After wearing the book, I married the male protagonist's father

Chapter 131 I have a backer, do you have one?

Chapter 131 I have a backer, do you have one?

When the two of them came over, the main force was ready and ready to go.

"Gu Aiqing, that's fine. It seems that I should give you a marriage earlier." Rongdi laughed jokingly when he saw Feng Yun brought over by Gu Chen.

Seeing that the emperor was smiling, the people around him all laughed too.

Gu Chen swept the crowd around, everyone was so frightened that they immediately stopped smiling.

In the end, only Emperor Rong was smiling.

"Your Majesty, the marriage between Weichen and Miss Feng does not need the emperor's gift of marriage for the time being. Weichen has discussed with Feng's parents. The two elders still want to keep Miss Feng at home for a few more years. When it is really needed, Weichen will decide. I will have the cheek to ask the emperor for this marriage."

After listening to Emperor Rong, he didn't continue to mention the marriage.

Seeing that everyone here was getting ready, Gu Chen had no choice but to turn his head and look at the little woman beside him.

Although the two didn't speak, they could already see what they wanted to say from each other's eyes.

After staring at each other for a long time, Gu Chen finally got on the black horse led by the guards. After another deep look at each other, he rode on the black horse and followed the large army in front.

"Shameless." At this moment, a voice full of jealousy sounded from the side.

Feng Yun frowned, and immediately turned her head to look in the direction of the voice.

"Yang Yiyi, don't force me to hit you. If I hit you, I'm afraid your pretty face will be ruined." Now that you've lost your face, there's no need to continue to be a good sister with her set up.

When Yang Yiyi heard her threats, she was so angry that she clenched her fists and rushed over, "Feng Yun, don't think that with King Huainan as your backer, you can run amok here, this is the place of the emperor. "

Feng Yun took a step forward and looked directly at her, her fierce eyes never lagging behind her, and replied, "I have King Huainan as my backer, if I can do it, you can do it to me if you have the ability." .”

Yang Yiyi was so angry that her face turned blue, and now she only had one thought in her mind, and that was to smash this annoying face in front of her to pieces.

Yang Yiyi, whose mind was dominated by anger, didn't even think about it, and immediately raised her high hand and waved it down on Feng Yun's right cheek.

Seeing her arm leaning towards her, Feng Yun sneered, a fierce light flashed in the corner of her eyes, she raised her right hand, as if easily grabbing her swinging arm, and finally increased her strength.

Some time ago, she practiced martial arts with Chu Hong, and was trained by Huainan Wang for a while later. Now she is no longer the helpless Feng Yun she used to be.

As long as she tried hard, she could break a stick as thick as an adult's arm.

"Ah, ah, Feng Yun, you, you bitch, you, let go of my arm quickly, it hurts so much, it hurts so much, it hurts me to death." Yang Yiyi screamed involuntarily.

Feng Yun squeezed her arm hard again, until there was a sound of breaking in her bones, and then Feng Yun threw her to the ground forcefully.

Yang Yiyi, who fell on the ground, stopped screaming, and hugged her hand that was grabbed by Feng Yun with a pale face. As a result, she found that as soon as she touched it, there was a pain in her arm that wanted her to die. , It made her want to find a stone and kill her immediately.

"Feng Yun, what did you do to my arm? Why is my arm so painful that I can't move it?" Yang Yiyi stared at Feng Yun with a look of hatred and resentment and asked loudly.

ps: Thank you for your votes
 Thank you guys for your votes, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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