Ghost Task Force

Chapter 180 Whoever loses please eat

Chapter 180 Whoever loses please eat
As his teammates were going down the mountain, Liang Ye turned his head and stared at the way he had come before, in case the mercenaries followed.

This is not impossible, and it is not ruled out that they will not give up or want revenge. No one dares to take it lightly in this regard.

"Let me know when you're almost at the foot of the mountain." Liang Ye said while pressing the intercom.

The current radio short-distance communication is still fine, but if it is to contact the headquarters of the Security Bureau, there is really no way, because the distance is too far, separated by more than half of the earth.With the current signal strength, it is impossible to connect at all.

"Got it." Thunderstorm replied.

Liang Ye took out his pocket, but couldn't get anything out.He was in a hurry when he left the cruise ship, and all his luggage was still in the guest room; although there was nothing valuable, Liang Ye also arranged for someone to remove all the luggage.

"It's finally time to end this mission."

Liang Ye was talking to himself, and then took out his personal mobile phone from his pocket; after looking at it for a while, he didn't find Xiao Xiao's text message reply.

She may still be resting, the time in the UK is eight hours behind China; it is still early in the morning in China, and it is normal that there is no reply, after all, she has to rest.

Liang Ye breathed out slowly, he himself was not very satisfied with this action; but no matter what, the mission was coming to an end, and he could finally go home.

It was estimated that only half of the week had passed, and the task force left with some regrets.

And there was no way around it, Gladys knew almost everything; even though everything was well arranged by the task force, she was eventually discovered by her.

In fact, Gladys knew about the task force's actions a long time ago, and if she wanted, she didn't even have to board the ship or contact Liang Ye.

The only information Liang Ye has is that this organization is huge, and with Gladys's organization, there will be no shortage of material things.

And they have no shortage of talents, such as Gao Jinglin, an economist.

No one knows what kind of elites there are in V, but the Security Bureau currently lists Gladys as a key surveillance target, and her every move will be monitored by the Security Bureau agents.

But Liang Ye felt that it was of little use. If Gladys cared about these things, then she was not worthy of being a member of the Locke family.

While Liang Ye was thinking, Zhou Yuying's voice sounded through the intercom: "Captain, we are almost at the foot of the mountain."


Liang Ye took another look at the road he had just walked, then turned around, sprinted two steps, and then jumped forward.

He jumped down the mountain with his head down, and the mountain was inclined at an angle of almost 45 degrees. After Liang Ye left the top of the mountain, his cloak quickly unfolded, and the whole person flew towards the foot of the mountain in a gliding manner.

The task force members rely on walking, but he can go down the mountain by gliding very willfully; it is convenient, quick and effortless.

The mountain is full of gravel and there are not many plants. Liang Ye doesn't need to worry about the trees affecting his gliding.

Lei Yu and others who were approaching the foot of the mountain turned their heads to look at Liang Ye in the air, all showing envious expressions.

Deng Xuan patted the dust off his body, and said enviously: "It's really cool, damn it, if I can do this, do I still need to wrestle?"

When going down the mountain just now, Deng Xuan stepped on a piece of loose gravel with his right foot and fell head-on to the ground.

The contact sound he made when he fell to the ground made Lei Yu and others feel pain.

It took Lei Yu and others nearly 10 minutes to go down the mountain, while Liang Ye took less than half a minute. His gliding speed was no less than a car running at high speed.

"Let's go, we still have 5 minutes to reach the evacuation point, from now on we have to run, hurry up!" Lei Yu, the vice captain, said loudly.

Tang Hao and the others responded, and quickly started running.

Behind them, Liang Ye, who was gliding in the air, smiled, then retracted his cloak; he landed on the ground smoothly, and ran towards the evacuation point with them.

He could have continued to glide in the air, and he could even glide directly to the evacuation point, but he didn't; because his teammates were running, he, as the captain, naturally accompanied them at this time.

The most important thing for soldiers to fight together is not to abandon or give up. Liang Ye glides very fast; he can't reach the evacuation point alone, and he can't do it anyway.

"At our speed, we can arrive within 5 minutes." Liang Ye said while running.

Lei Yu glanced back at Liang Ye and said with a smile, "Captain, you deliberately ran with us, we are very touched."

Liang Ye cast a glance at him and cursed, "You're so moved."

Seeing the two of them making a fuss again, Zhou Yuying and the others burst out laughing.

The running speed of the task force members was very fast, even Tang Hao, who was tall, would not slow down in running; although he was the last to run, he could still keep up with the rest of his teammates.

In less than half a minute, everyone ran out of the valley surrounded by mountains; at this time, the radio signal recovered a few bars.

"Communications have been restored, everyone." Zhou Yuying yelled at everyone, and then switched the frequency of the intercom while running, "The Ghost Task Force is calling the headquarters, radio inspection."

"Check to make sure, it's very clear."

"We are heading to the evacuation point, estimated time is 3 minutes."

"Received, the support team will arrive in 2 minutes."

After finishing the call, Zhou Yuying turned her head and gave Liang Ye a thumbs up, saying that there was no problem.

Liang Ye made an OK gesture, and then accelerated his running speed.

He has been slowing down his speed to let Lei Yu and Zhou Yuying run ahead; but now he speeds up because he has a little trick.

"Let's have a competition, whoever arrives at the evacuation point the latest will treat us all to a big meal."

After finishing speaking, Liang Ye quickly left his teammates behind.

"Damn it!" Lei Yu hastened to speed up, trying not to let himself fall behind.

Hearing that the last one was going to be invited to dinner, even Tang Hao, who had been running at the end, ran wildly, surpassing Deng Xuan and Zhou Yuying in an instant.

"I'm sorry, Miss Yueling." Deng Xuan took out his dagger while running, and smiled apologetically at Zhou Yuying, saying, "I've been a little poor recently."

After speaking, he threw the dagger in his hand forward vigorously.

The next moment, his body disappeared instantly, and appeared behind Lei Yu in the blink of an eye.

Zhou Yuying was the most aggrieved, she was a girl after all; her speed couldn't compare with these big men, and Deng Xuan actually used a supernatural power.

She pressed the communicator and said in an aggrieved tone: "Wow, you bully people, and there is a magician, he cheats!"

Liang Ye, who ran first, looked back and found that Deng Xuan had thrown the dagger again.

Liang Ye and Lei Yu have always maintained an equal speed, but now Deng Xuan used his ability twice in a row; in the second time, he successfully won the first place.

"You boy." Liang Ye cursed from behind, and then, not to be outdone, followed by using the ability.

(End of this chapter)

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