Chapter 132

"What did I do? Didn't you just have eyes to see? I just pinched your arm like this, and then I heard the sound of your bones breaking. I think your bones are breaking now."

After finishing speaking, she showed an innocent smile.

Yang Yiyi looked at her arm with broken bones in disbelief, then said ah, strode into the paddock with her arm in her arms, and shouted loudly, "Emperor physician, imperial physician, I want imperial physician, My arm is going to be crippled, please help me find a doctor."

Feng Yun looked at her back running in fear of death, and sneered. Just as she was about to clap her hands and prepare to go in, she suddenly caught sight of a boy standing under a tree out of the corner of her eye.

Feng Yun was taken aback, and shouted at him, "Third Prince, how long have you been standing here?"

Xuan Shuo replied with a blank face, "I saw all the good shows."

Feng Yun coughed lightly, and walked towards him a little embarrassedly, "Just take a look at me just now, don't imitate."

Xuan Shuo glanced at her suspiciously, and then replied seriously, "I think your behavior is pretty good. If people don't offend me, I won't offend others. If people offend me, they must be punished."

Speaking of this, Xuan Shuo looked at her, "Do you know martial arts?"

Feng Yun was taken aback for a moment, not knowing why he asked this, but she answered honestly, "That's right, but mine is just a three-legged cat's kung fu, and it's not a problem to deal with ordinary people who are powerless, but if you touch The last master probably beat me to death in one move."

Xuan Shuo half-closed his eyes and looked at her for a moment, then finally nodded affirmatively, "Unexpectedly, you are quite self-aware."

When Feng Yun heard his words, she was so angry that she turned around and planned to ignore this snarky guy.

Seeing her leaving like this, Xuan Shuo quickly chased after her, "The bottle of ointment you gave me last time is very useful. After using the ointment you gave me, my injuries have healed up a lot, thank you."

After hearing what he said, Feng Yun, who originally planned to ignore him, couldn't bear it anymore, so she turned around and said to him, "As long as it's useful to you."

Seeing that she was still walking, Xuan Shuo stopped, "I know, no one likes to talk to me in this world, I thought you would be different, but I didn't expect you to hate me just like those people in the palace , feel that I am a disaster star."

The voice sounded indescribably sad.

Feng Yun, who had already walked a long way, heard this sullen and sad voice, and finally her heart softened, she stopped, and slowly turned her head to look at him.

In the end, he saw the third prince behind him hanging his head alone, as if everyone in the world had abandoned him.

"I, I didn't think so, I, how could I hate you." She walked to him and explained anxiously.

Xuan Shuo, with his head down, looked at the feet in front of him, and the corners of his mouth slightly bent upward where no one saw him.

"Really, you really don't hate me?"

Feng Yun immediately nodded vigorously, "Really, really, I have no grievances with you, what do I hate about you?"

"But everyone in the palace hates me, even the concubine De, who adopted me back then, hated me very much. When she was young, whenever she got angry, she would hit me. Later, the people in the palace also beat me. Knowing that they just hate me, that's why they want to beat me to death."

After hearing his words, Feng Yun raised her eyebrows. She also heard something about the third prince from Gu Chen.

Ask for a ticket
 Ask for a ticket

(End of this chapter)

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