Ghost Task Force

Chapter 161 The Acting Was Good

Chapter 161 The Acting Was Good

Dare to take a bath in the enemy's territory with such peace of mind, probably there is no one else except Liang Ye.However, while taking a bath, Liang Ye was also keeping an eye on his surroundings, guarding against possible attacks.

Although he is very confident in his own strength, as the saying goes, it is easy to hide an open gun and difficult to defend against a hidden arrow.Just like the explosion in the guest room before, if it wasn't for Deng Xuan's magic, Liang Ye might have died in the explosion.

A sneak attack is the easiest to kill, even a peerless master may suffer from the enemy's sneak attack.

While Liang Ye was taking a shower, Angela brought over a new suit, and she left in a hurry after putting the clothes at the bathroom door.

And when she took the clothes to the bathroom door, Liang Ye could clearly feel the murderous aura on her body.

Although it was not obvious, Liang Ye, who had experienced countless battles, still felt it.And this murderous intent was clearly aimed at him.

Liang Ye didn't know that the red-haired woman he injured that night was Angela's sister, and they were twins; but Liang Ye couldn't take off the red-haired woman's mask that night, so he didn't know.

The white-robed people who appeared that night were also a very mysterious organization. Zhou Yuying spent a lot of effort but failed to find any traces; later, she could only report the situation to the Security Bureau headquarters, and let the technicians record and search.

There is no organization in this world that can act in white robes, the only one is the former Crusaders; but the Crusaders are all printed with the cross logo, and most of them are mainly armor.

For this group of people in white robes, what Liang Ye valued the most was Bai Ying, the person who rescued the young woman from behind; because only the last Bai Ying that appeared truly threatened him, and gave him a real threat. The strongest sense of danger in life, and this is the only strong man who can threaten Liang Ye.

Liang Ye didn't know who that person was, but he felt familiar.But he couldn't find the answer in his own mind.

After taking a shower and getting dressed, Liang Ye looked at the time, then pressed the communicator, and said in a low voice: "Liang Ye reports, it is now 25:[-] in the evening, and I am about to start talking with Gladys; the recording has been turned on, The radio stays on all the time."

He was reporting to the headquarters, and the technical team led by Lan Siqi had been providing support.

When Liang Ye walked out of the bathroom, he happened to see Gao Jinglin standing in the hall; with a nervous expression on his face, he seemed to be reporting something to Gladys.

But after Liang Ye came out, the two stopped talking, while Gao Jinglin bowed slightly to Liang Ye, and respectfully said, "Hello, Young Master Liang."

Gladys picked up a glass of red wine and walked to Liang Ye's side, and said with a slight smile, "Would you like to drink now?"

Liang Ye did not refuse this time, but looked at the nervous Gao Jinglin, and asked curiously: "I remember that you are already dead. At that time, the British TV station broadcast the news that you died in a car accident."

The reason why he asked this question was because Gladys was here; what's more, no one knew his military status, so he could ask this question as the young master of the Night God Group.

Hearing Liang Ye's question, Gao Jinglin was obviously taken aback, and then looked at Gladys with a look of pleading for help.

Obviously, Gao Jinglin was terrified of Liang Ye's existence, and now he obeyed Gladys.

"Yes, that was a plan, and his death was fake; because we need him to do some more important things, these things can't let him reveal his true identity." Gladys said, and then moved towards Gao Jinglin winked.

Gao Jinglin understood, he bowed slightly to the two of them again, then turned and left the guest room.

Only Liang Ye, Gladys, and Angela were left in the room.

But Angela seemed very quiet. She just stood quietly in the corner without saying a word, and she didn't look at Liang Ye; instead, she just stared ahead, as if she had lost her mind.

Liang Ye sat on the sofa, and Gladys sat opposite him; the two just looked at each other, each holding a glass of red wine in their hands.

"It seems that you have something to tell me." Liang Ye crossed his legs and put one hand on the edge of the sofa.

Gladys's long golden hair fell back like this, and her blue eyes were very attractive; she was enough to fascinate a man just by their blue eyes.

English eyes are blue, green, and brown, and Gladys's family is generally blue; some are green, and brown is rare.

Regarding Gladys, Liang Ye had to admit that if he hadn't been very determined since he was a child; and Liang Anguo had reminded him, when he attended the dinner party four years ago, he would have been attracted to Gladys.

Gladys's appearance, figure, and temperament can be said to be perfect among women. Except for her character, everything about her looks impeccable.

"I have a lot of things I want to tell you." Gladys also crossed her legs, keeping a smile on her face.

Just when Liang Ye was about to say something, Gladys gently shook the wine glass in her hand, and her bright red lips moved, and said slowly: "Your acting is really good .”

Liang Ye: "!!!"

Almost subconsciously, a flash of shock flashed in Liang Ye's heart; but he tried his best to control his emotions, not to let his eyes and expression change.

If others were nervous when they found out, then Liang Ye wouldn't be in trouble until now.

"What are you talking about?" Liang Ye looked at Gladys with a smile on his face and said, "What show? What do you want to say, Gladys."

Gladys smiled. She put down her wine glass, and the sapphire ring on her hand was shining. This pebble-sized sapphire proved the value of this ring.

Worth at least three Lamborghinis.

This is one of her accessories, she has many rings of the same value in her family.

"I think we don't need to be polite anymore, Major Liang Ye." Gladys tilted her head and looked at Liang Ye, and said slowly: "You entered the Assassin Brotherhood for a year of training four years ago, and then joined the Shenzhou Navy , and now serves as the commander-in-chief of the Strategic Defense Bureau. The reason why you are on this ship is nothing more than to get close to me; the reason to get close to me is to check the relationship between me and a certain organization."

As she spoke, Gladys blinked her big blue eyes, and said with a slight smile, "Am I wrong? Captain of the Ghost Task Force."

Liang Ye: "..."

At this time, not only Liang Ye, but the entire task force and the commanders of the Security Bureau were completely stunned.

It is not surprising that Gladys was able to find out the Strategic Security Bureau and Liang Ye's true identity.The Security Bureau has done a good job of keeping secrets. It is surprising that Gladys still knows about the Ghost Task Force.

 I'm sorry everyone, the update time will become unstable in the past few days, and there will only be about two updates.Tomb-sweeping is tiring, but it must be done; please be considerate, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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