Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 548 Chapter 548 Gold Master 25 Type 16

Chapter 548 Chapter 548 Gold Master 25 Type 16
"Little uncle, where did you say it went? We are from China and Mongolia, and we should help each other!"

For example, it is a very clever name, so when he sees Li Qingbao, he knows that he has succeeded. After all, no matter how you look at it from any angle, there is no direct conflict between the two of them.

The strength of this week is to enter the top 100 this time, so, from this point of view, the two of them are nothing more than the most important noun, and in the end this ranking must be at the bottom when they were young. There will be no direct conflict with him.

"Okay, then let's wait and see who among them can take the stage to compete with Feng Qingyang."

You should at least take a look at how strong this Feng Qingyang is. After all, for them, such a person may be a great improvement in their efficiency of watching the battle, because no matter what ranking these people finally get , For them, this is an eye-opening thing for them.

I saw that after Feng Qingyang came to the stage, soon those perverted sects wanted to make a move, but seeing Feng Qingyang like this, they went on stage immediately, so everyone gave up this idea.

1/2 wanted to manage people and not assist me, and directly swept away the top 10 masters, and then successfully defended my position, and the change of unit sect is called Feng Qiangjin Connection. After defeating 10 opponents, in order to let my disciples guarantee In the end, the winning percentages stopped sending disciples to compete with him one after another.

Because even if they send someone else to play now, it will only increase the winning rate of sealing the wall. This will only make the wind gun, and the final ranking will be higher and higher, so if you pay attention at this time, you know it is better not to compete with him , it’s better to snatch other positions, because if the ring they ordered suddenly fails, some points will be deducted in the end, so if you come to them, even if the final disciple wins, the final ranking will not be much good.

What Li Qingbao saw was an eye-opener. He didn't expect someone to be so healthy and powerful. He thought to himself for a while. If he came to the stage at this time, then the moves he and he had used should not exceed 20 moves. will lose.

But in this way, he has also confirmed his own strength from the side, that is to say, if he is competing for the top [-], there should be a little bit of suspense, but if it is the Zhongmeng side, it is really like what Zilong said If he will create some opportunities for himself, then he should still be able to enter.

In addition, he just woke up just now, and he said that this time the China League will give him a few byes, and then let him guarantee his final winning percentage.

For other sects, they all have such timeliness. After all, every parent has their own core personnel who need to be cultivated, so for these people, they will eventually give to other outsiders before they die of illness. After ventilating, let them think about it first when dispatching manpower.

After Feng Qingyang stepped down from the stage, it was their turn soon. Ever since he called his second senior brother, after the second senior brother came on stage, all the girls in the factory screamed.

"Come on, brother Wuwei, I love you, brother Wuwei, you are the best, brother Wuwei"!
"Did you see it after the past? The second senior brother has such a high popularity today, oh my god, he actually made those girls cheer him so much, this is a girl from another sect."

Li Xinbao was still close, he didn't expect me to look like a big brother next door as a senior, he didn't expect Sun Guangquan to be so high in other sects.

"Little uncle, you don't know that the five senior brothers are also very powerful. Besides, when he turned out last year, he directly swept away the opponents of the eighteen majors. Naturally, he has established his own in each sect. own prestige."

Ziru can see the stars in the eyes of the five senior brothers. He has always been secretly in love with this man, but because of his lack of strength, he can only put this feeling in his heart. bottom of my heart.

Cephalo is the footsteps that I can't think of on the first morning. At least if I can perform tasks with him, it's not in my mind.

"Do you like the second senior brother? I think your tone seems to be very interesting to him. Would you like me to help you match?"

Li Xingbao really saw through Zirou's mind, this girl is also very good to her, she would like to match these two if she has the chance.

"Don't come to little uncle, you don't know that the five senior brothers like the big world, so, people with my strength should not join in the fun, besides, girls have their own crushes, It’s okay to keep these crushes in your heart.”

Only nature knows that if he confesses his love at this time, then the second senior brother should use other reasons to reject him, because after all, the second senior brother puts everything on his future.

Li Qing nodded twice, he already understood the intention of guiding the way, he was going all out to wait until he dared to go up, and then confessed.

"It's just optimistic about you, I support you, you just do it, I tell you, after keeping your true performance good enough, no matter it's a dream.

In other words, the second senior brother will show affection to you. At that time, even if you want to confess your love, the senior brother should accept you, or comfort you.You have to let nature know that as long as your strength is good enough, then even in your dreams, you will not interfere with this matter! "

Feng Qingyang really squeezed more time and then directly defeated that person, all of which made them feel incredible.

"Only you have seen it, you have seen how powerful the wind gun is, God, do you think his semi-martial arts is really good?"

At least you think that if the sprayer used for the scenery is too bright, he doesn't know how this person practiced to have such a powerful kung fu.

The treatment also looked unbelievable. He didn't expect that when he came last year, he was not like this, but when he came this year, he saw that the time of fashion became even more powerful.

