Ghost Task Force

Chapter 163 In fact, there is still time

Chapter 163 In fact, there is still time
Staring at Gladys' big blue eyes, Liang Ye's mouth curled into a sneer; these opportunities, which countless people dream of, are worthless in his eyes.

Maybe countless people hope to be favored by Gladys, and even being glanced at by her is happiness for some people.

But for Liang Ye, no matter how many benefits Gladys offered, he would remain unmoved.

"I think you put me together with other ordinary men." Liang Ye breathed the scent of Gladys's perfume, and said coldly: "Maybe other people will be tempted by you, but I'm not that kind of person , Do you think your beauty can attract me? You are too naive, Gladys."

As he spoke, Liang Ye pushed Gladys away, and then jumped up from the sofa.

His actions caused Angela, who was standing in the corner, to draw out a dagger, and rushed towards Liang Ye in a dodge.

"Stop!" Gladys yelled softly, ordering Angela to stop.

Angela stood five meters away and looked at Liang Ye, her expression was full of vigilance. Although Gladys ordered her to stop; but she did not withdraw the dagger in her hand, but still locked onto Liang Ye, ready to go. Preparations for attack.

The murderous and powerful aura emanating from her made Liang Ye couldn't help but take a second look, but he didn't pay attention to the white-haired woman for the time being, because he still had something to ask Gladys.

Gladys got up from the sofa, but she didn't stand up; instead, she leaned back in the chair, and gathered her skirt.

"If you want to persuade me to surrender, then I can only say that your efforts are in vain, Gladys." Liang Ye crossed his arms and sneered, "I am a soldier from China, and I will never forget myself in this life." I was skeptical about the relationship between you and V before I came here, but now I can be sure."

As he spoke, Liang Ye glanced at Gladys' bedroom, and then at Angela who was full of vigilance.

"Although you're sure, you don't have evidence; you don't have any information, how can you find out?" Gladys, who was leaning on the sofa, didn't have the slightest fear, she even looked like she was chatting with an old friend easy.

"I can start with you." Liang Ye looked at Gladys, actually playing tricks with this woman, Liang Ye was a little flustered.

"You want to catch me?" This time Gladys stood up directly from the sofa, even walked in front of Liang Ye, and moved her face closer to Liang Ye's.

The faces of the two are less than three centimeters apart, and they only need to move forward a little to touch each other's lips.

Gladys wore lipstick, and her bright red lips were enough to drive countless men crazy.However, Liang Ye's concentration was very strong, and he moved his head slightly back to keep himself farther away from Gladys.

"Are you sure you have enough evidence to arrest me? You have to remember, I'm not like those trash, you don't have any recordings or any information to prove my connection with V, all you have is my verbal acknowledgment .I was so drunk that I could say anything."

Gladys now began to turn her face and deny anyone, and she blamed all her words on being drunk.

Liang Ye really couldn't catch Gladys, even if he had enough evidence, he couldn't easily attack Gladys.

The reason is that Gladys' identity is too special.

The princess of the largest consortium in Europe, even Director Li Shan has to think carefully about arresting her; after all, once China captures Gladys, the consequences will not be a joke.

And now there is no evidence to prove whether Gladys was involved in the transaction on the night Chen Kai died in battle.

However, as long as Liang Ye went into her bedroom and searched, maybe something could be gained.

He remembered that one of Gladys' men was holding a suitcase, and he could be seen holding it tightly on the surveillance, obviously it was something important.

"Tell me, what is your purpose?" Liang Ye asked in a deep voice.

Hearing Liang Ye's question, Gladys smiled disdainfully, and she slowly said in a very standard Chinese language: "When you ask such a question, it's like asking someone to give you money on the street. Do you think I can speak?"

A trace of helplessness flashed in Liang Ye's eyes, and it was really not that difficult to get Gladys to speak.

Although her character is eccentric, no one can force her to do what she doesn't want to do.

"Also, if you want to search my bedroom, then go ahead, if you can find anything."

As she said this, Gladys' eyes kept shining; it seemed to prove that she was in control.

Liang Ye suddenly thought that Gao Jinglin was in Gladys' room before.

Almost subconsciously, Liang Ye took out the communicator; but the radio was still in a state of interference, and he could not contact the outside world.

Gladys looked at the time, and said in a very casual tone: "If you go after it now, it's still too late."

Liang Ye finally knew that Gladys had been controlling everything; she knew that she could not persuade herself to surrender, so she had already prepared the next plan.

Just as Liang Ye was about to walk towards the door, Angela's dagger finally pierced; she stabbed directly at Liang Ye's heart, and it looked like she had some deep hatred with Liang Ye.

Liang Ye hurriedly dodged sideways, but Angela's close combat ability was beyond Liang Ye's imagination. When he was about to attack Angela's arm, her left leg swept over first.

Just like Liang Ye attacked other people's joints before, Angela directly attacked Liang Ye's right leg joint.

Looking at the two people who were fighting, Gladys's face was full of indifference. She even sat on the sofa, picked up the unfinished red wine and slowly tasted it.

Gladys was watching the battle, and Liang Ye and Angela were fighting in dire straits.

What Liang Ye wants to do most now is to leave the room and take the task force to chase Gao Jinglin.But Angela's fight made her unable to escape, so she could only focus on this battle helplessly.

After dodging Angela's short sword again, Liang Ye's eyes turned cold, and then, the Hidden Sword stretched out.


The two swords collided with each other, making a crisp sound.

The next moment, the dagger in Angela's hand flew out, and just as she was about to continue fighting with both hands, she suddenly found that Liang Ye had disappeared in front of her.

Before she could react, Liang Ye's right hand hit her right shoulder hard.

The shoulder was hit hard, and Angela let out a muffled grunt; her body collapsed uncontrollably to the ground, and she didn't have any strength to fight back for a while.

After defeating Angela, Liang Ye put away the Hidden Blade wrist guard, then looked up at Gladys who was sitting on the sofa.

The gazes of the two met in the air, one was deep and the other was smiling.

(End of this chapter)

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