Chapter 160
Hearing Lei Yu mention her previous moment, Zhou Yuying realized that she had done an exaggerated thing; she quickly made up the scene just now in her mind, and then showed a surprised expression.

"Just now, I got into the drama too deeply, and I treated the captain as an enemy. I couldn't control it, so...just..." Zhou Yuying didn't dare to continue, thinking of the expression on Liang Ye's face just now, she was a little panicked.

Deng Xuan and Tang Hao also gave Zhou Yuying a thumbs up, and they were completely convinced; Zhou Yuying seemed to be the only one who dared to treat Liang Ye like this.

"Actually, the most important thing is that the boss's suit is worth 10,000+. The suit touched the red wine; it is completely scrapped and cannot be washed off at all. Those on the market who say that it is guaranteed to be washed off are just talking nonsense." Lei Yu said with a smile.

The scene just now was too dramatic. As an audience member, he expressed that he enjoyed watching it very much.

Enjoyment is fun, and the development of the matter is what everyone wants to see. The next development of the matter can only depend on Liang Ye.

"The captain won't hold grudges against me because of this, right? How can I hang around in the task force in the future?" Zhou Yuying covered her mouth with a frightened expression on her face.

"Come on, if the boss is going to argue with you because of a suit worth a hundred thousand yuan, then he won't be called the boss by me for 21 years." Lei Yu leaned against the wall and said with a smile: "You just now The acting is really great, don’t worry about other things, the boss will definitely spit on you; but he will never really get angry with you, we are all his comrades in arms, a suit is nothing.”

"Actually..." Zhou Yuying put down her hand, her face was covered with a bright smile, and her white teeth were exposed, "I'm also proud of my acting skills. If I'm not in the security bureau in the future, maybe I can still Go be an actor."

"Well, Oscar owes you a statuette." Deng Xuan said.

Regarding the splashing of Liang Ye behind her, Zhou Yuying really couldn't control it, and she acted too much all of a sudden to do such a behavior.She was deeply sorry, but she was also proud of her perfect performance this time; after all, Gladys believed it, and things went according to everyone's plan.

In Gladys' room, when Liang Ye just stepped in, the expression on his face froze slightly.

Because the white-haired woman was standing in the hall of the room, staring blankly at Liang Ye who walked in, and she exuded a dangerous aura of blending into society; Strong, but she proved to the world that she is not easy to bully.

And just now Lei Yu searched for a long time but failed to find the white-haired woman, but now she appeared in Gladys' room by herself.

In and out through the balcony, this is the only explanation.

"Let me introduce you." Gladys walked to the side of the white-haired woman, then looked at Liang Ye and said, "Her name is Angela, and she is my assistant."


As soon as Liang Ye finished saying hello, Angela stepped forward and stretched out her hand towards Liang Ye.

The girl took the initiative to reach out her hand, if Liang Ye didn't shake her hand, it would be hard to justify it; although he had some concerns in his heart, Liang Ye shook hands with her helplessly.

"Angela, go prepare a suit for Master Liang," Gladys said.

Angela responded, took a look at Liang Ye, and left the guest room.

There was still a smell of red wine on Liang Ye's body, and there was a faint smell of wine in the air, and Liang Ye's hair was also stained with a lot of red wine; the red mark on the white shirt in the suit was even more conspicuous. Liang Ye looked very embarrassed now.

Tucao back to Tucao, Liang Ye still had some approval for Zhou Yuying's last slap, because her splash gave Liang Ye a legitimate reason to enter Gladys' room.

Otherwise, if he just "broke up" and ran to other women's rooms, Liang Ye's behavior would make him bear more scolding.

It's okay now, changing clothes and taking a bath, at least there is a valid reason.

While Gladys was pouring wine for herself, Liang Ye's contact lenses had been kept open; his gaze scanned the surroundings of the room, searching for so-called dangerous objects.

However, he found nothing in the hall, maybe something in the bedroom.

The layout of Gladys' room is similar to that of Liang Ye's, with the same size and same decoration, the difference is that Gladys' room is full of bursts of perfume; this cannot be found in Liang Ye's room, because Zhou Yu Sakura doesn't use perfume.

Tiffany perfume; elegant European style, mainly jasmine and rose fragrance.And this is Gladys's most commonly used perfume.

The bodyguards were all guarding the door, so no one in the room would disturb Liang Ye and Gladys for the time being.

Gladys walked up to Liang Ye with two glasses of red wine, but Liang Ye didn't reach out to take them, but said with a wry smile: "I was just splashed all over, why don't you bring me red wine?"

He would not try to curry favor with Gladys like the others. Liang Anguo's financial resources were not weaker than Arthur Locke's financial resources, and Liang Ye and Gladys had no difference in status.

Hearing his words, Gladys showed a charming smile on her face. She didn't force Liang Ye to drink; instead, she turned around and walked to the coffee table, and put the red wine on the table.

"Your woman is really disobedient, and she still treats you like this. How about I kill her for you?" Gladys said with a smile.

When it comes to murder, her face is full of flat expressions, and her tone and eyes have not changed at all.From her appearance, killing someone seemed nothing to her, and it was not difficult.

"There's no need for this." Liang Ye shook his head, full of vigilance against Gladys.

"Go take a shower, my men will bring you the clothes later." Gladys said.

Liang Ye nodded, glanced at Gladys who was standing by the coffee table, and walked towards the bathroom.

The bathrooms in the attic-style guest rooms are very tall, and Liang Ye used it for the first time; but I am not too surprised, because the bathroom in his house is more luxurious than this one.

And this is why so many people want to pursue wealth. Having wealth is equivalent to having a better life; you can drive a car that others can't afford, and live in a house that others can't afford.

People's pursuit should be endless, just like someone who said: money is endless, you can be happy, but don't be satisfied so easily, you have to learn to climb up.

Although this statement is very realistic, it is also very reasonable; it is a good thing to be content with the status quo, but life is too boring if there is no pursuit.

Liang Ye really wanted to take a bath. The red wine on his body was very uncomfortable, and there was a smell of red wine.

As for monitoring or monitoring, Liang Ye didn't need to doubt it at all; no one would install these in the bathroom, unless it was a pervert.


(End of this chapter)

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