance, and on the other hand, it is these outer disciples. If it is not handled well, we will all say that we will die. "

The second senior brother who was on duty in the duty hall today saw that this matter was difficult to deal with, so he wanted to ask the master for instructions on the spot, Fu.

"Naha's second child, you also know that our master is currently in retreat to participate in your exercises. If we deal with them for this matter, then we will be scolded by the master."

"But sister, what do you think should be done about this matter? After all, this matter is still a bit involved. If we deal with it according to the door rules, these people will be beaten to the Drunken Dance Hall and sentenced to three years It's a sin, it cuts off their future for them, because if they can't practice for three years, then they will be left behind by others."

The second style is a bit unbearable, because you know, if he really handles it according to the special policy, then the future of these people will be adjusted after a while, because in the most golden time period, if they practice If you can't keep up, you will have demons in your mind in the future, or you will fall behind others in terms of the speed of cultivation.

"I said you are a bit too benevolent. This matter should be handled according to Chinese laws. The main reason is that we are going out according to Chinese laws. What money do others have to spend, even if it is the elders? There is no gossip."

The girl you are all wearing black really laughed. For her, she thinks that even if all these people challenge you, it is yours to compete with, and then you feel nothing. After all, I was dreaming about them before, and the rules are There.

"When you were young, didn't this incident involve five people at once. If we really asked them to drive them all away, then it would be a loss for us, and it would also be a loss for their personal future. Don't say bad things!"

The second senior brother still felt that he shouldn't handle it like this, because for him, if he really handled it according to China, then this matter would be a bit bloody.

"Come on, your wife is a woman's benevolence in real life. Look at your old Mr. Li like a woman every day. Let me tell you that this body is delicious, just the family rules are fine!"

Elder Sister is really impatient. When he sees the second pregnancy test so procrastinated, the parents feel a little annoyed.

"We should give them a chance!"

The second senior brother thought for a while, and he spoke.

"Why don't you see that so many sentenced the three of them to work as handymen within half a year, but they can still practice in the center, and they will be released after half a year. What do you think?"

"Wouldn't it be too light to use 20? You know, if they know about the occupation, we will have an inescapable responsibility for this matter!"

As soon as the little life finished speaking, a boy in white clothes came over. When everyone saw the clothes on his body, they said that he was Cui Yuyongfeng's disciple.

"Why did you come here to straight hair sugar, what are you doing here?"

Before the words of the little life came down, he took out a token from the cushion.

"The elder of the Cangjing Pavilion means that the five people just now must enforce the law impartially, otherwise he will find the elders of the Law Enforcement Hall to talk about it."

Reporter Cui Yunfeng's words changed the faces of everyone, especially the second senior brother, he didn't expect that this is the chief of the scripture pavilion you met in Jingdong.

"Okay, okay, please go back to the elders and say that we will deal with it fairly!"

After saying something loosely about the Second Form Sutra, he took a few disciples from the law enforcement hall and walked towards the pessimistic side of the master. In the past, this matter was no longer up to them to deal with, because he only knew that this matter of the elders people of status.

Today's matter must be handled by the elders, because it must be known that if it is handled according to the assessment, these people will either be infiltrated.Regret that he went to the penalty, or directly abolished it, we kicked out many doors, no matter it is these two methods, neither of them can be handled by him.

The elders would not come out, but when they heard that it was the Buddhist scripture pavilion and the elders had finished the matter in person, he rushed out immediately.

"Which little bastard is it? Which little bastard is it? You dare to violate the composition rate and commit crimes against him. Doesn't it mean that he doesn't want to die and he doesn't want to live?"

There was a murderous look on his face, he was originally practicing in closed doors, a profound technique, and it was about to arrive, and he did encounter this thing at a critical moment, so it was inevitable that he would feel very irritable.

"The master is the address of Bai Yunfeng and the others. There is a female disciple named Xiaoyou. She was with Brother Changning before, because after seeing the head disciple, Yan Yuqian said a few words to him, and then she was dismissed." We slapped him this time, and after that he held a grudge, so he found someone to take revenge, but he didn't expect to be left by our disciples, and I was indeed beaten to the ground."

"Are the people in Baiyun Peak so bold?"

Elder Liu was stunned. He didn't expect that he had only practiced in seclusion for a year or two. Could it be that these disciples have gone against the sky like this?
"Could it be that Tong'er didn't do well? Before Tuo'er, he always thought about letting the net go, always thinking that he could win them and give them a chance to reform, but he didn't expect that they are making such a fuss now. big."

Ershixun is a very self-blaming teacher. Fu handed over the Law Enforcement Hall to him, and let him manage it because her senior sister is really cold-faced. Whenever she encounters anything, she will shout and kill. Yes, so he scolded him for thinking that there should be so many places at home.

So, the master let him manage the law enforcement hall, but he didn't expect that he would make such a big disclosure this year.

"You boy, I won't talk about you. I told you when I handed it over to you. When will you listen to your senior sister? Then you can combine the opinions of the two of you. It is a good solution. You don’t listen to the words of your world, do you?”

Elder Liu's words only made the second senior brother feel ashamed. It was indeed what the master said. She also thought that if he gave him a chance in this matter, he would feel that he would change his ways, but she didn't expect that he would turn over a new leaf immediately. As the time passed and entered the customs, it became longer and longer, and now even dreaming that those disciples don't have such a big bun is regarded as one thing.

"It's become what you do. In the future, you said that you should write me a self-criticism, and then read it to me in front of everyone in Zhou XX, and then, this matter, I can handle it for you."

Elder Niu is interesting, training the second senior brother to become Zhifatang's ring, so in this matter, he just thinks that this kid should be given a chance.

"Master, I'm afraid I can't do it well. Let's talk about this matter. I originally thought that it would be a pimple, and 30 large boards would be fine, but I didn't expect that the elders of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion will be alarmed now."

The elders of the Sutra Pavilion are very prominent in their sect.

(End of this chapter)

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