Ghost Task Force

Chapter 165 Let's Chase

Chapter 165 Let's Chase

The task force members who were still in the room put on the weapons and equipment they needed to carry, and then left the room one after another.

Lei Yu was the last one to come out. While putting the pistol in the gun pouch on his waist, he pressed the intercom and asked, "Boss, what happened just now?"

This question was also asked by others, including Lan Siqi from the Security Bureau headquarters.

Before the communication was interrupted, Gladys had a sentence that impressed them very much.

"Our next conversation cannot be known by others."

After Gladys finished speaking, the communication was interrupted, and in the next 5 minutes; the communication was always in a state of interference, and even Zhou Yuying could not restore it.

The technicians at the headquarters tried their best, but it was only in vain.

And what happened in Gladys' room during these 5 minutes; what kind of conversation they had, these are what the task force and Lan Siqi urgently need to know.

Li Shan didn't know the situation yet, but if he knew, he would definitely ask Liang Ye as well.

The task force members all believed in Liang Ye unconditionally, but the Strategic Security Bureau had strict rules; even though Liang Ye was the ninth-level combat commander, he would inevitably have to make an explanation for the five minutes after returning.

Gladys' behavior brought some troubles to Liang Ye, although it was not difficult to deal with, but with Liang Ye's character; it would be somewhat uncomfortable, after all, he didn't want to waste time on it at all.

But if he doesn't follow the procedure, he will definitely be suspected.After all, he and Gladys stayed in a room where the communication was interrupted for 5 minutes, and these 5 minutes were enough to reach some agreement.

Even if Liang Ye is a ninth-level agent, the rules are the rules, after all, he is not the director.

Liang Ye also thought about this day, so he would feel a bit of a headache, and he would inevitably be questioned after returning.

Hearing Lei Yu's question, Liang Ye frowned, and then replied: "I will explain it to you in detail, but not now; what you have to do now is to find Gao Jinglin, hurry up!"

He deliberately used the accent on the last word to express the importance of this action, and he would not doubt whether Gladys was fooling himself, because this is currently the only channel through which information can be obtained; there are many people who have contacted Gladys , but there are very few people who can be suspected to be V members, and Gao Jinglin is one of them at present.

Gladys was hinting at Liang Ye just now. Although there is no sufficient evidence, it is certain that Gao Jinglin is a member of V.

Now it can be suspected that V is a strict and large-scale organization, because this organization has members like Gladys, who can provide V with a steady stream of financial support.

The special task force began to search quickly on every floor of the deck, and the technicians of the Security Bureau were also searching for Gao Jinglin through surveillance.

While his teammates were looking for someone, Liang Ye returned to the room; he changed into a suit of his own, and brought some equipment that needed to be carried with him.

What they came to this ship to do has been completed, investigating the relationship between Gladys and V, this is already certain.

And whether Gladys was carrying any dangerous items, this Liang Ye didn't know, but it might be on Gao Jinglin's body.

Gladys wanted to persuade Liang Ye to surrender, but what she said revealed a lot of news that Liang Ye wanted to know, so it was not a waste of time.

Now it is only necessary to find Gao Jinglin and catch him; the task of everyone coming to this ship is considered complete, and the next thing to do is to retreat.

With Gladys on board, Liang Ye couldn't have fun even if he wanted to. After all, this woman felt too dangerous to him.

Although Liang Ye defeated all Gladys' bodyguards just now, and he only needed to move his fingers to catch Gladys, but he always had the feeling that Gladys was controlling everything.

Whether Gladys has any cards that Liang Ye doesn't know about is uncertain, and Liang Ye doesn't dare to take too many risks; after all, she is a crazy woman, and she is never afraid of being caught.

If she really has any dangerous items in her hands, when she has no choice, she will definitely let everyone be buried with her.

When leaving the room, Liang Ye subconsciously glanced at Gladys' room; she found that the door was still closed, and she seemed to have no intention of coming out.

Or, she is running everything.

Liang Ye frowned, then turned and left.

"Report on the fifteenth floor, no trace of Gao Jinglin was found." Lei Yu, who was searching on the fifteenth floor, reported.

"The report on the thirteenth floor did not find Gao Jinglin." Zhou Yuying also reported.

Just when Liang Ye was about to say something, Lan Siqi's voice rang through the intercom.

"The command reported that a helicopter landed on the apron at the bow, and Gao Jinglin was at the bow!"

There are three parking spaces at the bow, which can accommodate three helicopters to take off and land, and the helicopter that Liang Ye arranged to retreat is parked there.

Hearing Lan Siqi's report, Liang Ye immediately ran towards the elevator, and the task force members scattered on other decks also rushed towards the bow.

Gao Jinglin retreated so quickly, no matter whether he had any items on him, the task force must catch him.

He must have some information related to V. Liang Ye couldn't get anything from Gladys, but he could get it from Gao Jinglin.

Gladys knows how to control. She told Liang Ye so much, but she didn't reveal the size of V; she didn't reveal the location of V's organization, not even the branch.

The task force members came to the bow of the ship almost at the same time, but they were still one step too late, and the helicopter had already taken off and left.

Liang Ye, who had just rushed out of the door, quickly activated the Hidden Gun, and he quickly loaded a dart into the Hidden Gun; then he raised his hand to aim, and the infrared ray locked the helicopter's propeller.

And Lei Yu took out his pistol to aim, and with his marksmanship, he would never make any mistakes.

But in the end, neither of the two shot, because the helicopter had flown out of range.

"What should we do, Captain?" Zhou Yuying looked at Liang Ye and asked.

Liang Ye gritted his teeth, then fixed his eyes on the helicopter he had arranged before, and said in a deep voice, "Let's chase after it!"

Although he was not sure what was on Gao Jinglin's body, Liang Ye subconsciously didn't want to let this person go, otherwise it would be a waste of time for him to come here.

Hearing Liang Ye's words, Deng Xuan ran to the Agusta 109 helicopter first; he is the pilot, so of course he is responsible for flying the plane.

Liang Ye led the task force to board the helicopter. When the propeller was just started, he pressed the communicator and said quickly: "Ghost Task Force reports, lock the helicopter that took off from the ship; we are tracking, Technical support is required."

"Received, we will report the speed and heading at any time, and the special agents stationed on board will complete the follow-up work, so you can rest assured to follow up." Lan Siqi replied.

Liang Ye responded, then patted Deng Xuan's shoulder from behind, and said loudly, "Let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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