Chapter 120 Black Wind Recognizes Lord
Feng Yun looked around with a red face, turned her back to the man in front of her, raised her hand and tapped her forehead hard, and cursed herself in a low voice, "Feng Yun, you big fool, it's okay now, face You lost all of yourself."

Seeing this, Gu Chen quickly reached out to stop her hand, turned her whole body around, looked at her forehead nervously and distressed and asked, "How is it, does it hurt?"

After asking, he reached out and touched her forehead.

Feng Yun looked at the gentle man in front of her, and suddenly the shyness in her heart disappeared, she just let others see it, anyway, the matter between the two of them has been approved by the family, why should she care about the eyes of the people around her.

At this time, she thought of Gu Chen in her previous life.

She remembered that when she married into the Gu family, on the day she and Gu Heng got married, the King Huainan had never appeared at the wedding.

Later, a few days before she was poisoned, she heard a servant in the mansion accidentally mention that Huainan King Gu Chen was very close to Fa Hai of Jingyin Temple, and might become a monk.

Later, it is not clear whether this man became a monk or not after she died.

Seeing her staring at him, Gu Chen blushed with embarrassment on his handsome cheeks, and called her softly, "Yun'er, Yun'er."

Feng Yun came back to her senses at this moment, grabbed his arm nervously and said, "My lord, promise me that you will not get too close to those monks from now on, promise me."

After hearing her words, Gu Chen raised his thick black eyebrows, grabbed her trembling little hand on his arm, and held it tightly, "I promise you."

After getting his consent, Feng Yun was relieved, but she kept thinking in her heart that she must keep her eyes open in the future, and never let the man in front of her get in touch with those monks, especially that Master Fa Hai.

Gu Chen frowned and then loosened, and quickly said, "Let's go, Black Wind is waiting for us."

Feng Yun nodded, and let him hold her hand and walked forward to Hei Feng who was waiting for them.

After the last time we got along, at this moment, Heifeng saw that she was no longer as arrogant as before.

Even though she was riding on it now, the horse was silent and well-behaved.

Feng Yun looked at the man sitting behind her, and shouted happily to him, "My lord, look at how well-behaved Hei Feng is this time, I am riding on it, but it doesn't show a breath of air, it seems that it is recognized me as its other owner."

Seeing her smiling so happily, Gu Chen touched Heifeng's head with her hand, and said, "Heifeng is a sensible person, since it obediently lets you ride it, it means that it recognizes you as its master .”

Feng Yun nodded vigorously, touched Heifeng's horse's head again, and said to this with a smile, "Heifeng, don't worry, the things I promised you last time will not change. You are looking for a wife, and there will be news soon."

Hei Feng moved his horse's head at this time, and seemed a little shy.

The two rode a horse together, and were quickly seen by everyone in the team on this trip.

Among the team, Gu Heng was also riding a horse, but the horse he was riding was not comparable to Hei Feng.

When he saw Feng Yun riding Hei Feng, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning, staring at Gu Chen and the others who rode past him in disbelief.

After they passed by, Gu Heng rubbed his eyes hard, and shouted in a low voice, "How is this possible, how is it possible, Heifeng actually let that woman Feng Yun ride, Heifeng has always been forbidden Did someone other than foster father touch it?"

ps: Thank you for the little cuties who voted

 Thank you for the little cuties who voted, refill

(End of this chapter)

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