Chapter 549
The disciples are fighting with each other, and the elders are also fighting with each other. What they are pursuing is not as simple as a single name, because although the names that are currently in the queue seem to be just rewards , but it is actually about living to that secret realm, how much share can they occupy?

"Okay, what we say here is just a joke, let the Erlangs compare!"

Elder Niu laughed. Every year, his subordinates were able to overwhelm the opponent, so he naturally knew that his subordinates would not do it at this time.

Don't look at him retreating for a whole year this year, but everyone knows the memories of his subordinates clearly.

"Okay, then let these children compete with each other!"

After the two said something, they kept silent and waited for their men to go down and take the written test. For them, the written test of these men was even more critical to them.

"You are still the same old man as last year, and you still have the same temperament. I said when will your personality change?"

The head of the Emei Sect smiled, turned his head and said something to the two of them.

"How do you want me to change my natural personality? When I die, I can change it!"

Facing the other party's blow, Elder Liu replied in a neutral manner.

Along with the two people's words, the tea leaves have begun to change. The two confessed to each other, and then, you punched me and kicked me.

But there was nothing surprising. After these two people competed with each other for more than a dozen moves, Wang Xiaole had already conceded.

He has already found out about the other party. If he can fight with all his strength, then the two of them should lose a little bit in the bidding between the two of them in China. So, at this time, he will not I will put all my thoughts on this person, because for him, since he can no longer determine where he can win with all his strength, he needs to work hard to keep his position.

There are still many opportunities in the future for such a contest between every penny and a penny, and what they need to do now is to get the maximum benefit for their dreams.

After all, for them, these written exams they are taking now are all solemn written exams in pediatrics, and they are still in the area.

"Did you see it when you were young? Second senior brother's every move is so elegant every time, my heart is trembling with every move he makes."

Just as he said something with a smile, he found that he was really deeply trapped in the gentleness of the second senior brother, and he couldn't extricate himself.

"Girl, I am optimistic about you, work hard, you have not been as long as the gold master Zhu Meng, so it is understandable to say that you can't catch up now, after all, each of us is Do you have your own unique tricks?"

At least you can tell at a glance, the girl next to him is also very strong, but she is still weaker than those real operators.

"Okay, okay, little uncle, don't comfort me. Let me tell you, I've already resigned to my fate, do you know? Each of these people is a genius. For a mediocre person like me, I naturally It is impossible to catch up with them."

You should first persuade the important one, because in his opinion, this person will catch up one day sooner or later, but the other party smiled and shook his head.

"Little uncle, let me tell you, although I know now that I can't catch up with them, I will not give up. I will catch up with them sooner or later, and I will stand here and face them like they are." The heroes are here to challenge!"

While the two were talking, the second senior brother had already repelled more than a dozen masters, and then stepped down in order to destroy his own position.

Ziroom is already preparing, because there will be people like them in the next competition, so he must work hard to defend his position.

I can't get through it, and after four or five games, the job will come on stage.

His opponent was a boy. This boy had red hair and looked very fierce and domineering.

As for Zhirou, he really looked at the petite and weaker kind, but he really didn't expect that after a comparison between the two, they would only grab the opponent's flaw after more than a dozen moves, and then let the opponent Beat the ring.

"I can't tell, this little girl is really powerful."

You at least smiled, son Ru also stepped down after defeating 67 opponents in a row.

"How about little uncle, my performance is still not satisfactory. Let me tell you, I haven't exercised such rights yet. If I exercise my powers, then it should be no problem for them to have a dozen more games. Yes, but I want to put my energy behind."

He just smiled, he naturally knew that this time he only needed to defend the definition he made, so he stopped after he got your name.

After the people in the big sect despised each other, they decided on the first 80 seats, and then reserved the last 20 seats for those from the small sect.

Although for them, if they really sent all their disciples to the brand, then don't talk about the 100 positions, even if 1 million is not strong enough, but they still have to compete with those small sects. Let's save some soup, if those small sects are really good at it, then with the cooperation of power, he can also give them a headache.

"Xiao Shuang, wait a minute, it's up to you to play in the next game. Let me tell you that you don't need too much left, you only need 7 games left."

Zhang Meng lightly nodded to Qu Zhishuang, this girl is playing for the first time, so he still needs to tell him some rules.

While the two were talking, the disciple of the Emei Sect had already defeated his opponent, and then successfully defended his position.

"Master, I'm going!"

After Li Qingbao said something, he left his seat and walked towards the stage.

"Old Taoist priest, this apprentice of yours seems to be very discerning. I have already seen him. If he is ranked according to his real strength, he should be able to occupy the middle and upper reaches!"

"Your vision is still as small as before. I tell you that this address is indeed the one I am most satisfied with. But, as you said, if he goes all out, he can indeed be in the upper reaches of this way, but I'm not going to let him do this, after all, he's only coming out in his first year now, if he's missed some introductions, his level will be lowered later on."

We shook our heads, he naturally understands that Qu Zhishuang, if he goes all out, he should reach a better position, but this is not important.

Another thing that is most lacking now is vision. The main thing is to let him see it. Then in the future, they will prove that there are still many places.

(End of this chapter)

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