Although it was said that it took 10 years for the big competition of the entire sect to be completed, there will be a competition for these insider buildings every year.

"Like Uncle, he is so powerful, do you know? I can't even imagine what he looks like when I see him now. He actually has such strength!"

The plant's mouth was so surprised that his throat dropped, and after meditating on himself, he actually saw the wind, and Qingyang made progress again. After this scene, the distance between him and the top experts like them is still too far.

"I don't know, I'm talking to you, in fact, when we came last year, he represented and before such a development, I still felt that the difference between me and them would not be too big, because seeing them now So powerful, I really feel that I am really not as ruthless as them.

I just feel that there are some things that I can’t do without paying for myself. He had already been close to him for these high numbers before. After all, when she met last year, there was not such a big difference between them. He was able to catch up, but he didn't expect to see such a person running so fast now, so he knew that he was really inferior to these people. "

"Everyone has their own fate, you don't have to blame yourself too much, your chance has not arrived yet, what I'm talking about here is that they are now in a period of rapid development, so it seems that they will cultivate well soon."

At least you only comforted one person, you didn't think that his comfort was not comforting, but you were kind enough to comfort him.It's just that it's better to take a look at this freak around him. Compared with Feng Qiuhuang, they still think Feng Qiuhuang and the others are within the range of normal people, but seeing this little uncle, he feels that his Give up your age and give it to the dog.

It has been 5 years since he entered the headquarters. During these 5 years, he did not practice hard every day, but he did not expect that he would become farther and farther away from everyone else. It has only been a few months in total, but now, they are almost catching up with him.

Originally, he whispered to this man before that he didn't expect how advanced his skills would be, but he didn't expect that this time the master could see it directly at a glance, and the little uncle was almost the same as him.

"Xiao Shengchu, tell me the truth, what realm have you reached now?"

Spider felt that he should first ask the bottom line of this decimal. After all, if Hours really showed such a strong strength like him, then his position would be in danger this time. According to every life, there are some such genius.

"I, I am not as good as you!"

You first need to know clearly that there is a woman next to you, and what kind of strength she is.The master gave him a set of secretaries to watch other people's attack and defense. As long as he used it himself, he could see that other people's skills were much higher than his own.

Although it is said that the level of this skill is not the level of combat power, but, after all, this thing can exist as a measure.

Besides, his spells or combat experience are a little weaker after he has trained so fast like this. Although he has the experience bonus from his previous life, he feels that he is not necessarily only keeping his opponents. .

"Forget it, forget it, I won't ask any more, you are all freaks, my God, I've been hit so hard!"

Ziru was really a bit deflated, he didn't think that his minor surgery was also a freak.

"Okay, okay, let's watch with peace of mind. You see, it's our second senior brother who is playing now!"

After receiving the address of the business card, the next is their second senior brother from the Law Enforcement Hall. The second senior brother talked about making a chicken for everyone, and then said.

"Dear friends and seniors, I am Wang Chenglei, a disciple of Wudang Mountain Filming. Good afternoon, I hope all the big brothers can click to discuss with me."

He speaks like the tension shown in his whole person, and his whole person is gentle and elegant.

"It's the second senior brother I just photographed. Have you seen it? He's even more powerful than last year. Is his kung fu so powerful?"

Someone nearby could tell at a glance that the second senior brother's public law is also very powerful.

"Worthy of being a disciple of the great sect, look at his demeanor, it is truly incomparable to those of us in the sect."

The voices of the people from the small sect not far away could be heard clearly.

"Wang Xiaolei of the Huangshan School is willing to learn from the second senior brother's brilliant moves."

On the other side of a mountain peak, a man directly copied it down to compete with Er Shi Zhou.

"Senior Brother Wang, we have already competed last year. Last year you failed and I made a move. I hope you can improve this year."

In the face of this person's challenge, 21 is that kind of tepid temper.

"Old Taoist, this apprentice of yours really has your points in the past!"

A female priest said to Elder Liu.

Although they are said to be in a competitive relationship, they actually cooperate more. After all, for the mining of secret realms, the disciples under them respect each other, but for them, people from major sects, all of them must Cooperation is shared.

"Where is there, your Wang Xiaolei is not bad, you look at his demeanor, he is obviously diligent!"

Elder Liu chuckled. He was naturally very satisfied with his disciple's reaction. You must know that this disciple has always been his darling.

"It's still not as good as he did it last year. I'm afraid he will do it this year!"

For those masters, they can tell at a glance, who is strong and who is weak among these disciples, after all, their skills are much more advanced.

Besides, the elders of these big sects all know what tricks each of the disciples has. Disciples, they are familiar with each other, and there is a list in it.

"Everyone is making progress with each other. If he stands still, then I will break his leg."

Elder Liu chuckled.

"Honestly look at your stinky fart, let me tell you, although he is not as good as your second disciple, but my Aru also surpasses him."

"That's like Ari. I've seen it too. It's true that he's not the second child who can take refuge and compete with Ah Zhu. He still has to send my boss to play."

(End of this chapter)

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