Ghost Task Force

Chapter 184 Lie Detector

Chapter 184 Lie Detector

"They want to interrogate, then give them one, I have a clear conscience." Liang Ye sat down on the black leather sofa in the office while talking, then crossed his legs, and said lightly: "I know, our strategic security bureau There must be no traitors; I also know the duties of the council, and they want to nip the danger in its infancy."

Liang Ye looked very calm, but his words revealed other meanings.

On the surface he is very calm, but everyone present can hear that there is a lot of dissatisfaction in his heart.

Otherwise, when he came, he would not be so strict with those agents who obeyed orders.

"It's just that they suspect the wrong person." Lei Yu said.

As soon as his words came out, everyone including Liang Ye kept their eyes on him.

The reason why Liang Ye looked at him was because he was robbed of his lines; this was originally what Liang Ye wanted to say, but Lei Yu preempted it.

"I know exactly what kind of person the boss is. No matter what method Gladys uses, it is impossible for him to join those broken organizations." Lei Yu continued.

Listening to his words, Liang Ye couldn't help but smiled, and then gave him a thumbs up.

The two grew up together, and Lei Yu was the one with the most say.

"That's what I told the council, but those old guys are not so easy to be persuaded, so it is still necessary to take a formality."

With that said, Li Shan walked to his desk, pressed the button on the desk, and said in a deep voice, "Come in."

A few seconds after he finished speaking, two female agents with black boxes pushed the door open and walked in.

Seeing the black box, Liang Ye couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and subconsciously said, "Isn't this a lie detector made by my company? A few years ago, the National Security Bureau bought hundreds of sets."

Liang Ye couldn't understand the products of his own company very well, so he recognized them at a glance.

Li Shan laughed twice, and said: "The Yeshen Group is now providing weapons and equipment support for the Security Bureau. This is a big order; after signing a ten-year contract, your family's assets have risen to another level."

Liang Ye shrugged, he didn't pay much attention to these, and he would not participate in the management of the group anyway.He is still a soldier now, not a businessman.

"So your family's assets are the number one in China?" Zhou Yuying asked curiously.

"It can be said that when the next wealth list is updated, Liang Anguo will be number one." Li Shan replied.

Hearing Li Shan's words, everyone looked at Liang Ye instantly, as if they were going to eat him up.

Liang Ye was furiously watched by them, feeling like he was going to be torn apart in a second.

"Don't look, hurry up and get down to business; I'm almost exhausted, hurry up." Liang Ye urged.

He really wants to go home and rest, it doesn't mean that he really wants to go back to the community where Xiao Xiao lived, but that he is really tired.

Although Liang Ye is a top special soldier who has received a lot of training, he is also a human being; he also has a flesh and blood body, and he will also feel pain and fatigue.

It wasn't just him, the task force was exhausted as well; it was just that they didn't talk anymore, because they'd been complaining since they came here.

Under Li Shan's instruction, the two female agents took out the equipment from the box.

There are many types of lie detectors, and the Yeshen Group has produced two types.

One is relatively simple, the kind that the female agents hold in their hands.

The other is a large-scale machine. People who are tested for polygraphs have to sit in the machine, and their hands and feet will be locked by the machine.Once a lie is detected, the person in control can give an electric shock punishment according to the situation; the electric shock can range from large to small, and can even kill people on the spot.

The council made such a request, but Li Shan rejected it on the spot, because it would be too much to do so.

Li Shan is very clear about Liang Ye's contribution to the country. Now the council doubts whether Liang Ye has betrayed, which is already considered too much.If Liang Ye was still allowed to enter that large polygraph machine, not to mention Liang Ye and the task force, even Li Shan would be angry.

Not to mention Liang Anguo, he still doesn't know that Liang Ye is suspected by the board of directors, let Liang Ye enter the polygraph machine, once Liang Anguo finds out, he will probably go straight to Beijing.

Jinghua is the capital of Shenzhou and the political power center of the entire country.

Two female agents attached sensor chips to Liang Ye's temples and heart on both sides, and asked him to hold a circular sensor machine with his hand.

Liang Ye is now shirtless because he has a chip attached to his heart.

His white skin and strong muscles were just exposed to the air.

Liang Ye's figure can be called a man's perfect figure. It requires muscles and scars, and the eight-pack abs look very shocking.

The scars on a man's body can be regarded as a man's medal, which Liang Ye also agrees with.The wounds on his body were left by bullets and sharp objects.

Although there are not many, it can be seen at a glance.

During the battle, Liang Ye would try his best not to hurt himself, and his skin would allow him to leave fewer scars, unless it was a serious injury.

Therefore, every scar on his body can be regarded as a serious injury.

"Okay, if you have any questions, just ask." Liang Ye leaned on the sofa, then glanced at the air conditioner on the ceiling, frowned and said, "Someone turn off the air conditioner for me, it's a bit cold."

He was joking, but it is certain that the temperature of the air conditioner is turned on a little low; now that he is not wearing a shirt, he can feel the cool wind a bit strong.

It's not a battle state now. If it was a battle state, Liang Ye could fight in a zero-degree environment even without clothes on.

"By the way, Major." Lan Siqi suddenly remembered something, and quickly said, "Kawashima Hideko has been captured by us and is being escorted back to the headquarters."

"Good job." Liang Ye gave her a thumbs up.

Lan Siqi has always been responsible for the monitoring and arrest of Hideko Kawashima, but she made all the arrangements for what was supposed to be directed by the eighth-level agent, which of course aroused the dissatisfaction of the eighth-level agent; People dare to say anything, because Lan Siqi's boss is Liang Ye.

"Okay, the video recording has been turned on, major, you can speak now." The female agent who controlled the computer said coldly.

Liang Ye frowned and asked, "What did you say?"

"The whole process of the cruise operation."

"Then how long do I have to talk, do I still have to go back to sleep tonight?" Liang Ye frowned, his expression revealing anger.

The task force members also showed dissatisfaction, after all, this was too much; Liang Ye was very tired, but he still had to be treated like this.

"Liang Ye, calm down." Li Shan, the chief of the bureau, said in a deep voice, "After this polygraph test, they will have no reason to suspect you, so you should work hard this time; An explanation from the council, and an explanation to me.”

After listening to Li Shan's words, Liang Ye couldn't help but sneered twice, but he still didn't resist; he began to describe the whole process of the cruise ship's operation, including the attack he encountered, and he didn't hold anything back.

 This may be the only update today, because my friend’s birthday is going to be celebrated in the evening, and I have to be busy with class during the day, so I can’t write.I'm really sorry, sorry everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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