Ghost Task Force

Chapter 164 There is always one day

Chapter 164 One day

The bodyguard was defeated, but Gladys didn't have any worry or nervous expression on her face; she even took a sip of red wine, and then continued to look at Liang Ye with smiling eyes.

It seemed that everything was under her control.

Liang Ye was very uncomfortable being looked at by her eyes like this, but now he can't focus on this woman, because even if he knows more about Gladys, he can't attack her, her identity is really It's too special, and it hasn't done anything to endanger China.

Unless Gladys participated in the transaction on the night Chen Kai died in battle, Liang Ye really had no reason to deal with Gladys.

Liang Ye glanced at Gladys, then gritted his teeth, turned around, and ran quickly towards the door.

But as soon as he took two steps, the door was suddenly pushed open; four big men in black suits came in and blocked the door.

The radio is still in a state of interference, and the technicians of the Security Bureau have not been able to break through the blockade. What Liang Ye can do now is to break out of the encirclement, and then contact the ghost task force.

Liang Ye was unable to contact the outside world, but there was no problem with the connection between the task force and the Security Bureau headquarters. Only Gladys' room was disturbed. As long as Liang Ye left the room, the communication would be restored.

But now, four tall men blocked the door firmly. If Liang Ye wanted to contact the headquarters, he could only fight with these guys.

And this was commonplace for Liang Ye.

In this large room, a fierce battle broke out suddenly.

A burly man closed the door, while the other three burly men rushed towards Liang Ye.Although they are tall, their speed is not weak at all.

Looking at the three big men rushing towards him, Liang Ye jumped forward, and the whole person jumped into the air; and then kicked his right foot out, kicking one of the men on the chest.

The man's body was very strong. Although Liang Ye kicked him backwards, his own body was also pushed back a little by the shock force.

Liang Ye quickly adjusted his body and landed on the edge of the sofa smoothly.Then, a man punched Liang Ye's left leg, and Liang Ye quickly raised his leg to dodge.

After dodging the attack, Liang Ye's left leg swept out like lightning, and kicked the man's chest fiercely, breaking two bones in his chest.

Looking at the battle that had already started, Gladys simply found a more comfortable position on the sofa to lean on, and then watched the show with a glass of red wine.

Like this, she didn't worry about the life and death of her bodyguard at all, and she didn't care about the outcome of the battle; it seemed that everything had nothing to do with her, but she seemed to be in control of everything.


" seems that there is a conflict." Zhou Yuying looked at the surveillance outside Gladys's room, then raised her head and said to Lei Yu: "All the bodyguards who were guarding Gladys' door just now entered the room. Alright, the captain should have broken up with Gladys."

"Vice Captain, do we need to go for support?" Tang Hao said while putting on his gloves and looking at Leiyu.

Although Tang Hao doesn't speak much, he is definitely the most combative one in the task force. He has been looking forward to Lei Yu's order to attack since the communication was interrupted; but Liang Ye's previous order is still there, and Lei Yu dare not disobey .

Lei Yu thought for a while, and finally said: "For the time being, Boss really doesn't need us to support him."

Growing up with Liang Ye, Lei Yu knew very well what level of Liang Ye's strength was; it would not be impossible to support him, but that would violate Liang Ye's order.

Soldiers take obedience to orders as their bounden duty, so Lei Yu is also very entangled in his heart.

In Gladys's room, Liang Ye glanced at the five people who fell on the ground, then raised his head to look at Gladys, and said in a deep voice: "The matter has been provoked, if you just did anything that would endanger China; No matter what your identity is, I will personally arrest you!"

However, Gladys did not respond to Liang Ye's warning, and just leaned on the sofa quietly, as if everything had nothing to do with her.

The change in her personality makes people feel like she has another personality.

Just when Liang Ye turned to leave the room, Gladys stood up from the sofa.

Her long golden hair was scattered behind her head, and the smile on her face gradually disappeared, replaced by a gloomy, unprecedented gloomy.

Realizing that the situation was wrong, Liang Ye turned around subconsciously, but met Gladys' extremely gloomy gaze.

"Liang Ye." Gladys called out Liang Ye's name in English slowly, her tone was very cold, and the change of the situation made Liang Ye feel a little weird.

"What, are you going to do something to me?" Liang Ye looked at Gladys's beautiful face, spread his hands, and said, "Your bodyguards are all down, what else do you want to do to me?"

Liang Ye was in a hurry because he wanted to find Gao Jinglin as soon as possible; but what he wanted to do more now was to have a good fight with Gladys.

Gladys is a person who refuses to admit defeat, and Liang Ye is the same. No matter in terms of momentum or any aspect, neither of the two of them now wants to lag behind the other.

"Our story has just begun." Gladys raised her head slightly and said with cold eyes: "One day, you will regret your choice today."

After hearing Gladys's words, Liang Ye lost the will to continue talking, he turned around slowly, and said when he walked towards the door: "If there is such a day, huh, it should be the end of this world Bar."

Looking at Liang Ye's leaving back, Gladys sneered, and then she picked up the phone and dialed a number.

When the phone was connected, Gladys said, "He has left, you can start to act."

After speaking, Gladys made another call and continued, "Let Annabelle deal with the African affairs as soon as possible. I want her to go to China."

Outside the room, Liang Ye quickly walked towards his room, but the moment he left the door, the communication suddenly resumed.

Liang Ye took out his mobile phone while walking, and said quickly: "Attention all units, I am Major Liang Ye, and I started the surveillance and hunting of the whole ship; I searched for a man named Gao Jinglin, and I have sent his photo. "

"Got it, the search is in progress." Lan Siqi replied.

"Attention Ghost Task Force, leave the room immediately, disperse the search, and arrest Gao Jinglin as soon as he is found. I have sufficient evidence to prove that he has the information we want!"

When Liang Ye was talking, he subconsciously looked back at Gladys' room, only to find that the door was closed.

Hearing Liang Ye's voice, all the task force members became excited; they were a little worried about Liang Ye just now, but now they all know that their worries are unnecessary.

 Everyone, the update will return to normal today, and the update will be stable at [-]:[-] am and [-]:[-] pm.

(End of this chapter)

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