Ghost Task Force

Chapter 181 Leave

Chapter 181 Leave
Liang Ye let a gust of wind hover under his feet, increasing his running speed; the whole person ran like a gust of wind, quickly leaving Lei Yu and others far behind.

But even so, he can't compare with Deng Xuan who can teleport; although he can catch up, he will soon be left behind by Deng Xuan's teleportation.

After all, Liang Ye still had to rely on his own speed, while Deng Xuan only needed to throw the dagger.

The people who were moving fast could already see the coast. There was no beach on the coast, and the distance from the shore to the sea below was about three meters.

There are many reefs on the sea. It is not an exaggeration to say that this is a good tourist place, because there are no residents here, and some are just ancient buildings left over from centuries ago. Some are archaeologists.

The task force members who have been focusing on the combat did not pay too much attention to the scenery here. When they came to the coast, they could carefully observe the environment of the island.

"If it wasn't for this battle, I would have come to travel as myself." Liang Ye smiled slightly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Yuying chased after her. Panting, she supported her knees, then raised her head, and looked at Liang Ye and the others with an aggrieved expression.

"You bully girls." Zhou Yuying said with pouted lips.

Seeing her cute appearance, Liang Ye and the others couldn't help laughing out loud, but Deng Xuan just wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Zhou Yuying.

"Don't talk, you're cheating, don't be ashamed!" Zhou Yuying scolded.

Deng Xuan coughed twice with embarrassment, he really couldn't refute it, because he really cheated; he teleported all the way, leaving Liang Ye behind.

"Have a meal." Liang Ye smiled at Zhou Yuying.

Zhou Yuying acted as if she wanted to cry. If others saw her like this, they would definitely feel distressed subconsciously.

But what she is facing now is a member of the Ghost Task Force, and everyone present knows that she is pretending.

At this moment, two speedboats came into everyone's sight.

Liang Ye patted Zhou Yuying's shoulder, and said with a smile, "Okay, stop making trouble. If you lose, you lose. Besides, you can be regarded as the little rich woman in our team; you have more money than Lei Yu, I know How much assets do you have, don't try to cheat."

Zhou Yuying usually spends about the same as ordinary people, but in fact her savings are several times that of Lei Yu, and she also has a net worth of millions.

Although she couldn't compare with Liang Ye, she was considered half rich, at least she was the second richest in the team.

Liang Ye checked and found that she earned all the money from patents when she was in college.After joining the National Security Bureau, she also participated in the development of a lot of scientific research, and the National Security Bureau also rewarded her.

She is a wealth earned by herself, which Liang Ye admires.

Liang Ye's money comes from his family, so Zhou Yuying is better than him in this respect.

In fact, when Liang Ye was still in high school, he had helped the Yeshen Group earn more than a billion dollars; the net profit was also hundreds of millions, all of which was his own money, but he didn't want it.

"Is this support team from the army or from the Security Bureau?" Lei Yu held a binoculars and looked at the two armed speedboats that were approaching quickly.

There were five soldiers on each of the speedboats wearing combat uniforms and armed with live ammunition.

"The ghost task force called the headquarters, what is the origin of the support team you sent?" Liang Ye asked while pressing the intercom.

"They are all mercenaries. It happened that an archaeological team was doing archaeology on an island in the archipelago. That island is far away from you. This mercenary team was hired to protect the safety of the archaeologists. Don't worry, these mercenaries are all It is regular and has nothing to do with the previous ones, and there are still two people in this team who are from China."

Lan Siqi's reply made the task force members look at each other in blank dismay, and then they all smiled wryly.

They just finished fighting the mercenaries, and now they are in contact with the mercenaries again. It's very interesting to think about it.

However, Liang Ye and others still dare not take it lightly. After all, he does not know these people, so he must be careful.

"The Security Bureau asked mercenaries to support us?" Lei Yu looked at the speedboat slowly approaching the shore and the armed soldiers in black on the speedboat, and asked, "Is it an official form or a personal form?"

Liang Ye let out a sigh of relief, and said, "It must be on an individual basis, Lan Siqi will definitely hire this team through other means; to support us in such a short period of time, there is nothing else but this team. "

After speaking, Liang Ye gestured to the team below, then spread his cloak and landed towards the speedboat below.

The height of a few meters is nothing to the people present.

As the captain, in this case, of course, he had to go ahead first, because he couldn't be sure whether these mercenaries could be trusted, so he walked ahead, so that whatever happened could be resolved quickly.

After all, he wants to ensure the safety of his teammates.

The captain of the mercenary was a middle-aged man with a long beard. He shook hands with Liang Ye first, and then said in English, "Sir, we have received an order to escort you and your friends away."

"Okay." Liang Ye nodded slightly, but he still did not relax his vigilance.

At this time, Lei Yu and others also landed on the boat one after another, and after everyone boarded the boat, the two speedboats quickly turned around and quickly moved away from the island.

Liang Ye's worries were unfounded. This mercenary squad had no intentions. They were the kind who would do their best to complete the task after receiving it.

Liang Ye and the others didn't need to be vigilant during the whole process. The mercenaries scanned the sea vigilantly for any danger.

"Major, we have arranged for the reception. You are heading north now. A seaplane will land in an hour. You will take the seaplane directly to the Isle of Man. You will take the plane to Ireland, and then fly from Ireland will take a civilian plane and return to China." Lan Siqi said quickly.

After listening to Lan Siqi's report, Liang Ye rubbed his temples with a headache, but did not choose to respond.

Because there were mercenaries on the speedboat, he couldn't talk to Lan Siqi in front of these people; after all, although these people would sacrifice their lives for the mission, Liang Ye could not trust them.

And this method of returning to Shenzhou is a bit complicated. Liang Ye personally doesn't like it very much, but there is no way to do it.

After all, it was a spy mission, not a military operation.

After thinking for a while, Liang Ye sent a text message to Lan Siqi with his military mobile phone, the content was: "Received."

It was almost eleven o'clock in the evening, and at this time, Liang Ye's personal cell phone vibrated.

Almost subconsciously, Liang Ye took out his phone and took a look.

The screen shows that a message has been received, and the sender of the message is Xiao Xiao.

Liang Ye opened the text message, and the content of the text message was: "When will you be back?"

Seeing the message from Xiao Xiao, Liang Ye showed a heartfelt smile that hadn't been shown since the start of the mission.

To Liang Ye, receiving a text message from Xiao Xiao was the best reward for this mission.

(End of this chapter)

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