Ghost Task Force

Chapter 176 Fireball

Chapter 176 Fireball
The forest in the middle of the night is extremely gloomy, and ghostly white mist can be seen everywhere.But because of the fighting between the task force and the mercenaries, this peaceful forest has become extremely lively.

Looking from above the forest, you can see that there are fires everywhere, and the gunfire echoes in every corner of the forest; the birds in the forest have already fled here because of fright, and now only mercenaries are still wandering in the forest Troops and Ghost Task Force.

Tonight's moon is very round and its light is very dazzling, so everyone can see where the enemy is without the need for night vision goggles.

After Liang Ye left the bunker on the mound, he and Deng Xuan moved quickly on the bank of the river, taking advantage of the darkness; Liang Ye and Deng Xuan hid well, and at this time the mercenaries poured their firepower in the direction of the mound , causing Lei Yu and Zhou Yuying to fail to transfer positions.

"We need to deal with heavy machine guns!" Liang Ye said while pressing the intercom.

But as soon as he finished speaking, two bullets hit the rock beside him; when the third bullet flew, Deng Xuan quickly used defensive magic to keep the bullets out.

Then, Deng Xuan moved forward with his right hand, and a bolt of lightning flew out of his palm, hitting the mercenary who was shooting.

The mercenary who shot was across the river, even if Liang Ye wanted to take his weapon, there was nothing he could do.

"Without ammunition, I can't snipe." Lei Yu replied.

The creek is about 20 meters wide and the water is two meters deep. The banks are full of sand and stones. If you are not careful, you will fall over the stones.

And there were no trees on the bank, so Liang Ye couldn't pass the small river through the branches, and couldn't go around, because the small river ran through the entire forest, and the only way was to cross it.

This is the most troublesome dilemma that the contingent has encountered after this battle, but the more difficult the situation is, the more calm it is, no matter how difficult the situation is, there will be a solution.

For example, Deng Xuan, his teleportation magic can let him pass this small river smoothly.

The only trouble is that the firepower on the other side of the river is too dense, and Deng Xuan is likely to die if he passes by.

Defensive magic might be able to save his life temporarily, but the other party has bazookas; once all the bazookas attacked Deng Xuan, his defensive magic would be shattered because he couldn't resist it.

Liang Ye could fly over with the power of the wind, but the end result was similar.

"I can deal with heavy machine guns, captain, cover me." Deng Xuan said while running.

Both were moving quickly around the shore, trying to find a weak spot.

"To cover you?" Liang Ye was stunned for a moment, but found that there was already a small fireball in Deng Xuan's hand.

Liang Ye disapproved of Deng Xuan's risky use of fireballs to attack when the enemy's firepower was dense, but this was the best solution at present.

With a heavy machine gun, no one dared to take risks. After all, the heavy machine gun had a very high firepower coverage, and if it was hit, the consequences would be disastrous.

People with supernatural powers are also human beings, and they still belong to the level of "human beings". As the saying goes, no matter how skilled they are, they are afraid of kitchen knives. As long as they are human beings, they must have weaknesses.

In the task force, only Liang Ye and Deng Xuan possessed supernatural powers.

Liang Ye and Deng Xuan by the river were equivalent to being exposed to the enemy's guns, while Deng Xuan was condensing the fireball, and Liang Ye activated his own wind ability.

As long as Deng Xuan's magic is successful, the task force will be able to get rid of the threat of heavy machine guns; and Liang Ye and Deng Xuan can also smoothly cross the river and fight back against the enemy.

The mercenaries noticed Liang Ye and Deng Xuan on the shore, and when they saw the fireball in Deng Xuan's hand, they were all taken aback, after all, what happened before them was beyond their knowledge.

But out of fighting instinct, these mercenaries turned their guns in the direction of Liang Ye and Deng Xuan.

Liang Ye let out a low cry, and put his hands in front of him.

The next moment, a small tornado gathered in front of him, and then; he came in front of Deng Xuan, and controlled the tornado to move forward.

Because it was on the shore, the tornado instantly rolled up the river.

The river gathered the shape of this tornado, and the bullets flew in the direction of Liang Ye and Deng Xuan; but every bullet that flew would be disturbed by the tornado, thus deviating from the intended flight trajectory.

Liang Ye frowned, trying his best to control the tornado in front of him.

Five seconds would feel very fast in ordinary life, but in a battle; especially one related to life and death, then these five seconds would be very long.

Deng Xuan spent five seconds concentrating energy. During these five seconds, Liang Ye had been protecting his safety. More and more enemies were attacking on the opposite bank; the tornado was getting bigger and bigger, but Liang Ye tried his best to control the tornado , don't let its wind power dissipate.

Liang Ye has been suppressing all the wind power in the eyes of the phoenix, otherwise, once the wind power is released, he can't guarantee whether the tornado can affect the flight trajectory of every bullet.

"Okay." Deng Xuan shouted, then shook the right hand controlling the fireball forward, smashing the fireball in the direction of the heavy machine gun.

In order to condense this fireball, Deng Xuan risked his own life, as well as Liang Ye's life.

Fortunately, the enemy did not use rocket launchers when they attacked Liang Ye and Deng Xuan, otherwise Liang Ye's tornado would be unstoppable.

In fact, Liang Ye could use a stronger wind to deal with these enemies, but no matter how much he tried to control the wind at that time, it was impossible not to affect Deng Xuan in the rear.

And that's why Liang Ye didn't use stronger abilities.

He can guarantee that he will not be affected by the wind, but Deng Xuan can't. If the wind is stronger, Deng Xuan's body will be blown away.

The fireball flew towards the direction of the heavy machine gun, and some mercenaries with strong perception had already guessed that the fireball represented death; they quickly turned around and ran, trying to get out of the explosion circle of the fireball.

The next moment, under the watchful eyes of Liang Ye and others, the fireball landed on the position of the heavy machine gun.


Deng Xuan used the same method as before the helicopter crashed to attack the heavy machine gun. This is the second time he has done so, but it has been tried and tested.

Using this method to attack, while ensuring the destruction of the heavy machine gun, it can also annihilate more enemies.

Looking at the direction of the explosion, Lei Yu and the others cheered immediately; they quickly changed the cover and left the small mound that had been battered by bullets long ago.

The mercenaries by the river were shocked by the explosion, and Liang Ye took advantage of their daze; he retracted the tornado, and quickly fired the rope gun in his left hand at a mercenary opposite.

The speed of the rope gun firing was no less than that of a sniper rifle, so the mercenary had no chance to dodge at all, and he didn't even understand what happened.


The grapple went through his heart, killing him in an instant.

The mercenary's death was unclear, and he didn't even know how he died.

When the consciousness gradually left his body, the rope gun began to be retracted, dragging the mercenary's body and flying towards Liang Ye quickly.

The mercenary's rifle was hung on his body, which made it easier for Liang Ye to collect weapons.

(End of this chapter)

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