Chapter 121 An Accident Comes

At this moment, Yang Yiyi, who was sitting in the carriage, also saw Feng Yun and the others who had just passed by her carriage.

She still can't believe that Feng Yun and King Huainan are sharing the same horse!

At this moment, she never believed in the fact that King Huainan liked Feng Yun.

After the jealousy was over, she wanted to ride a horse outside to breathe the fresh air like Feng Yun.

It's not good to sit in this carriage, not to mention the jolt of the carriage, the air inside is not good, which makes her feel very uncomfortable.

At this time, her eyes swept to Gu Heng who was walking beside him!
"Brother Heng, I also want to ride a horse. Can you let me ride a horse with you?" Yang Yiyi bit her lip, looking at Gu Heng who was riding on the horse with a distressed expression.

Gu Heng looked around and saw a lot of people following them looking at them, his cheeks on both sides immediately flushed with embarrassment, and he immediately refused, "You should sit in the carriage, it is better to sit in the carriage. It is suitable for you women, but it is not convenient for you women to ride horses!"

When Yang Yiyi heard that he refused, she felt wronged immediately, and she didn't come here this time to help him.

"But sister Yun rides on a horse, why can't I?" Yang Yiyi's face was full of unwillingness.

Gu Heng was already annoyed in his heart, but when he heard her mention the word Feng Yun, his tone immediately became unpleasant, "If you want to compare with her, then I have nothing to say."

As soon as the words fell, he rode his horse and strode away from the carriage.

Yang Yiyi watched him leave her alone and walk to the front, so angry that she immediately got into the carriage and sulked.

At the same time, Feng Yun, who was already walking ahead, was riding happily on horseback.

"My lord, riding a horse is really interesting. It's not like sitting in a carriage where you can't see anything. It's better to ride a horse."

Gu Chen, who was sitting behind her, rolled his deep eyes when he heard her words, "Do you like riding horses?"

Feng Yun nodded without thinking, "I like it!"

"I have a horse farm in the suburbs. When I come back from hunting, I'll take you there. I'll pick out a horse suitable for you to ride. Then I'll teach you how to ride."

Feng Yun happily turned her head to look at him, "My lord, are you serious? You're not lying to me, are you?"

Gu Chen stared blankly at the little woman who suddenly turned his head, he licked his lips, his fiery eyes fixed on the pretty red lips that just brushed past his lips.

Seeing that he was staring at her lips, Feng Yun immediately saw the image of their lips brushing past. Immediately, her cheeks on both sides were stained with a shy blush, and she immediately turned her head and lowered her head.

Because of what happened just now, the two arrived at the paddock quietly on the next road.

"I've already had someone arrange your residence. You can go with Chu Hong later." Getting off the horse, Gu Chen gently looked at Feng Yun, who had kept her head down, and said.

"Yes, I see." Feng Yun lowered her head in response.

Ever since that accident happened to them, she didn't know how to get along with the man in front of her. In the end, she had no choice but to be a shrinking turtle, lower her head, and not meet his gaze.

Seeing that he was about to leave because of something, Gu Chen had no choice but to take a step forward, raised her head, and forced her to look directly at him, "You plan to keep your head down and talk to me like this, don't you?"

ps: Ask for a ticket
 I'm asking for tickets again

(End of this chapter)

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