Chapter 175
Watching the thin sniper slowly fall to the ground, Liang Ye stood up from the ground and patted the dust off his body.

In this battle, the sniper was the only one who could make Liang Ye so embarrassed and waste so much energy.

Encountering enemies on the battlefield that can bring danger to one's life is dangerous, but it can bring a lot of fun to this battle.

At least the people didn't fight out easily, but encountered some dangers; even if these dangers were life-threatening, the most important thing was to accumulate experience in dealing with emergencies.

Liang Ye didn't have time to get the sniper's weapon, because the call of the task force rang again through the intercom.

"Captain, we are under fierce attack." Lei Yu said quickly.

That small river is equivalent to the exit, and it is very difficult to rush out, and the task force members are no exception; the reason why they called Liang Ye for support is just to leave as soon as possible, not to say that they are incapable of coping.

"almost there."

When Liang Ye was talking, he had already returned to the branch, and then accelerated his movement with the help of the elasticity of the branch and the force of the wind; his whole body was like a ghost walking on the tree, fast and quiet.

The most important thing an assassin needs to pay attention to when moving is not only concealment, but more importantly, quietness.If the assassin made any noise during the assassination, it would prove that the assassination failed.

Quietness and stealth are essential skills for an assassin, but there are not many who can do this; therefore, there are very few people who can pass the assassin training and assassin test every year.

But this also fully guarantees that every member of the Assassin Brotherhood is an elite.

Liang Ye has been able to perfectly blend into the environment without the assistance of the wind ability; in addition, he has the wind ability to interfere with the enemy's perception, which makes him the king in the dark.

Coupled with the increased speed given to him by the force of the wind, his title of Phantom Assassin is not for nothing.

Liang Ye was only 200 meters away from the river, and when he was moving on the branches, Liang Ye could already clearly hear the sound of gunfire and explosions from the river. many.

"I'm approaching you from the southwest side, pay attention to fire!"

With that said, Liang Ye unfolded the cloak on his back, slowing down his gliding speed.

Lei Yu and Zhou Yuying hid in a small mound and fired at the enemy, while Deng Xuan and Tang Hao hid behind trees.

The mound was very high, and the safety of Lei Yu and Zhou Yuying was relatively safe for the time being; Deng Xuan and Tang Hao had to keep changing their bunkers, because the enemy's rifles were all equipped with grenade launchers.

The grenade hit the tree, and when it blew up the whole tree, it also blew up a small hole in the surrounding land; Deng Xuan and Tang Hao were a little embarrassed, but they could still guarantee their own safety, after all, they are all supernatural beings .

Especially Deng Xuan, he has defensive magic, and even grenades can't hurt him.

But if it was a stronger rocket, he might not be able to block it.

Deng Xuan's defensive magic can block most of the impact force, such as falling heavy objects, he can barely block them.But if it's powerful rockets and missiles, he can't resist them.

No matter how powerful the power is, there is a limit, and everyone knows this very well.

Everyone has already noticed Liang Ye's arrival, because before Liang Ye's arrival, there was already a gust of wind blowing through their bodies, which was the signal given by Liang Ye.

If you leave this small river, you can completely escape from the enemy's encirclement, and you don't need to worry about taking action when the time comes.

Liang Yexiu's gun was out of bullets, so he could only fall from the tree and came to Lei Yu and Zhou Yuying's side.

The small mound was just big enough to hold three people, and it would be fine if there was one more Liang Ye.

However, the mound is full of bomb craters, some of which are still smoking; counting there are hundreds of them, one can imagine how fierce the battle is.

The reason why Liang Ye was able to come safely behind Lei Yu and Zhou Yuying was because the heavy machine gun across the river was just changing the magazine; otherwise, Liang Ye would really have to take it easy before falling to the ground.

The heavy machine guns have been shooting at Lei Yu and others across the river, which is why Lei Yu and others have not been able to break through the enemy's line of defense for the time being.

"The support team will arrive in 10 minutes." Zhou Yuying said to Liang Ye.

Liang Ye responded, and then glanced sideways at the other side of the river. As a result, as soon as his head was poked out, the heavy machine gun was already loaded and fired, and it was still aimed at Liang Ye's direction.

Sensing the danger coming, Liang Ye retracted his head almost subconsciously.

The bullets almost flew past his ears. The power of the heavy machine gun was no joke. Liang Ye could clearly feel the pain in his ears.

"Damn..." Liang Ye gasped, if he slowed down, his head would be blown off by a bullet.

Liang Ye glanced at the sleeve gun in his right hand, then turned his head towards Lei Yu and said, "Are there any bullets?"

Lei Yu ejected the magazine from the rifle, and said with embarrassment: "I just fired the last magazine."

Then Liang Ye looked at Zhou Yuying, and Zhou Yuying raised the pistol in her hand with an aggrieved expression, saying, "I'm out of bullets."

Everyone was out of ammunition and food, and there were nearly a hundred people defending them. These were professional mercenaries. Although not all of them were retired special forces, they all fought very professionally.

And their weapons and equipment are equivalent to capturing a city.There are three heavy machine guns alone, and countless rocket launchers.

Look at the weapons on the task force's side, each of them has run out of bullets.

Liang Ye listened to the deafening gunshots, then pressed the communicator, and said loudly: "Deng Xuan, find a way to shoot a gun, and clips are fine."

After finishing speaking, Liang Ye took out a smoke bomb and threw it in the direction of Xiaohe.

However, when the smoke bomb flew out, it was directly blown up by a sniper, and it exploded two meters in front of the smoke mound.

Although it wasn't the best position Liang Ye had planned, it had at least blocked the enemy's view.

However, the mercenaries are very smart. They immediately concentrated their firepower and attacked fiercely in the direction of the smoke. The bullets fell one by one on the raised mound and the land in front of the mound; Syndrome, it will definitely collapse when you see it.

"It's pretty smart." Liang Ye sneered twice, then his eyes turned cold, and a gust of wind blew from the smoke to the direction of the river.

If the wind blows in front of the mound, it will only blow away the smoke, which is not in line with Liang Ye's deployment.

The wind changed the bullet's trajectory and prevented the bullet from continuing to pour on the mound, which gave Liang Ye and others a chance to shift their positions.

Liang Ye threw a few smoke bombs again, covering the surrounding area with smoke.

"If you want to cross the river, you can only attract their firepower first. I will let Deng Xuan get some weapons, and you can play by ear."

After speaking, Liang Ye quickly left the bunker on the mound.

(End of this chapter)

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