Chapter 166
The Agusta 109 helicopter began to take off vertically under the control of Deng Xuan. This helicopter, which cost 5000 million US dollars in bonuses, was controlled by the ace pilot of the Chinese Air Force; Zhou Yuying sat in the co-pilot's seat and assisted Deng Xuan to drive.

In fact, Deng Xuan can fly the plane alone, but if someone assists him, it can save him a lot of work.

After the helicopter took off, Gao Jinglin's small helicopter had already flown far, far away from Liang Ye and the others.

"Quick, quick." Liang Ye urged.

Time is really tight. Although these small helicopters are small, they are very fast; they fly much more agilely than those large helicopters, so once the distance is too far, it is basically impossible to catch up.

What's more, the weather tonight is very good, and the helicopter can fly at full speed.

Deng Xuan is also very aware of this, but this Agusta helicopter is not very powerful; when the helicopter flew straight, Gao Jinglin's small helicopter had already opened a distance of five kilometers.

Liang Ye found a tactical equipment backpack from the cabin, and then took out a military telescope from it.

These are prepared in advance, because the aircraft itself is prepared for them.

"Command, I'm a magician, and we're hunting down the target." Deng Xuan said while driving the helicopter.

Liang Ye picked up the binoculars and observed the small helicopter.

"The target helicopter is headed at 270, with a speed of [-]." A technician from the headquarters reported.

"Three hundred?" Liang Ye was stunned, threw the telescope in his hand to Lei Yu, and then pressed the communicator and said: "The maximum speed of our helicopter is 280 five kilometers per hour, and the limit speed can reach 310. It is not an ordinary difficulty to catch up!"

Deng Xuan, who was in charge of piloting the helicopter, twisted his neck, tightly gripped the joystick, and replied: "This is the challenge, isn't it? Let me try it."

Deng Xuan fully turned on the power of the helicopter, while Lei Yu in the cabin observed the small helicopter with binoculars; the pistol in his hand was already loaded, and he would pull the trigger without hesitation when necessary.

"Captain, after we got close, did we shoot down the target?" Zhou Yuying, who was sitting on the co-pilot's seat, asked.

Liang Ye shook his head and said, "I want to catch the alive ones, don't shoot them down, I will forcefully board the plane when they get close."

With that said, Liang Ye took off his suit jacket and put on a cape.

As long as the distance between the two planes is sufficient, Liang Ye will forcefully board the plane; with his ability to control the wind and the assistance of his cloak, he can completely avoid the danger posed by the helicopter propeller.

Gao Jinglin might have the information Liang Ye wanted, so he couldn't shoot down the helicopter, nor could he kill him.

The two helicopters were flying quickly over the sea, and according to the current direction, they would eventually pass by the Orkney Islands, or land there.

Helicopters don't have a lot of fuel, so they can't fly for too long.

It is ten o'clock at night, the night is hazy, the moonlight hangs in the sky, looking down on the whole world together with the stars.

This night should have been very calm, but under the moonlight; two helicopters flew by one after another, followed by the sound of propellers spinning.

It is very difficult to catch up with this small helicopter, even if the pilot is Deng Xuan; this is not a technical problem, but a problem of the speed of the helicopter.

Even if the Agusta could reach the speed of a small helicopter, it would be almost impossible to catch up, because the small helicopter takes off first.

Unless the opponent made a serious technical error, Liang Ye and the others could only follow behind until they ran out of fuel.

Lei Yu didn't have a sniper rifle in his hand, so he couldn't snipe.And even if there was Liang Ye, he wouldn't dare to order him to use it. After all, he wanted to catch a job, so he didn't dare to take risks in this regard.

"If this goes on like this, we will be a ghost if we can catch this guy. We don't know how long it will take." Lei Yu said with a gun in his hand, "If I catch this guy, I will definitely tie him up." Get in the back of the car, then take a walk outside."

Hearing Lei Yu's words, Liang Ye couldn't help but smiled, and said: "I also think that this guy has caused us a lot of trouble. Thinking about it, I said before that he is a small character and we don't need to care about it; but no Thinking of this small character who is the least in our eyes, now we are leaving behind the most elite combat troops in China."

"Hey, as the saying goes, don't underestimate anyone. My grandpa said that even a grass may bring you countless troubles." Lei Yu laughed.

Liang Ye leaned on the seat in the cabin, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Your grandfather also said that?"

Because the parents of the two families are friends, Liang Ye knew who Lei Yu's grandfather was.

He was a founding general with countless meritorious deeds, which is admirable.

However, this old man passed away when Lei Yu was a child. After all, he was an old man who had been wounded on the battlefield, so parting from life to death was considered normal.

"My grandfather has said too many famous sayings. Boss, you and my grandfather rarely see each other. It's understandable."

With that said, Lei Yu picked up the binoculars again and continued to observe the small helicopter.

"Captain, we will pass the Onik Islands in less than ten kilometers." Zhou Yuying turned around and reported.

Liang Ye responded, and quickly looked at the satellite map on his mobile phone.

He had an illusion in his mind, whether Gao Jinglin had set up an ambush a long time ago, and then purposely wanted to attract himself to that island.

These are not impossible, because Gladys is so scheming, it is difficult for anyone to guess what she wants to do next.

Gao Jinglin obeyed Gladys' orders, and he would do whatever Gladys asked him to do, never complaining or rebelling.

So it cannot be ruled out that someone is ambushing on the Onik Islands.

Thinking of this, Liang Ye turned off the phone screen, and then said to Deng Xuan: "Be careful later, I'm worried that there will be attacks on the islands."

"Understood, but our helicopter is not a military helicopter, and there is no missile warning signal." Deng Xuan said a serious problem.

There is no missile warning system. Once someone targets the helicopter with a Viper missile;

So if anyone launches a sneak attack on this helicopter on land, it will be difficult for even Deng Xuan to evade.

It's good to have missile warning, at least you can prepare for the response in advance.

But now not only are there no jammers, but there are no jamming bombs. Once the surface-to-air missiles strike; even if the helicopter is filled with members of the Ghost Task Force, it may not be successful if it has to be dealt with.

"Just be careful, we will help to observe." Liang Ye could only reply.

(End of this chapter)

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