Ghost Task Force

Chapter 185 Waiting For You

Chapter 185 Waiting For You
At two o'clock in the morning, Liang Ye, who had finally finished describing the matter, knocked on the armrest of the sofa, and said impatiently, "Is that all right? I've already finished what happened, what should I do next?"

Of course the two female agents knew how irritable Liang Ye was, and the agent in charge of operating the computer quickly said, "It's alright, Major."

No matter what order they received, the person sitting in front of them was the ninth-level agent, the youngest senior executive in the entire Security Bureau; the order of the council is very important, but no one dared to provoke this young major too much .

Without waiting for them to do anything, Liang Ye tore off the sensor chips pasted on his head and heart; and he also violently broke away from the round polygraph machine fixed on his hand.

"You can go back and rest first, I will let you know if there is anything else." Li Shan said.

Liang Ye took the clothes from Lei Yu, put them on quickly, and said, "No, no, no, unless it's a major matter that affects national security, don't bother me anymore. I'm going to take a day off, so don't stop me .”

After returning from their mission, the task force members should take a break as a matter of course, and they deserve it.

Liang Ye's narration of the action process just now is equivalent to reporting the situation; and he no longer needs to write another action report, which will naturally be taken care of by special agents.Even if no one is busy, Lan Siqi will take charge; after all, she is Liang Ye's assistant, which is taken for granted.

The lie detector failed to detect anything wrong, not even a slight change; and this also meant that the council's suspicion of Liang Ye was superfluous.

Li Shan almost vomited blood from Liang Yeqi, and he said helplessly, "Boy, you are a level nine agent."

Liang Ye shrugged, and said while arranging his clothes: "Of course I know my identity, but I am also a human being, and I am not in the army. Besides, the army also has weekends. Tomorrow is Saturday; our task force just After finishing the task, it is reasonable to give us a vacation."

"That's quite reasonable." Lei Yu whispered to the team members.

Zhou Yuying couldn't help but smiled and said, "It's okay."

Li Shan couldn't find a reason to complain about Liang Ye, so he could only nod with a wry smile and said, "It's up to you to make trouble. If an emergency happens, you are still the primary combat force."

Liang Ye didn't answer, he turned around and left with the task force, waving as he walked.

Even if Li Shan doesn't say anything, Liang Ye is still very clear about his identity and responsibilities, no matter when or where he is, as long as there is an emergency, he will act immediately.

What's more, the Ghost Task Force was originally a quick-response force of the Strategic Defense Bureau, and they were the first choice to send personnel when something happened.

But if the matter is not that serious, there is generally no need to use Ghost Task Force; it is overqualified to bother them with everything.

After the task force left, Li Shan sent everyone away, and then tapped on the desk.

He contacted the council.

Like Liang Ye and others, these high-level officials also experienced staying up all night. They have a lot of things to do, and officials like them who really do things have very little rest time.

And this is why Liang Ye was troubled, but he didn't go directly to the council to make trouble.

The first is because he is a subordinate, and the second is because these officials are all admirable.

In the elevator, Liang Ye patted Lei Yu and Deng Xuan on the shoulders, and suggested: "Don't stay here at the headquarters tonight, go to my house, my house has enough vacant rooms."

As soon as he said this, the task force members nodded in agreement.

"To be honest, captain, we have wanted to visit your house for a long time, Vanke Washington, I can't afford a balcony there with all my savings." Zhou Yuying blinked and said.

Liang Ye coughed, and said in a very flat tone, "That's because you haven't seen my home on Phoenix Mountain."

He pretended to be coercive invisibly, and instantly made Zhou Yuying and the others make a "six" gesture.

"Boss, this wave is stable, there is nothing wrong with it." Lei Yu gave Liang Ye a thumbs up.

Deng Xuan patted his forehead and said with a wry smile: "Tsk tsk tsk, I can't stand the captain acting aggressive."

Liang Ye smiled awkwardly, and continued after a while: "Don't talk about it, are you going? Anyway, we don't report here at the headquarters during the day, and there are still ingredients in my refrigerator. Let's cook it when we go back." Snack before going to sleep."

Everyone agrees with his proposal. They have long wanted to visit Vanke Washington, after all, this is one of the most expensive communities in S City; it is not ordinary people who can afford it, let alone that Liang Ye belongs to. The property of Liang Ye's family is gone.

And Lan Siqi had to obey Liang Ye's order. She originally wanted to write a report before leaving the headquarters, but Liang Ye severely ordered her to leave.

"I don't care that much, you are just my assistant, but you have already worked across departments; hurry home and rest, you don't have to take a vacation, but you have to go to the headquarters to report in the afternoon." Liang Ye's tone was stern, but his words The concern in it is undisguised.

This is simply a boss caring about his subordinates, nothing else.

Of course Lan Siqi didn't dare to disobey Liang Ye's order, she shouted "Yes"

"I know everything, don't try to hide my work from me; someone will be in charge of Kawashima Hideko's affairs temporarily, you should rest well first." Liang Ye patted Lan Siqi on the shoulder, then turned his head and said to his teammates : "Okay, friends, let's go; my home is your home, it doesn't matter how long you want to stay."

After finishing speaking, Liang Ye walked out of the elevator first, and the task force members followed his footsteps.

Just when Liang Ye was about to drive, his phone vibrated suddenly; it was his personal phone that vibrated, which meant that he had received a text message.

Few people would send text messages to his private mobile phone, and Xiao Xiao was the only one who sent the most text messages.

Almost subconsciously, Liang Ye took out the phone.

"Will you come back?"

Xiao Xiao's text message was very brief, but to Liang Ye, it was even more pleasant than getting hundreds of millions of assets.

"Yes, go back now, and my team members will be with me." Liang Ye replied.

"Great, I can't sleep, can I drop by your place, I want to meet your teammates."

"No problem, I'll let you know when I arrive; you can come and have a late-night snack together, and we'll cook for ourselves."

"Well, wait for you."

The speed of texting between the two is equivalent to chatting face to face, the speed is extremely fast.

Xiao Xiao is used to typing, while Liang Ye is born with an excellent talent for everything.

Seeing Liang Ye standing beside the car and not getting in the car, everyone didn't rush, because they all knew that Liang Ye must be texting Xiao Xiao.

Liang Ye usually used a military mobile phone, and he used the military mobile phone the most when he was in contact with Liang Anguo; as for his personal mobile phone, he only used it frequently after he met Xiao Xiao.

The task force members knew it all well, so they were all laughing and whispering, and no one urged Liang Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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